There's no way "gamer girlz lul" like in Gamers actually exist in real life. Gaming is just used by females to fit into male social groups, not for actual entertainment. And making the school idol into a gaming addict makes no sense either since it would've destroyed her popularity long ago, which means it's just a shitty excuse to allow for the hot girl to fall for the antisocial manlet gaming nerd MC. Overall, shitty 3/10 SoL
This show is too unrealistic
They are good for healing and nothing more. Buff my party, wench.
Actually, most attractive female gamers hide their power level like pic related
And OP is the kind of faggot that flaunting his powerlevel in public because he has nothing else to show, even then he's still suck at it.
>making the school idol into a gaming addict makes no sense either since it would've destroyed her popularity long ago
How so? A cute girl who loves video games would definitely be popular.
Reminder that Chiaki is best girl and will win.
The popular chad was picked on and bullied for gaming till he stopped, what makes you think the same doesn't apply to blondie?
No, only fat bitches do that.
Does she have hair growing out of her ears?
You know teeth fangs and ass fangs? Well, those are called ear fangs.
Does this look like a cute girl to you?
If being a cute girl made autism over gaming ok seaweed girl would've been a normie from the get go. Instead she's a social loser like the MC, which refutes your point.
Or shitty design. Then again, Mahoromatic had shit coming out of her ears. She had those for picking up sound.
Despite her gaming autism, Tendou is outgoing, friendly, and helpful. Of course she'd be more popular than the lump of seaweed constantly hunching over a mobage.
>Has to resort to 3 different forms to hide her autism
I didn't know you like shit girl.
Chiaki was fat and had ugly hair.
This anime is unrealistic, there is no hot, blonde, popular and rich girl that would fall in love with a beta, manlet, friendless, average intelligent and sucks at his only hobby male.
Nope. Women want a life and a future. If you can't be up on that then don't even talk to them. Just be a ghost and take from your life what you can.
Wish fulfillment garbage.
Also, seaweed was the best girl before turning into a normal whore that lust for cock.
>Gaming is just used by females to fit into male social groups, not for actual entertainment.
That's your problem with this show? I just thought it was a piece of shit whose sole plot thread is MISUNDERSTANDINGS
>This show is too unrealistic
Is this the first anime series you've seen?
Not every female character has to be clone of the girl who rejected you in high school, OP. There are millions of them, and some genuinely like vidya.
I don't think that's really the point here
Dude it's just an anime, chill the fuck out. It's not like there's such a thing as a "realistic anime".
It really is. OP is ignoring the plot point that blonde is intentionally hiding her gaming hobby and keeping the club secret to protect it, because that wouldn't fit his shit theory.
you must new if you think anime has to meet realistic standards
The only way a beautiful gamer would pay any attention to you is if:
1. Streamer with twitch viewers so she can leech off your viewers
2. esports faggot
3. rich and in university
4. a Chad with a huge dick
>Using logic
Well that's your problem right there. If OP was logical he'd already know women can have hobbies because they sincerely like having hobbies.
>i want an anime that shows what real gamer girls do in a realistic scenario
I too, watch american cop shows so I can scream at Sup Forums for large amount of threads about how unrealistic attractive the cops are when real cops looks like moving teletubbies, regardless of gender.
Who give a shit about the definition of fiction. I want to my realistic cop shows.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
>Romance misunderstandings.
>Hottest girl in the show isn't even relevant.
What a waste.
Why is there such a large gender gap in the gaming community? Is it because every gamer is a sexist? Is the gender gap a social construct? Or does James Damore have a point and different genders naturally gravitate towards different interests (on average)?
>show a little clevage
It's just that retard
That girl only showed up for a few minutes and had one or two lines
Eh, a bit of everything. Of course there are natural gender preferences, but sometime people act like god himself told boys like blue and girls like pink when they is mostly a recent thing (and I think poll shows females prefer blue too.)
My niece for example really like to play games, though she is less skilled in it than her brother.
I want r9k to leave.
What is really unrealistic is that the MC is a casual faggot only playing gacha games but he still has a fucking huge poster of Uniel in his room.
Merkava best girl
You should try going out one day.
She is the key
Main substitution
Like Asensio in Real Madrid
It's a fucking anime. It's not meant to be realisitic.
>t. Brian who'll be in the kitchen
I just love this reaction face. The pain is blatantly overwhelming
My goodness this pic must have been made by the most pathetic faggot ever.
But Gamer is cancer wish fulfillment.
>Chiaki is best girl
Said no one with taste ever
She is the reason why the show fuels itself on dumb misunderstandings.
She's basically the source of everyone else's misery.
Is it possible to fuck her so hard she misses a combo?
Is the new ep today or tomorrow?
Tomorrow. That's why there's less Sup Forums ITT making fun of virgins because they havent fucked below 4/10 girls like they have.
That fucking faggot laughing at her from the door.
I was pretty upset about some of the new moderation coming down on Sup Forums, but I keep seeing threads like this and it's so fucking hard to disagree with them.
OP is right and everyone who disagrees is a faggot. There is a reason why popular kids and the gamer demographic do not overlap, you know.
This picture hurts because it's true. I've watched it happen and it makes me sick.
The most bitter type of virgin made this.
Great arguments, you retarded twats.
This. Moral of the story: don't interact with normalfags ever.
>Gaming is just used by females to fit into male social groups, not for actual entertainment.
Isn't that more or less what they're doing in the show?
Actually the show is about gamers leaving their comfort zone and socializing with the outside world
You wouldn't understand tho right bitch
I don't know how someone can deny this when we already saw how it happened with gaming.
It doesn't matter. The show is dumb. Let's purge this cancer once and for all!
I've watched this happen to many of my favorite games and am currently watching it happen to Monster Hunter.
virgin autists calling others virgin autists
Nothing new.
I've always found the idea that females are incapable of holding an interest that is predominantly male without the reason being to attract male attention odd. I mean I am not denying that it does happen, there are plenty of people that pretend like that. Just like there are some girls that like exactly the music their boyfriend and his friends like which they never even heard of before meeting them and so on. But at the same time I am sure there are plenty of females that played games all the same and hate those people that pretend because it makes them look stupid. There are girls that are genuine nerds too you know.
>There are girls that are genuine nerds too you know.
They don't exist and you will not bring this matter up again.
I think he is right. The problem is that you pay more attetion to girls who pretend to be nerd because they make more noise.
>watch anime comedy
>hurr durr not realistic
contemporary criticism is nothing but realism bias. It's shit
Yes and no.
No: liking vidya and being female and popular is socially acceptable and done. You just have to be hot. MC blonde chick is not a phenomenon.
Yes: MC male is a fucking manlet and would never be able to talk to the blonde chick, nor should he. When will they learn?
Do the game club members get relevant later on? I honestly thought the show would center on them.
My stepmother is one of the few females that enjoys gaming just for the sake of it. She used to love Resident Evil/Silent Hill games and has beaten nearly all of them.I used to play Donkey Kong Country with her on the SNES. She is one of the rare exceptions though. In general, nearly everything females do is to gain attention and attract a mate. They're much more intuition/instinct driven than males are.
What archetype does Karen fit into?
>be in Japan
>go to a random arcade hall
>see young and cute girls on their own playing games
Those are patient hunters user. They're just waiting for the right guy to walk up to them.
Somebody post that that girl with "the mark", you know, the one that was in the convention.
Would a Chad be shamed for it? If I was ripped with the nickname "McThundercock", I doubt anyone's gonna mock my hobby.
Found it, this is what a true gamer looks like.
fuck off
Are males really THAT pathetic?
Went over your head, are you female? Because this is not about sexes.
All the shitposting you see is not representative of the fanbase
World is going to be actual kino
>implying that doesn't make her best
more autism = more better
It is a damn shame that there will be no more Tendou cucking.
dumb autist pretending to be normal
Did you ever consider that you don't know most people as well as you know your stepmother?
Just for some context: this is a Broodwar "progamer" (she was only good in 2v2 tournaments with a partner and in 1v1 at some point she cried because she lost to a non-Korean).
She was pretty shit.
She is not the main girl so you are wrong.
What if you use a controller?
What if you have a decent mouse?
I want Sup Forums to go back to Sup Forums
Filthy casual.
>decent mouse
lol razorfag, drink bleach.
She becomes the main girl in the novels.
There are plenty of hot girls that like video games, the hobby is so massive that there's at least a few. Plenty of hot girls that like anime too.
The issue is twofold. First, if they don't want attention from legions of fat autistic losers, they will need to hide their powerlevel. I go to comic shops a lot because I like buying tabletop rulebooks, and every time I woman shows up, especially if she's attractive, every guy in the building drops what they're doing and begins swarming their shit. Man walks into a comic store, nothing happens. Woman walks into a comic store and she gets invited to 4 different games and has 4 orbiters the entire time he keep hitting on her.
Issue 2, if they DON'T hide their power levels, they sort of become shoehorned into the narcissistic bitch role against their will. Why? Because they're GOING to think the creepy nerds around them are pathetic and lose patience with them, and the creepy nerd fags are going to start eating themselves alive and need someone to blame.
Men either pathetically gravitate towards them like pussies, or they get all pissed off with their mere existence. It's the rare nerd that just doesn't care.
Tits or GTFO.
Enlighten me then.
Back to your containment boards
I'd agree if you didn't sound like a fat nu-male trying to protect gamer whores.
They want all this bullshit, stop being so naive. They get into those stuff just to get this same attention you're victimizing them for. Also, comic books? Seriously? You're so nu-male that it hurts, you faggot. Go enjoy your capeshit and live your "geek life" with your bitches somewhere else.
That situation also happens if the initial members are female. Is about social dynamics.
Here comes the chick trying to avoid a discussion about why she sucks and shouldn't even be here.
That's the true, you can't run from it.