Black Team's biggest fuck up, when will this annoying faggot die?

Black Team's biggest fuck up, when will this annoying faggot die?

OP is, a maggot.

OP's a faggot who's mad he didn't see through Astolfo being a trap and thought him to be best girl. Now he cannot see through Astolfo being a trap, and cannot realize that he's actually a fairly good character.

Also, Astolfo is the last one standing, suck a dick OP

She's one of the only reasons to watch this trainwreck

Astolfo is one reason to watch it
The other reason to watch it is for Jeanne d'Arc

this pretty much

He wins.

Frankly, the scenario is not fun. I like characters except Homunculus boy. He has no individuality.

Why is he wearing a bikini if there's nothing to cover up?


>The other reason to watch it is for Mordred
There, better.

What's the deal with his lance, anyway? Isn't it overpowered as hell? Why does he even get access to such a powerful lance NP when he's not a Lancer?

Well that's kind of the point

Riders are all about NPs. It's not like he can use them competently though.

I have a hard time calling any character from this "good", The dialogue is so bad it fucking hurts. Also Astolfo is directly associated with the worst character in the show.

Great taste lads.

It's cute and moe

>he doesn't want to play with astolfo's feminine penis

What a faggot.


Am I the only person who thinks his hair looks like total shit?

>Trap slut
>Black team
It's like poetry.

>rider of black
What did they mean by this?


Why do you have to pretend to not like that cute boy so much? Why you have to be so insecure?


Yes, she. Because that is how to address a born male having gender issues and being transgender.

You'd think on paper, a 7v7 servant war would be fun.
But really the fun of Type Moon stuff is the sneaky way people fight. Especially in Fate with mages running around a city and trying to gather intel and assassinate other servants/mages by targeting weaknesses and making hasty alliances.

I'm anime only for Apocrypha but the development of the last episodes where they simply pit both armies against each other on an empty plain, have them jump around like idiots and not use terrain or personal skills to their advantage is making me lose interest. The grunt armies seem to serve no purpose either. Other than to seemingly increase the scale of the "battle". They just run forward and die. Maybe the winning army is a slight annoyance to one servant.

I want him to ride my black

What's Astolfo's secret to popularity?

Genki, fuj loving, friendly top tier trap.




Up on sadpanda when?



Stop my dingus still hurts

I really hope this guy is joking.

Astolfo is one of the big reasons why it is a trainwreck, but also one of the only reasons to keep watching. A character designed for fanservice is unsurprisingly one of the main attractions left in a show only good for fanservice.

Honestly the only things that are keeping me from enjoying Apocrypha as much as other fate works are astolfo, girl Frankenstein and Loli Jack the ripper. I mean, fuck. What were they thinkin? Imagine having the actual monster of Frankenstein as berserker. If they wanted jack the ripper to be a girl thats fine but don't give me a Loli. As much as I enjoy fapping to Loli that's just not right.

Jack is not exactly Jack the Ripper.

Astolfo won it, so never. And no, Astolfo is a crossdresser and not a transgender

source material already explains half of your complaints

>draw girl
>call it boy
>losers think this makes the show interesting

Wow, no wonder Miyazaki hates this industry and wishes to go on a rampage with his katana and murder all Otaku.

But I like Astolfo's character.

>Now he cannot see through Astolfo being a trap, and cannot realize that he's actually a fairly good character.

Post cutest Astolfos



I want to do very dirty things to him

Such a defenless, disrobed Astolfo would be perfect to satisfy my tickling fetish.



Draw girl. Say it's a guy. Make profit.

calling her "him" kills the attraction so no thanks

Why my balls dont look like that from the back ?

Trap drones are so easy.

Here's a boy and you can't deny it

Because you're not anime

He doesn't die in the LN and won the war as the sole survivor for team Black.

>rider of black
Not even trying to be subtle

She's a girl (male)

I've watched Fate/Zero, UBW, Carnival Phantasm, read the Fate VN (only the Fate route though), and watched S1 and S2 of Prisma Illya.

Apocrypha looks like absolute garbage and a shameless attempt at milking an exhausted franchise, but I'm kinda tempted to watch it anyway, mostly because of Astolfo. Anime traps are my guilty pleasure. Pic absolutely related.

Should I watch Apocrypha ?

You might as well and just know it's garbage before you start watching

>T. Drumpf

You're labelling this guy as a Trump supporter just because he's appealing to common sense ?

Despite his appearances, he's alright and I happen to be a pretty good judge of character. The problem is most likely you and your bias. C'mon now, name-calling is for children and politicians.

That isn't common sense, drumpf.
And most people who reject all notions of transsexualism do tend to support Trump.

You're an obvious troll, but I'll humor you.
Men are men and women are women : this is determined at birth.
There's a distinct difference between traps and trans "women". Traps are men who, while knowing they are men, dress up as women and try to seduce straight men. Trans "women" are men who delude themselves into thinking they actually are women. Even though a trap and a trans "girl" might look exactly the same, what's going on inside their heads is completely different.

I personally like anime traps. They look impossibly feminine, have female voice actresses and look way better than any 3D woman. Some 2D traps even look and sound much more feminine than most of the already hyper-feminine 2D girls. That's the appeal : you have a creature that looks like your dream girl, but is actually a guy. All things that would be rude to say or do to a lady are fair game with a trap. They can be bros by day and girls by night. It's a weird experience, a dive into sexual confusion, but kept to a minimal, comfortable level due to anime aesthethics. It also allows the modern viewer to take a dip into traditional, pre-Christian views of homosexuality, where the manliness of the manly guy stays intact, and the shame of gay sex entirely rests on the shoulders of the feminine guy. Any fat neckbeard can play the part of the manly guy, compared to an anime trap.

I wouldn't have any interest in a trans anime girl. Such a character would consider himself a lady, and expect to be treated as such, despite physically not being one. All the appeals of trapness disappear : it's not the viewer who's confused about wether the character should be seen as a man or a woman, it's the character himself who's being confused about what he is.

Anyway, 3D traps and trannies are both equally disgusting. Traps are a 2D delicacy, belonging in the same league as immortal lolis and monster girls.

Why did they give the literal faggot a female VA?

No i address them by the pronouns he, him, they, and faggot.

I hope you realize how utterly autistic you look going off on a tirade like this while completely missed the point of the posts you reply to.

Because he's supposed to look feminine, duh. It's easier than looking for a twink VA. Those guys are too busy with porn.

>T. Another drumpf

You're gay if you don't like Astolfo.

I fully realize it : autism of this level is fun in itself.


I mean not really. If someone from 4chsn thinks you're being an idiot, imagine how a socially stable person would react.

Damn, I guess I'll have to just live with it.


>t. hillshill
No wonder you believe trannies are normal.

>he doesn't know

Why does the black team suck so much? Will they be carried by Vlad and the Centaur until the end of the war?

>that one doujin where Astolfo has legit heterosexual consensual sex with D'Eon.

>not wanting to gargle his holy knight jewels

straightfags are the worst

>Caring about the opinion of a normie
>Caring about the opinion of the average Sup Forumsnon

By the way, Astolfo's design is absolutely ruined by his shitty flesh fang. What is it even supposed to represent ?

>And most people who reject all notions of transsexualism do tend to support Trump.
(Not true by the way)

>until the end of the war

Crooked teeth.

There's normal fangs for that, white colored fangs. Astolfo's fang is flesh-colored, and seems to be a part of his upper lip instead of being a tooth. That's weird.

Crooked teeth as depicted by people who have trouble colouring.

Drumpf and triggered by fangs of all things, what a strange combination.

>T. Drumpf
Nobody gives a shit about trannies anymore grandpa.

Fucking source please.

I like both traditionnal Western values and high quality anime traps. You seem to enjoy leftist degeneracy and subpar trap fangs, which is to be expected of a man with shit taste.

Ain't nobody bringing bullshit political speculation into this but you, grandpa.

I don't know, there's a shit ton of hot 3D traps out there. But what would a basement dweller know?

Fact is, I'm straight. I'm not gay enough to appreciate 3D dicks. Only the finest 2D traps manage to make it past my relative incapacity to experience lust for anything that doesn't have a vagina.

It's okay. I just go with the philosophy of, if its cute its not gay, both in 2D and 3D.


Is this the trap equivalent of a boob pillow?

How is Ferris rate "somewhat gay" when Astolfo is at "not gay" ?

Maybe it's a straight person trying to justify his love for Astolfo?


>3D and politics
normalfags ruin everything as usual