reddit delivers again! Apparently some insecure asians (hapas?) crowdfunded a porn shoot that for some reason is supposed to piss off Sup Forums and racists (notice how they specify white as if negroes like them). Frankly, I have no fucking clue what to think of it. Is it supposed to be offensive? Is porn starring asian men that rare? Why do they call it activism? Weren't asians supposed to be smart ones?
Moldylocks getting fucked by a shrimp dick? Were is this masterpiece?
Nathan Morales
Jesus Christ how insecure can these little gooks get? Look gooks, you're like 5´8 and can't grow facial hair, fucking one """white"""" ( mutt) on film isn't gonna make white women want you.
Jack Lee
Aren't Russians white Mongoloids though? Those gooks are rustled that Jews don't make porn with them banging white women. So in a way they want to be a nigger.
i kind of feel bad for gooks desu. they are so unthreatening that nobody cares if they fuck a white girl. its almost like lesbianism.
James Bennett
Carter Walker
lmao this is the saddest shit I've seen in a while and I come here
Chase Sanchez
Amazing. Absolutely amazing. They are on the same tier as the Robots who paid Xev bellinger to do a porn shoot. Actually they are even worse, the robots did it for fucking memes, these people are doing it for serious purposes.
Brody Moore
it blows my mind that white-hating asian guys seem to think that blacks are on their team or something. Like sure dude, blame your problems on white people (even though whites treat Asians better than literally any host country-immigrant pair ever has), whatever, but nigs are not your friends
Aiden Rogers
What a bunch of clowns.
Luke Moore
will gooks ever recover?
Robert Peterson
>tfw when people troll you for kicks so you show them by being a nasty slag and ruining your image, reputation, and your father's respect for you
She has a nasty jew nose too, only heard about this bitch a couple times but honestly she's only attractive from the direct front.
Isaac Thomas
>How can I get back at these white racists? >Oh I know! I'll suck some dick! It's only upsetting because it's not facial abuse.
Matthew Campbell
the peach bitch didnt actually do porn from what i can see. she does have a gook bf though. i think the azn masculinity reddit hired a look-a-like to do a porn shoot to "piss off Sup Forums". This is my understanding.
William Nelson
I am an Asian and I don't know why Americanized Asians are so cancerous in every way. More soyboy than soyboys. The women are more SJW than SJW's. Insecure, shy, weak. Uncomfortable in their own bodies and skin. Obsessed with being in touch with their mother culture but they can't even speak their language. At the same time they can't even fit into American culture.
I was so, so lucky to have parents traditional and redpilled on life matters. I would rather die than live like an ABC/1st/2nd generation immigrant. I'm probably going back to my ethnostate to raise my kids there. It's a miracle I didn't take the Path of the Soy.
Blake Richardson
>stay tune
Isaiah Anderson
or is this actually her in the imgur the russian posted? im honestly confused lads.
Gavin Perez
>Tfw Viet >Tfw we're not true Asians according to Sup Forums My genes might be nigger tier, my nation might be a literal communist hell hole, but I am proud to know that I am not a part of this bullshit.
Jose Peterson
what kind of gook are you? im convinced chinese and most of them are fucking souless bugs. japs and koreans seem ok but im not sure.
Bentley Morgan
>Tfw we're not true Asians according to Sup Forums literally nobody has ever said this
Xavier Smith
Most asians (chinese being the most prolific) don't have souls, sorry but thats the truth and Americanized asians just reflect that differently.
Dominic Collins
this. viets are some of the gookiest gooks IMO
panhadded buggy gooks of the highest order
Kevin Richardson
Nope. South-East Asians are subhuman niggers compared to the true Asians (I.E Chinks, Japs, and Gooks).
Christopher James
>aGAss seems appropriate
Christopher Martinez
they do not have souls, you are correct
Angel Gomez
chinks are subhuman as fuck
Ian Diaz
East Asians are like west euros
Southeast Asians are like the slavs
Landon Nguyen
that's fucking mesmerising
Jack Roberts
oh fuck there was a pic of a korean instagram hot chick posted not long ago here where she shared a pic with a shirtless white guy saying "my type of guy" but I forgot to save :(
Anyway, just wait until STDpeach dumps the asian dude to make a family with the generic tall fit rich white guy; statistically speaking, it's almost guaranteed to happen. And they'll fucking explode.
Jace Turner
I still remember when they tell actual Japanese people they should be offended by a white girl wearing a kimono.
Camden Davis
>that fake dyed blonde hair on the chick >that nose kek, so they collectively pitched in and PAID this "woman" to have sex with this skinnyfat asian manlet and now they're all gonna jack off to it? Wow, they sure showed us.
Logan Perez
You can get your ass sued if you help. That's why people there aim to kill people who got ran over. It's cheaper that way.
Isaac Morris
>Crowdfunding to pay for a prostitute to fuck on a camera to fight white "racists" rofl That's a whole new level of pathetic.
Joseph Cruz
We should "get angry" and send them a few messages. It will encourage more people to suck cock on camera to fight against Sup Forums
Ayden Mitchell
The most insulting thing for these azns must be that nobody really cares, mostly they are just producing a fetish porn for themselves and blaming it on Sup Forums
Joshua Roberts
I'm a Mongol. Hate Chinks. They're so Jewish they'll destroy the Jews, but not soon enough to save the races with souls. Run-of-the-mill Koreans and Nips are great in my opinion. Used to be in love with a half-Korean hapa.
Damn I really had to remind myself of that.
Jacob Peterson
can Asian men be any more pathetic? that they're so buttpained that they go and create porn with the purpose of trying to "get back at white guys"
my fucking sides
Kayden Wilson
try to put yourself in into the hellish mindset of a gook involved in the shoot or thread. what goes thru their head lmao.
Landon Miller
Do Asian DNA contain traces of Neanderthal genes? Contains. Genetic intelligence? Good. Positive impact on world history, culture, science? It is. Interracial relationships are not the best thing, but here I do not see any problems.
As far as I know, Asians in the US traditionally settled in big cities. Large cities tend to become dysgenic and leftist cesspools. And given the fact that Asians traditionally have a high intellect (read - easy suggestibility) - this should be expected.
Christian Thompson
Never mind on the asian smart thing desu
Andrew Brooks
wow, she sure showed Sup Forums made a meme of herself in front of the world because she got laughed at. well anonymous is not laughing now.
Gabriel Murphy
Can you imagine if Sup Forums was this pathetic? They felt so fucking defensive about their race they had to crowdfund and support porn where white guys fuck women so they could feel good.
Gabriel Gutierrez
that's one ugly bitch holy shit
Evan Allen
The male actor they hired is wayyyy more attractive than the actual boyfriend
Parker Cruz
i dont think its the actual bitch they claim it is. face is very different
Connor Ward
lol how about instead of fighting the white man. How about fight the niggers and Mexicans off. There is more of them out there than you.
Cameron Kelly
Jokes on them. The board is full of porn addicts.
Jacob Parker
They just want sweet, sweet money from "non-racist" retards for camwhoring a little. Can't blame them.
Lucas Allen
Finns are alright
Lucas Robinson
Burn the rice, pay the price.
Alexander Anderson
that is so pathetic
Hudson Torres
Consume the yellow, the pig will bellow
Ryan Wright
They're jungle niggers retard.
Nathan Perry
hapas are god’s gift too bad I’m a spic and most of them either like huwhite boys or azns with riceburners because they want their children to be even’d out into one of their genetics completely
it never works out tho lol
Hunter Brooks
Nice try Chang, I'm not really very upset Thanks for the boner anyway
Dylan Reed
hapas are garbage, if I wanna bang a white woman I bang a white woman
This mixed breed thing is not for me
Benjamin Lopez
bitch barely looks asian at all. just a white piggu
Cooper Perry
this but unironically
Alexander Sanchez
he wasn't being ironic nigger
Aaron Long
Rice culture.
To grow rice is very difficult, to serve rice fields - too. To do this, it is necessary to follow the instruction from the head of the village strictly. Plus hieroglyphic letter, which makes it difficult to accumulate and transmit information to descendants.
At a personal meeting, the Chinese are more like biorobots than people, and this is adjusted for the difference between cultures and genetics. Japanese is a honorary Aryans and Koreans drink worse than Russians.
>be me, an ethic Russian >my own wedding in full party hard mode >contest "who will drink more vodka" >against me is father-in-law >"Asians can't drink, GG EZ" >few moments later >i'm a drunk AF >"looks at stemwares" >holy shit, 15 to 7 >I feel sick >go to toilet, back >father-in-law did not even get drunk
Grayson Davis
that’s cause she’s probably a polynesian or maori and her pops or mom mixed with an aussie
t. I stalked her shitty insta
Landon Baker
you are a Canuck with an abundance of white bitches I live in commiefornia, where the only white bitches I can pull have daddy issues and/or are mixed, anyways
Justin Morris
Poor asians... smart enough that they know that they can't compete with us Insecure little gooklets
Josiah Anderson
That's some fucking bizarre revenge porn.
Carter Miller
The Xev tendies clip is genius, this is just retarded
Cooper Bennett
Fucking lol. Are all Asian men this insecure? I thought they were supposed to be intelligent.
Lucas Hernandez
have you never been to /r/asianmasculinity?
Landon Morris
Not really no
Michael Howard
>mfw its one of my favorite pornstars of all time
sweet, thanks for the free porn gooks
her ass is fat
Austin Long
my only point was, if you are into happas for that kind of ethnic look, she doesn't have it IMO.
Jacob Wood
link/info on the "xev tendies" ? wtf is this
Sebastian Phillips
>2k18 >still watching porn
Thomas Taylor
yes there’s varying degrees of hapaness
like Katie Chang for ex she’s my first hapa crush
Charles Bennett
You're a disgrace to slavs. No, i dethrone you from our race
thats the intro to it, its actually pretty funny, i jerked off to the full video a few times before.
Evan Turner
This is the future you choose when shacking up gooks
John Rodriguez
I don't understand. Why are we supposed to be mad exactly? I swear those Asian nationalists on plebbit are unhinged, but I don't know why.
Austin Thompson
They're tricking good goyim on reddit to fund their porn company basically
Dominic Torres
gooks try to cope so hard with their sexual inferiority. it's hard to give a shit about them, they're just so unimportant.
Justin Gonzalez
no one really cares about race mixing lol its a negligible percentage, people are only trolling here
Henry Lewis
>W-we're not nerds or dweebs but we have to create propaganda videos to get laid.
When will Sup Forums ever recover?
Justin Lewis
asian incels.... even more pathetic than the niggers always spamming bestiality porn here and larping it's why i'll never marry an asian, as much as I like them. i could never raise a hapa male.
i love xev
Ian Rogers
>24 When do they usually settle down? I feel like I won't have it in me to keep tabs on a female e-celeb for several years straight.
Brody Brown
Oyu Veyuru
Liam Reyes
Jayden Adams
My fucking sides
William Johnson
Dominic Ward
>current year >Still watching porn You're a complete cuck to be honest.
Sebastian Murphy
>N O O D L E D
Ayden Murphy
>"big Asian cock"
Fun fact; Koreans have the smallest penis of any race.
Ian Hall
I didn't believe that Koreans can drink so much. But it's happened.
Kosher nationalism: Asian edition. They concentrate on the syndrome, not on the disease. It's pathetic