Style without substance

style without substance

Wrong picture mate. I think you wanted to uploaded Redline but no big deal! Here let me assist you.

Redline was actually good movie

it never pretends to have substance

pretty lazy. try something less mainstream with a loud cult following if you want quality salt.

>it's okay that it's bad because it wasn't pretending to be good

So high school harem anime are good then, right? I mean they never pretended to be anything that they arent, either.

no substance doesn't mean it's bad, not every show has to have meaning and be """deep""".

and you think evangelion pretends to have substance?

is this a rhetorical question?


Style is more important than substance


It doesn`t pretends. It bluntly states its substance

So's your mum m8 but I still smashed her anyway

now that the dust has settled can we agree rebuild is better than the original except for mari who should not exist


if we go with the multiple interpretation theory I'd say the more diverse and open to interpretation a work is the more plurality of meanings it develops
but thats too much so just
>shit taste get out fag

>the more diverse and open to interpretation a work is the more plurality of meanings it develops
And arguably the more the writers can be accused of being lazy since no matter the interpretation the "author always is right".

this. episode 25 it literally throws everything at your face in big white letters on a black background.

Well, it was done out of despair, not because they wanted to look smart or something. You cant do much when you are out of budget.

>it's a "let's shit on NGE. maybe someon will fall for the bait this time" episode
Try it with monogatari. There's a season going on right now, you might get something out of it.
Also, only a newfag will be so concerned with such a problem as "style against substance", like it meant something in the first place. Truth be told, it's hard to find something that only does one or the other, specially with an anime as convoluted by production issues and the personal problems of it's creator as NGE was.
Don't be an idiot OP, there's not such a thing as a dychotomy of style and substance. Both things influence each other (one might even say that style is subtance and nothing else).
The problem I see you're trying to convey with your post seems to be how pretentious NGE seems to be, which I would argue that it's just a thing that the fandom created by being a bunch of obnoxious idiots who're obsessed with how "profound and symbolic" the series is (even if it does both of those things quite well, they're just too idiotic about it).

I liked NGE when I was an edgy teenager, But now 10 years later, nope. Same goes for Tex, Lain, Ergo Proxy. People grow up.

This. Now I watch mature shows for adults like Isekai wa Smartphone and Maid Dragon.

Redline may not have much substance, but it has some of the best goddamn style i've seen.