ITT: Good looks, terrible personalities.
ITT: Good looks, terrible personalities
OP said good looks.
>terrible personalities
Pic unrelated?
Satania is adorable and my daughteru. Do not bully.
Should have posted Mero tbhfamalamdingdong
Miss eyebrows herself. Her sister was alright.
>terrible personality
You are wrong.
kamina died for this dumb bitch
What's wrong with Miia
>good looks
*died because of her
i'm guessing this is just bait because i don't see anything too wrong with miia's personality, but op hasn't replied to anyone
Miia is rapey, violent, and obsessive. The only thing keeping her from being a full-blown yandere is her incompetence.
Great looks, no personality.
>implying that's bad
Also, when is she particularly violent? The only times MC gets hurt by her clearly isn't on purpose, she's just gets too clingy and forgets her own strength. And the only reason the MC wasn't balls deep in her in the beginning was the law prohibiting them from fucking, but yeah, the full moon stuff was pretty rapey.
>doombitch lol
t. niafag
>show ends with her being old and alone
I am alright with that as her penance
She was extremely rapey from the get-go. The Darling-kun repeatedly says "no" but she keeps dragging him in, undressing him, pushing herself on him, etc. After the reveal that her initial goal was to bring him to her village where he would get repeatedly raped by every single woman there things look even worse.
It's Simon's fault that he died though
No, it was his own arrogance
Its called manliness
Call it whatever you want, its still the main reason he died
Aah, yes, I remember the chapter where she realized she was getting fat and needed to go to the gym too!
She just wants to do lewd stuff and ride Guts Sword