MC is beta, weak and useless at the start of the series

>MC is beta, weak and useless at the start of the series
>he stays that way forever

Just like IRL

>MC is beta, weak and useless at the start of the series
>he becomes Kamina after the timeskip

Is this really any better though?

Looks like you didn`t understood

do you dislike 98% of all anime?

Exaggeration. Meant that change isn't always good for a character. I thought that part of TTGL was handled fine though.

Well, if Kamina was his mentor its not a surprise that he grows into Kamina.

>New Kamina mentors more people into more Kaminas
>Kamina is actually a self-replicating psy-organism

It was perfect

Thats pretty much how life works

Life is a collection of memes

No, life is genetic. Kamina is an infective meme that turns minds into more Kaminas.

Life is genetic AND memetic. Both memes and genes define individual.

>kid is an angry artist in the series
>ends up as a vegetable

Even bacteria are life, but they don't have minds.

I was talking about humanity

>kid is an angry artist in the series

Satania a shit

>kid is an angry artist in the series
>ends up as tang

>pic related

>MC is a successful and productive member of modern Japanese society
>ends up as an aryan loli

Hate it when that happens.

Women will never understand

I think this is the first time anyone has accurately called me out for being a girl on Sup Forums. Usually its the exact opposite, maybe I should open with just shitting on Kamina if it ever comes up again lol

Please be in London

>all the girls still want his dick because he is "nice"


Perth, Australia Sorry, haha.

>MC is a dumb teenager
>somehow easily defeats people are that are older, bigger, and more experienced after shouting really loud

and MC is a girl too.

I appreciate this in anime, it encourages younger and weaker guys to stand up for themselves and try against all odds which makes it funny when they get their asses handed to them in real life



Uh oh, haha

We need more pragmatic heroes.