Post moments that make you unequivocally happy.
Post moments that make you unequivocally happy
I'm happy that Ed ends growing taller than Winry. I'm even happier that Al still ends up being taller than Ed.
Not Completeiron Warlock. Fucking show is a simpleton's explanation of real alchemy which is a pseudoscience worse than homeopathy.
Why is Al holding Ed?
Happiness is one of the emotions.
Horo is the closest wise wolf I have to a waifu and I really want a big happy family and to be self employed and travel around. I'm glad she found happiness.
Basically ever chapter of YKK. I still haven't finished it because I'm gonna be sad when it's over. I've been 10 chapters from the end for months now.
I like how it's the exact pose of their old family picture.
>Ed STILL ended up a manlet
Who thought it was a good idea to add the queer and the black chick?
In the manga it was just the Elrics and their spouses and kids and the panda.
How old is May here?
Old enough to get BLEACHED.
*rolling all over the bed in tears of joy*
WAIT- that didn't happen, did it? That series ENDED!?
Happy is a part of it.
they had one daughter going by the light novel
Do you have an autistic fit whenever you see a mecha too? Actually, how do you manage to watch any anime at all?
I have zero context for this image. Especially since I can't even read it.
>have zero context for this image
What do you want from me? I haven't watched the same exact anime you have. Whoopty doo. If you actually wanted me to watch it you'd say so, but you instead prefer to feel superior.
Is this guy a troll?
With my heart. I don't just see, I feel. I can analyze all I want but the experience is in my emotions. I feel and think as I do as a result.
I am dead serious. I've watched a lot of anime, probably nowhere what everyone here has, but enough. And I have no fucking clue what that picture is supposed to mean. What, is it like a studio logo or some shit? Or the end of a show? Oh fuck if you won't tell me anyhow.
I have never been more happy watching an anime than when I saw this for the first time.
I was grinning like a fucking retard for hours
Ending of Gunbuster. It says "Welcome home".
it's COLONIZED, get your memes right
Xing is actually bigger and more powerful than Amestris.
Hell the only reason why trade is happening between the two is because Ling is the Emperor.
I never understood why people are so into this ship. Sure, it's canon, and it's not like there was much competition, but I always found Winry extremely bland and the chemistry between the two lack-luster. She's strikingly boring compared to most of the female cast in that series. Maybe I would have felt different about her if she was more relevant to the plot.
This but only if Al and Mei are fucking
I really really liked this manga.
>the chemistry between the two lack-luster.
I disagree. The scene where Ed grabs the gun and tells her that her hands aren't for killing, but healing is so fucking good.
Roy x Riza is still my number one FMAB pairing though; number one pairing in general actually.
It's from the last chapter of Bonnouji, so I suppose it's spoilery. It was a fun happy ride the whole way through.
This was the hypest shit ever, I was actually cheering when I got to this page.
... Anyone else sort of kind of ship RoyXFemEd? Or am I alone in my retardation?
I've never even thought of this before, and I hate you for changing that about me.
Deserved it
A man of taste, I see.
Goku hanging out with Pan was really nice
Fuck off. Childhood friends hardly win already.
I underestimated you user. I am sorry. Godspeed and good luck in your future endeavors.
the fuck man
Apparently May is 13 and Al is 17.
user you need to lurk more.
By making those post you're showing everyone that you've neither seen this classic show nor seen people post and talk about it before.
It makes you look really stupid and it's like you're asking to be called a newfag.