Scanlation time.
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Scanlation time.
What are you working on?
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Any good cleaning guide?
>tfw reposting some translations to an untranslated/unscanlated manga got it picked up
now if only that worked more often
I guess I've been pretty interested in Yumekui Tantei Utsunomiya Airi no Kikan lately. For now, I'll just keep posting manga edits from it.
This is the only one I recall, but it gets the job done.
Download Topaz if you want to try and smooth things out a little, but don't overdo it.
How exactly does a translator (who doesn't typeset) show their manga translations to the rest of the team? Do you just dump the translated text onto the raw page around the bubble areas in Photoshop and save it as a psd? I imagine just using a text file could be confusing as to where the text should go.
Most groups just text files. Typically you can denote what goes where with line breaks and short notes as needed.
>>tfw reposting some translations to an untranslated/unscanlated manga got it picked up
Huh, which manga?
Text file
Right to left top down
If the bubbles are particularly confusing add in notes so the editor knows which dialogue goes where
Forget about sfx. That is, unless your editor is a motherfucking angel
I had the same concern but it turns out typesetters understand as much as you do and can just figure it out.
Our group puts a note for each page break and separates each bubble with one line. Everything goes in a simple .rtf file. Works fine when I need to proofread it. As a side note, working in .rtf means I can highlight changes and pass it back to the translator to see if I butchered a line, or offer multiple versions to pick from.
typesetting is boring
You shouldn't be using ESLs if you're translating into English.
Seriously though. Editor's shouldn't be touching the translation unless it won't fit into the bubble as is.
>What are you interested in?
Would like to have some translator work on this. e pin would be rewarded.
I'm facing a painful meta problem. I scanlate stuff and just post it here on Sup Forums. A group has begun taking my work, removing my release tag, uploading it to Batoto, and labeling it as their own. I tried reporting them, but the admins there don't seem to care.
Does anyone have advice for dealing with such issues?
>release tag
What's that?
>I tried reporting them, but the admins there don't seem to care
Can you definitively prove that you did the actual work first? General rule on the internet is that if you post something publicly online, it's liable to be distributed.
I know one of their mods, I can ask him for you if you give me the title.
Upload it to first, then on Sup Forums. It's easy.
I mean my group name. It just feels weird to call it that since I'm not a group. Like "[HorribleSubs]" is a release tag.
I can definitely prove that I was the one who did it. There are credits on pages inside the release which are now hosted right there on Batoto. I pointed them out when reporting the problem and also linked the archived post where I released it on Sup Forums. So the mods seem to be actively disinterested in helping, possibly because someone from the group stealing my work also has connections with the mods.
I'd rather not identify myself quite yet for fear of stirring up any more problems than this already has. I'm trying to save creating a public drama as a last resort since I know that everyone hates group drama like this, but that may be what it'll come to.
it's actually more dramatic that you're just dragging it out instead of just saying it outright and getting it over and done with.
>So the mods seem to be actively disinterested in helping, possibly because someone from the group stealing my work also has connections with the mods.
It's more likely that the mods don't care because the rippers are the ones that actually upload the manga to batoto, and you don't, and as someone that only posts to Sup Forums, you don't really have any clout in the "scanlation community".
This is the only real solution.
If you care about being credited, then you should make use of a personal site (just a basic template blog will do) and batoto.
If you post solely to Sup Forums, you can't really expect everyone to respect that.
Gosh sorry your naruto thread got bumped off the board for this.
I don't think it's unreasonable to try to get this fixed quietly through the appropriate channels. I don't consider myself to be a whiny bitch so I'd rather not seem like one to my audience. I'm just running out of options since the appropriate channels aren't working.
All true. I just didn't think Batoto wanted to piss off any scanlators when the community is pretty small. I may not have much of a reputation, but I'm confused as to why they'd risk hurting theirs by deliberately causing group drama like this.
Watermark the living fuck out of it, and in the water mark, let the readers know the situation, let them fight the battle for you.
If they don't care, you can always put your time and effort into something else.
>I'm confused as to why they'd risk hurting theirs
When Batoto first came out it was met with the most horrendous vitriol I've ever seen. It's why I stopped scanlating after realizing the kind of audience I was working for.
Also let's be 100% blatantly honest. You do not matter, if you stopped scanlating, almost nothing of value would be lost, this is why the mods haven't done anything. It most likely requires more effort to manage than it's worth.
I was usually a one-man team, but recently started to work in a group as it results in better overall result and I just don't have as much time anymore. What I do is just text files, denoting comments like in code (e.g. // or #), stating where pages and columns begin, making notes if the sign is complicated - or just downright putting TL on the sign in a PSD if it's some complicated chart that would take ages to describe. Works fine so far.
>shouldn't be using ESLs
In that case a lot of manga would just never get translated at all. A combo of an ESL and a native editor is quite fine, and honestly ESL translations are not always terrible, especially since most of the readers are ESLs too.
I've strongly considered the huge watermark option as well. I already have several more releases ready to go.
You can apply such nihilistic principles to anything. I just assumed that people who put the effort into running a manga database and having a quality assurance forum would actually care about its quality. Maybe not.
What site is good to download manga raws now since haruka-yumenoato is dead?
Holy shit, seriously just upload the chapters to batoto yourself.
So many sites rip from batoto, meaning that you get to propogate the releases to a wider audience while stamping it with your name.
There's no reason not to, so quit whining.
you buy the tankos and scan them
And how exactly does that fix everything that's already been stolen from him?
How does a watermark?
>Implying that I have money to do that
Nothing was stolen from him, that's so melodramatic.
He posted something that would have been lost to time, and someone else reuploaded it under their name since this dude won't fight to take credit for his own work.
Obviously the other group can't translate and just takes work posted on Sup Forums. Their group name has no value because they're just scavengers, no one will ever donate to them and they'll never be able to release anything requested of them. Either make the job harder for them or appreciate them for getting the work seen by a larger audience, but trying to just message others to get the work done for them like this is simply wasting time.
It would tell everyone about how there's group stealing his work and how the Batoto mods are helping while also giving the readers an incentive to care about it getting fixed so there won't be fucking watermarks on every page anymore.
Put some big-ass watermark on every page in the next chapter.
Or like those mangapark footers.
Or don't give a shit. It's not like you get paid for this.
Ask someone politely. If your request is interesting it might get scanned. What is it?
Well it depends if they're crediting their own translator for your work or not. If they are, you have the right to get mad. If they say Sup Forumsnon or they don't have a credit page, then I can't say much because this is Sup Forums. Unless you expose yourself, you're a droplet in an ocean.
will someone do Togashi new oneshot? it seems like a something MS or Jaimini would do but I'm not sure
Is there a way to scan things perfectly straight without having to straighten them afterwards in photoshop? No matter how I try, everything turns out a few pixels crooked.
No. The paper will always slide a few millimeters when the scanner cover presses against it. Just use a straighten script that works most of the time.
Even if you line up the page perfectly it might not have been perfectly print or cut... I've seen scripts to automatically crop and split multiple photographs on a image but those usually have well defined borders.
The fact that we don't get paid is all the more reason to care about credits. At least then you can build up a good rep to distinguish yourself from all the clueless newfags. No matter how selfless people see themselves as, it's undeniable that we're all doing this for something in return, even if it's not money.
If you want to cultivate any sort of reputation like that, then posting solely to Sup Forums is not a great way to do that.
Fuck off already.
but I don't have time
Just because some people don't want to post on a shitty manga streaming site doesn't mean that they have no right to get pissed off when it's used as a platform to spread lies.
Sup Forums is objectively a worse "manga streaming site" than batoto though
Sell your boypussy
New raws? Literally any DDL site, 13dl, manga-zone, re-haruka, whatever, just google the name + rar/zip and that's it, these sites steal from each other anyway
>I imagine just using a text file could be confusing as to where the text should go.
Not at all as long as you show where next page begin, what lines going outside the bubble, where is sfx, and probably each line separated for individual bubbles and two lines put together for joined bubble, or lines separated by panels.
Pic related (disregard the color).
If you're making edits in place, maybe you should consider a more full featured document format that supports revisions.
Yes, I use those, but I was wondering witch one is the best one in the moment. One more thing, how I use the re-haruka site? For what I saw, only if you is like unlimited member you can have a decent access to the raws.
Is PUBLUS seriously impossible to rip from?
No, it's possible but I don't know how.
Working on the early volumes of Ravages of Time.
Cleaning and redrawing takes ages. This page was fairly easy though.
Oh, finally, maybe I don't have to scan it myself now. Is this the collector's edition print or whatever that has uncensored art, etc.?
top is too vertical to read
I was able to read it instantly.
>works on my brain
it doesn't help that the font is terrible for the u
My group of three uses a google spreadsheet.
Those are just for me, to keep track on what was typeset and what I have changed to check with translator and/or proofreader later (if those available for this of course or care about it), etc.
Yea sorry about that. I should be able to pick up the pace from now on.
It is this version:
Not completely sure how much was censored to be honest.
I'll release a first draft on sunday. Then I'll listen to what changes the community want while I continue to clean it up.
You're fine, I just didn't know that someone was scanning it. I've been putting off reading it because of the cellphone-tier raws used.
Google docs.
>Real time changes
>Crossout text
>No DLing
No better way desu.
>using goolag
I hope you at least download final versions and keep them on your HDD and better yet in several other places?
Upload the next chapter on batoto, with a credit page claiming this other group is stealing your releases
I actually came up with the exact same idea ever since I made that post. I like how it's slightly less bitchy than watermarking every page and that can remain an option if the situation doesn't improve.
Stop being a fucking retarded faggot who cares about credit.
I've scanned, translated and thousands of pages all by myself, and I've never taken credit for a single thing.
What's this called? I found the name in japanese (might actually be japanese), but I can't for the life of me find more than whatever chapter this is
Well I've done BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of pages all by myself and have never taken credit for a single one.
Just don't anyone ask either of us to prove it since, y'know, neither of us took any credit.
See how that's maybe not such a great idea? Credits are important to your credibility.
Nah, when some other faggots pretending that they do the work that you actually do, making them a black eye is totally worth it.
Nevermind, I did actually find it. It was in chinese and I guess the mix of google translate fuckery and chinese being a retarded language made things more complicated.
I have proof every single page I've done, because I still have all the PSD files.
But again, I don't give a shit about credit, so it really doesn't matter.
But you obviously don't want to have to share those PSD files as the only proof of your work since then anyone could use them to claim credit. And most people probably don't even care enough about confirming anyone's identity to bother downloading huge PSD files to begin with.
It's much easier to just credit yourself to begin with. It doesn't hurt anyone. Releases without credits are in no way superior to ones with them. They're inferior since the readers don't know where or from who to expect more (which is a valid reason to not credit yourself if that's what you want). My point is that there's really no reason to feel good about not taking credit.
>Natives are making fun of us ESLs again
You know, you always can put credits on page themselves, between panels or everywhere else, like "my mother is sick" guy.
That's pretty much the opposite of good credits that don't hurt anyone. That's shoving blogshit in people's faces while they're trying to enjoy reading.
>It doesn't hurt anyone
It makes you look like a pathetic attention whore that wants credit for someone else's drawings.
>Releases without credits are in no way superior to ones with them
Maybe true in theory, but I know for a fact my release with no credits are drastically better than anything you do.
>But you obviously don't want to have to share those PSD files as the only proof of your work since then anyone could use them to claim credit.
I'm curious, do you understand how time works? Have you ever looked at a calendar? Obviously the first person to post the PSD files would be the actual owner. Plus, you wouldn't post all of them. Just enough to show you did it.
>huge PSD files
Ah, makes sense. You're poor, that's why you care so much about credit. You want recognition for something because you don't get it in your real life. PSD files are next to nothing with current storage sizes. Plus, they're even smaller than pngs when compressed into a zip.
>They're inferior since the readers don't know where
If they're not smart enough to be able to find something simple, why should you care? There's only a set number of places that English releases get uploaded to.
It doesn't, if it looks like foot/tl notes, not some retarded blogpost no one read anyway.
I refuse to get my stuff proofread.
I take pride in releasing an objectively worse product
Batoto has a group listing for Sup Forums. Other groups shouldn't be claiming Sup Forums releases if they're too lazy to do one of their own.
who the fuck uses that
just pup Sup Forumsnonymous
What, that C script thing? That's the only thing out there that can crack this shit?
Anyone have chapters 9-16 of Tomizawa's Enchantland ripped? Or at least, 9-12? Someone posted chapters 1-8 a few months back, but 9-12 aren't available anywhere.
The point is, they should just use one of the Sup Forums group names for stuff dumped on here and call it a day.
Scanning is boring-er.
In the groups I've collaborated they used a txt file. With bubbles in order from left to right. If you at least know kana and have watched chinese cartoons for years, it's easy enough to figure out what goes where.
>With bubbles in order from left to right.
is this bait or a cruel joke
We don't use ESLs. What would make you think that?