Anyone else have an autistic need to see an anime through, no matter how shit it is?
I dropped Eromanga 4 times and still ended up finishing it.
Anyone else have an autistic need to see an anime through, no matter how shit it is?
how was boku no pico?
I felt like that until I started to actively watch seasonal anime on a weekly basis in this years winter season. I never bothered before and I quickly understood why I didnt. Basically start with 25 shows and half way through the season am down to 5. Thats how it went ever since then.
>I dropped Eromanga
But that show isnt nearly bad enough to drop.
For me it depends on when I drop it.
I dropped Eromanga after the first episode cause it seemed really shitty and I don't regeret that decision.
I watched like 5 or 6 episodes of Koi to Uso and even though it's pretty bad I feel the need to finish it.
So I'll just wait till all episodes are out and then just binge watch the rest.
I'm only watching 13 from this summer season, and boy do some of them just feel like a chore.
I need to somehow learn how to not be a fucking retard.
I can drop anime easily on the first episode, so I give almost everything that airs a chance.
After I watch 2 episodes though I need to finish something, I can only name one or two anime I dropped after investing more than 24 minutes.
I was like that but started to watch ongoings in 2007 and it went like this I'm still finishing the shows that was in my backlog and turned out shitty and if the show is meh (not terribly boring) and I've already seen the half I can't drop it too.
I bet you didn't sit through endless eight.
I used to.
I can't even finish shit I enjoy
I have 1100 completed and under 10 in my dropped category and I'll go back and watch those sometime. I'll watch 100 episodes of something trash if there is a good side character in it. Some things I probably won't ever go back to, but I've watched some terrible shows and still liked them. Endride and Peeping Life are shows for example I probably won't go back to that are both recent.
I dropped s;g with two episodes left. if I stop wanting to watch something, I stop watching it.
eromanga and oreimo have dialogue that's physically painful to sit through. you're talking to an avid fan of loli and imouto, it has nothing to do with that. everything is just so awkward and sexually frustrated. on top of that they're both boring as fuck. I dropped oreimo but watched eromanga through just because my anime watching buddy wanted to.
>I've watched some terrible shows and still liked them
I did. Spot the difference surely got me through it.
>when youre left with 6 shows of which you wanna drop at least 3
Hell, if I really think about it I cant even really motivate myself to watch any of the shit this sesaon. The only reason I watch AhoGirl is because its 10minutes, I dont even get why I watch it.
A lot of shows I can tell are objectively bad (QUALITY, shit plot, horrible pacing, bad CV) but endearing/funny enough to keep watching or have a good enough character. You'd be surprised at how many good shows you'll never see Sup Forums talk about when you start watching more airing stuff.
You can like something while recognizing it has issues.
>1100 completed and under 10 in my dropped
>1% droprate
Jesus Christ how do you people cope with life?
Around like 09-13 I hardly watched any anime, in 2014 I started watching every show airing each season and haven't stopped. Takes less than 2 hours a night if you just go to bed an hour earlier.
>but endearing/funny enough to keep watching or have a good enough character.
that means it's good.
Thats not even what I meant. I'd rather commit suicide than force mysefl through all the seasonal trash that airs. Do you at least skip forwards at times or do you seriously sit in front of your screen and just let it happen?
It is entertainment if it entertains it is not terrible. End of story.
I queue up all the episodes in a playlist in the order I want to watch them and go to bed and watch it on the tv. I have no way of controlling my pc or the tv from my bed so I watch all OP/ED and everything and don't skip anything.
You know what I mean when a show is objectively trash and you like it anyway. It's like shitty pizza, I'm still going to eat it.
Pretty sure Another was a terrible show, unless it intended to be a comedy which I doubt. More than once have I watched a show for the artistic blunders. Hell, Xebec is my favourite studio and even I thought that Clockwork Planet was absolute trash. Why did I finish it? For that one dialogue between Naoko and Ryzu every 3eps. But holy shit was that show bad.
B-but eromanga is good...
>You know what I mean when a show is objectively trash and you like it anyway
no, I don't know what you mean. it is synonymous to call something good and say that you like it. "I like this anime and it's bad", however, doesn't make any sense. if you like pizza, that's because it tastes good. it's good. maybe I need to get some puppets on the ends of pencils to explain this...
I dropped Yuri on Ice after an episode. I'm still mad that show is shit
People liking b-rated movies is the same thing. The movies suck but you like them anyway. You liking something doesn't make it objectively (key word) good, it just makes it good to you.
Not at all. You can enjoy something while still acknowledging that it's hugely flawed or of poor quality.
and guess what? some b-rated movies are good. obviously you don't think they "suck" when you enjoyed them, that would be oxymoronic.
you could, and you would be contradicting yourself.
>Anyone else have an autistic need to see an anime through, no matter how shit it is?
Yea, I then delete them from my NAS.
>I dropped Eromanga 4 times and still ended up finishing it.
That was an ok show, not the worst. The smartphone show this season is worth dropping. I'm only still watching it due to autism.
What show out right now is inequavocally terrible? I need a 1 for my MAL/animeplanet
>some b-rated movies are good.
Yeah, some. You even just admit some of them are bad. That doesn't mean you can't like them even though they are admittedly bad. You're arguing semantics.
I think I hate Smartphone so much, I'm starting to love it.
It is like watching a trainwreck caused by the fluid of a thousand soaked pussies.
Look at films like The Room or Troll 2. They are objectively bad films in many ways, but still beloved for being awful and failing at their intended purpose.
what? of course some b-movies are bad. those are the ones I don't like. I don't see how this is contrary to anything I have said, but you've demonstrated it as though it is.
>That doesn't mean you can't like them even though they are admittedly bad.
this statement is oxymoronic.
>You're arguing semantics.
no, I'm arguing logical equivocation via linguistic philosophy. though semantics fall underneath this umbrella, in this case I am pointing out that without a context(i.e., pizza is bad -for your health- but I like it, this anime has bad -animation- but I like it), your statements contradict themselves. you have to give your positive and negative judgments of the same object opposing contexts, or else you sound silly.
>i like this, so it is objectively good
that isn't how it works you idiot
If I like it it is good. If I don't it is bad. Why would I be speaking for someone else?
the room is a great movie. what is awful about it? the dialogue and actions of the characters are unpredictable and hilarious.
when did I say anything about objectivity?
equivalence*, how ironic.
the person you're replying to said it like 5 times, are you even awake?
>2 people arguing about semantics: the thread
Delte this
To demonstrate how they managed to make a low-budget but also entertaining anime I made a graph.
>That doesn't mean you can't like them even though they are admittedly bad.
> this statement is oxymoronic
I disagree, I for example loved watching Sword Art Online for its great fight scenes and general intensity, even though the story is full of cliches and all in all pretty terrible. You can acknowledge that something is generally bad, but still like it for some of its aspects. Hell, take a real life example, we all know that fast food is shit for your health, but man, who doesn't love a burger every now and then.
Not the Anime but Bleach Manga it was so fking bad but I just had to know how bad the ending was going to be after spending years previously reading it.
The ending just came crushing down. The last fight was a complete and utter joke, and the author wanted to give up on the thing a while back, but pushed through a rushed story just to end it in some way. It's basically the definition of a major let down.
no they didn't. someone mentioned objectivity once, and it was irrelevant so I didn't care to respond to that part of their post. not responding to something irrelevant doesn't magically put false statements into my mouth.
>I for example loved watching Sword Art Online for its great fight scenes and general intensity, even though the story is full of cliches and all in all pretty terrible
this statement is not oxymoronic, because it puts your views into contexts that prevents positive and negative indicators from contradicting each other.
>You can acknowledge that something is generally bad, but still like it for some of its aspects.
this statement does contradict itself, because you cannot by definitions of the words "like something bad", unless you ironically choose to get into semantics. you could say "this is generally bad, but I like some of it's aspects" or "this is generally good, but I dislike some of it's aspects" and not contradict yourself, but the statement "this is generally bad but I like it" is linguistically oxymoronic.
>who doesn't love a burger every now and then.
burgers taste(context) good, but are bad for your health(separate context).
should have broken out the puppets. would have been easier.
Smartphone isn't 'so bad it's good'- that's Akikian. Smartphone is enjoyable to hate. You can't like it, it's not good, but you can enjoy hating it.
>no they didn't. someone mentioned objectivity once
You are just pretending to be retarded. It should have been obvious from your redditspacing.
How can you hate it, it's like sao but with a childhood innosence which i find fucking adorable.
I think we're generally in agreement here. You can like some aspects of a show that you think is bad.
>unless it intended to be a comedy which I doubt
Of course it was intended to be a comedy. I don't even know how to describe someone who actually think that industry pros like those who worked on Another couldn't see they were making a comedy.
Utsu Musume Sayuri
>But that show isnt nearly bad enough to drop.
Do you also eat food from the floor?
>Do you also eat food from the floor?
You don't?
The floor is fairly clean.
Eromanga is clearly way too shit to not drop though.
Depends on how nasty is the floor and what type of the food?
Soup and shag carpet desu