What are you guys preordering?
Buyfag Thread
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why did last thread get kill?
Anyways, I wanted to buy an item yesterday so I bookmarked it. Today, I searched for said item, its gone. However, when I use my bookmark the item is there (add to cart) but in nip. Any ideas?
Have you guys heard of buyfags.moe
it's a pretty good guide for buyfagging
Nothing, but I'm going to buy GSC Saber Alter on a local convention.
mods deleted it
Linking the guide apparently makes it a general for whatever reason, and that isn't allowed.
Which website? I guess you can try buying it but they'll probably just cancel the order.
Why though?
Cause the faggots are power tripping right now.
I can't wait
mandarake, Im confused, because when an item is sold it usually saids 売り切れ. But my Item is only viewable from bookmark/.
because it had the buyfag.moe link in the OP. Mods don't want a "general" template
buyfag is part of Sup Forums culture
>delayed to Sept.
Fuck off GSC. I'm going to have to sell my organs to pay for my Sept order at this rate
> Threads which are Sup Forums related but have no clear alternative forms (such as buyfag/drawfag) are allowed as long as they follow these guidelines.
Well that's going to be a problem considering how not having the guide in the OP will probably attract a lot of questions to the thread. Guess we'll just have to link it to them.
Woah there, mods can't let that hot loop hole get through the system!
>Don't want to link to any guides or faqs
>Don't want any spoonfeeding
What kind of retard came up with such contradictory guidelines?
Why would I need a guide when I can just shit up this thread with inane questions
I don't get why people keep saying this. Why can't you just save what you would've spent this month?
Do we still hate Porkchop?
Nendo never huh? ;_;
How much longer till we're shoved into /jp/?
I do but the shipping doesn't get any cheaper
Anything that glorifies obesity deserves to be hated. Porkchop is a crime against humanity.
why haven't you?
>delayed till October
Time to gas the Japs.
You'd have had to pay shipping whether it was shipped this month or the next.
/toy/ fits better.
Why are some figures so much cheaper even when compared to those by the same company?
I think I might prefer that to these neutered threads.
have to have moveable joints to go to /toy/. Statueshit isn't allowed
Size, details/ease of manufacture, licensing costs, etc.
>Alter Plachta up for preorder
>Over 17,000 yen
Yeah, no. I like dat ass but not that much.
>Why are some figures so much cheaper
Pallet of colors
Complexity (mostly in the hair)
Number of extra amenities (if any)
Scale of Economics
Exchange Rate fluctuations
Company sale tactics
Chinese factory stop being greedy chinks for a month
Trump didn't slap tax tariffs yet
They also don't allow anything remotely lewd.
I'd be fine with that. Maybe we would get less newfags asking dumb shit.
>still not painted
Guess I'm waiting until 2018
what is the point of removing the links from the op. this thread is still a general. the only thing that this achieves is making the thread slightly worse. Unless they are trying to make the threads worse in order to make people stop posting in them.
It actually might depending on what you ordered though.
>They also don't allow anything remotely lewd.
You haven't seen the fun they had with Innocentia, Hresvelgr and the titty twins.
its dead jim
Any other Argentine banned in customs?
What is that exactly? A pillow cover?
I don't see why they would make a point of specifically referencing these threads in the sticky if they wanted them gone. It's more likely that they didn't think everything through, and after people started to complain and shitpost about how buyfag threads are treated differently, they're trying to do something.
Is Miia worth getting?
Then you'll never get it.
My kagura arrived today bois
Hopefully that umbrella can save her fall.
Fuck off cancer.
I'm really tempted to preorder the Aoba and Hifumi Nendroids. They're way too cute to pass up.
Read the sticky carefully, linking the guide in the first post is "against the guidelines" which the thread has to conform to. Can we stop discussing this now?
Butthurt lol
I hope that every user who posts that fucking guide will get banned, MODS=GODS
Do it. You'll regret it if you don't since they're prices especially Hifumi's will most likely go up after release. Aoba was going for over a hundred bucks.
And I hope you get cancer.
Didn't even try to post your oversized image correctly?
I'm considering picking up a second Aoba. Never owned two of the same figure.
>Never owned two of the same figure.
Why start now then?
fuck off, Sonone
Because she's too cute and it's my favorite series.
I draw the line somewhere. No pillows and dakis for me. I have figures and I go no further.
>buys nendos
>new game is his favorite series
The setting is quite personal for me, so yeah, I don't see anything wrong with it being my favorite series. Does that make you angry?
I'm still on the edge because
Not that I have any issue with nendroids, but i don't own any others and I much prefer scales.
On the other hand, it's much more feasible, both fiscally and in the chance of production, that I own the whole New Game lineup in Nendroids rather than scales.
is there any link to older buyfags' pictures of the month?, desuarchive is failing.
>not having fallback archives
Alright, sorry for my inconsistency
A figure that bins time and time again
July 2017 Collage
It's a Nendoroid you retard.
too bad this won't look as good as these pictures imply
hank hill butt
If they can make that face and hair worse it will be an accomplishment.
Holy shit I've been here for a year and a half and I never realized it. I think your diagnosis may be correct
I second his opinion. You are, in fact, retarded. At least you're not the Nandroid guy from a few days ago though.
You're a retard.
it's a 25cm 1200yen prize figurine, larger than op POP's Megahouse t+scales that's why I posted her.
you obviously don't like OP girls which is fine.
I went ahead and preordered both Hifumi and Aoba. I know I can save up the entire cost if I just don't spend my tip money on nonsense.
Do you feel there's a sense of peer pressure with buyfagging?
Like there's some sort of underlying ruleset that you have to abide to. You have to buy THESE kind of figmas of THESE specific characters or brands otherwise you're worthless in this community and nothing you want to buy will matter?
Or is it all in my head?
No, it's all in your head.
It's called autism.
>Or is it all in my head?
Whenever you find yourself asking this type of question the answer is yes. Yes, you are crazy.
>having a line
Just keep slipping the slope
>buying jointshit
Only if you care about what retards in these threads thing. Buy whatever you like instead of trying to please people you don't even know, specially when they all have differing opinions.
It's all in your head.
Your taste is still shit tho.
This has fuckall to do with Sup Forums telling you to fuck off or trolling you 'cause you didn't buy the new Wonderfest figma or whatever.
Point is none of us give a shit. We all want to die anyways.
I have never seen that happen.
Do you have an example of something you MUST buy?
>We all want to die anyways.
Hell no we don't. I want all of you fuckers to die so I can continue living in peace and snap up your shit taste for bargain prices at garage sales.
Was Aoba always so... sexual?
That's the spirit.
Anything announced at recent conventions (even if it looks ugly)
Anything regarding immensely popular series from now or before (You have to get a Megumegu nendoroid even if you don't like Konosuba for example)
Anything that preferably isn't a garage kit
Anything that isn't Chinese
Anything that isn't old (Talking before 2009)
Not him, but if you have never seen someone flaming a figure someone else bought then you must be pretty new here. Nendoroids and figma are the more common ones, but there are shitposters who flame people who buy anything they don't like, like Vocaloids, Fateshit, Idolshit and even prize figures occasionally, even if they're not shit.
Flaming people for buying garbage from manufacturers like BellFine is completely fine and should be encouraged. Maybe they'll eventually go bankrupt if dumb newfags stop giving them money.
anything that could be scalped for sure for a big profit.
Now I'm going to need these scales when they come out. New Game is going to burn a massive hole in my pocket if they make figures for the whole cast.