Long nose thread

bonus points for Kaiji/Akagi characters

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ok have this inspiring old man













Speaking of which, I find the lack of Jews in anime to be very disturbing. The only show I can remember having a Jew is "Black Lagoon", and he wasn't even an orthodox one.


I must have missed that then. Care to remind me which guy he was?

This one.

Thanks user. Seems I need to re-watch the whole series since I can't seem to remember it was ever mentioned he was a kike

Bakuon had an entire family.

I want a remake of that

look at ohgis jacket

That explains a lot.

Best Cyborg.

i dont. imagine all the fucking CGI


maybe spike because of his fro, gun and his surname


>and in response to the popularity of the fan theory, Shinichiro Watanabe's gone "sure, why not?"
Reb Spaiku is canonically Jewish.

Not like it really changes anything.

Escaflowne thread?


Wow, the live action movie looks great!

What's this from? Not the rebuilds or the original series, I've seen both enough times

Are you implying Jews have big noses, goy?

Jews don't even have Jews


It was during the Neo-Nazi arc at the start of season 1.

>Besides, I'm Jewish. "Fuck the Nazis" is a family creed.

The early 2000s were painful.


Hackadoll the Animation
