When did you realized all of modern medicine is a scam?


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The logistics of keeping a counter clean =/= modern medicine.

Mindless retard.

If you clean everything in 20 minutes...

Of course SOME sort of microbes will grow back but will the salmonella from the chicken i dropped on the counter grow back?

this isn't an issue with modern medicine, its a problem with corporations pushing useless items

There's bacteria covering every sq/mm RIGHT NOW!!!!!@!11@!2@#fag

ya but the shit that kills you wont grow back

Pssst...there's bacteria growing...INSIDE OF YOU RIGHT NOW


20 years ago.
Haven't been to a doctor since.
I'm very much convinced at this point that most pills cause the problems with people that they are always battling with to fix.

Unless you break your arm, or there is a giant ball growing out of your neck, there is no reason to go to a doctor. They are just drug dealers at this point. Who knows what half the shit they hand out does.

When I went paleo and completely stopped getting sick.

Just use alcohol.

>genocide the germs
>grow back in 20mins
>die in a little under 2 hours anyway because the clean surface leaves nothing for them to feed on.
Wtf dumb shit article (((spary))) fucker a shit.


I've never actually had pneumonia

H-holy shit. J-jim henson, is t-that you?

haha no there isn't I've just licked a bunch of bacteriophage cultures all the bacteria are being culled right now by self-replicating terminators hahahahaha

That is exactly what it says

Thats bad for your gut flora

It'll die again though, see here

>Not using boiling salt water to clean with
It's like you want me to laugh at you? I do however enjoy the smell of Dettol, it smells clean.

Yeah lets stop showering too since we are gonna get dirty anyway.
>/poldditors/ taking showers
silly me

Enjoy your days of diarrhea.

>pickling bacteria with brine
Torturing the bacteria has no affect on their non existent psyche. Youre wasting your time

>Sup Forumsdiddlers

When I studied it. It's not magic it's man made.

>Not torturing surface scum
>Not taking big whiffs of Chlorox

Shouldn't you be out capturing and torturing jews?

When you read about the opium monopoly and inflated prices.

when they keep people barely alive to further make them pay
when nothing gets done to cure people because that doesnt make money
goddamnit it all

>whiffs of clorox
I inhale both bleach and alcohol often, I dont contract my illnesses via airborn bacteria.

Also, just kill them, faggot. Dont waste your time pickling them with brine.

>grow back in 20 minutes
The stupidity is growing day by day
In 20 minutes you can't even get bacteria to cover a petri dish after inoculating it from a fulling grown culture

>When did you realized all of modern medicine is a scam?
Not reading much pubmed, I see?

>yfw OP is not only a faggot but the embodiment of the brainless wojack meme

Shouldn't YOU be out capturing and torturing jews?


>Not growing penicillin cultures on your work surface

>Not farting loud enough

Is just the jews trying to push their anti-microbal surface (((technology)))


Thanks for contributing to the antibiotic resistant superbugs fagets

Why not just wipe your counter down with bleach like a normal human being?

I like the way you talk. Do you happen to have any oil?

>penicillin cultures on your work surface
>work surfaces
Just lick the penisillen off random whore labia. You'll wipe out any competing bacteria in your mucus membrains and respitory system

>70% ethanol
>antibiotic resistant
Come on, man. You can do better than that.

>antibiotic resistant superbugs fagets
>Superbug fagettes
Wtf is that?

use what they use in hospitals and labs, a 10% bleach solution

The way things are going we're going to have to use nano or engineer'd virions to tackle bacterial infections. Antibiotics had a good run but India ruined it all.

Thank you for that, I shall try it.

He does raise a good point about anitbiotics becoming useless and the decline in exposure of humans to everyday pathogens, causing our bodies to become reliant on antibiotics for common infections.

Shits getting out of control, this precious generation and India have ruined everything!

the green mold on bread is penicillium

>10% bleach solution
Breh, they use UV lights and lysol foam spray these days

The blue waffle on bagina is penisillen

Delicious, would go well in a stir fry.

Whatever patzooz

You cook for me now.

No shit what Kind of brainlet wrote that article.

The Bugs still won't be in the Center of whatever you cleaned, the population will grow from those that weren't fucking killed lol.

bleach is cheap and easy to obtain tho

and in the ER I know for a fact the people who prep the room for another patient use bleach, you can smell it

Just like the jew

Funniest thread all week

From the people that brought you "There's toxic, mysterious, magnetic metals in your fortified-with-iron cereals"