This is the most beautiful man in the world. Say something to him.
This is the most beautiful man in the world. Say something to him
How's that dick? Did it ruin your boipussy?
Please kill yourself and your demon pals ASAP. Thanks.
>implying Griffith's new body doesn't come with a brand new extra tight, self-lubricating boipussy that's ribbed for his pleasure
It doesn't, Godhands don't have anuses.
Griffith has a dick. If he has genitals, he must have an anus too.
>implying he didn't have to use a strap-on
I'd be extremely surprised if the king let him keep his dick.
Nigga he's an all-powerful god, he can make 20 dicks burst out of his forehead if he wants to.
You did nothing wrong
You say that, but all I see there is a smooth Ken Doll crotch.
Really, user?
I would love to see him fuck Guts.
He has a retractable penis like a reptile or a dolphin. It stays inside his body most of the time since he doesn't wear clothes and it would suck if he had to walk around with his dick swinging around all the time.
Prove it.
Someone post the webm of him fucking Casca, you can see his dick in that.
He looked better before he became Femto. Post eclipse he just looks like a blow up sex doll.
How would Guts look if he used the egg? Like that hound?
Google "Berserk killerbambi dj"
Sigh.. They were so cute together during the golden age
Do you see it in full detail, are there closeups? Do we for a fact see that there are no kind of straps or artificial attachment points?
Thank you.
I miss the time when Griffith was a slutty tsundere girl.
Maybe half mad hound half human. It would be interesting to see what he'd look like.
Y'all niggas need Jesus.
Oh for fuck's sake, you tell me.
What is that, a thrice saved .jpeg of a 240p video?
And Guts needs a good fucking.
If by Jesus you mean Griffith's boipussy, I sure do need Jesus.
what is that
febto benis in gasga bagina :DDDD DDDDD
>that position
Griffith is just sitting on his leg.
Not lewd at all.
They're engaging in foreplay, user. Foreplay is very important.
you look like Leif Garret circa 1978, wonder what happened to him by 2017 hmmm?
Probably like Zodd, considering he's his dad
Stop this gay ass meme.
As opposed to all the other gay memes in this thread?
Griffith's gaping asshole leaking the cum of a hundred old men is less gay than faggots who say that Zodd is Guts' dad.
More like he only looked good in the old anime. Miura always draws him looking like a creepy girl with botox lips.
I disagree, I think Griffith reached his peak during the golden age films. He's the perfect combination of beautiful and intimidating.
These lips suck old men's dicks
he's white
I disagree, Griffith's face and especially his eyes were perfect in the old anime. I remember some scene where he fucking death stared some guy before leaving
I just prefer him looking feminine the way he does in the manga. But to each their own.
Agreed. I hate his movie version because he looks empty and lacks personality.
>claims to be the world's best and most professional torturer
>claims to have dissected Griffith's face
>in reality, he pussied out and left Griffith's face completely untouched
What a shithead. Why even?
>I would love to see Guts fuck him.
No, I want to watch Guts get fucked.
>googled "young Guts" to get more pictures
>found this image
Holy fuck, now I'm sad.
He probably fucked him a couple of times pretending he was a girl.
>he doesn't know
I cant
Am I the only one that absolutely loves Griffith's look in the movies ?
Here, have it not cropped.
I bet feminists complained that the article was promoting rape culture. Everyone who has a strong hatred towards Griffith is a feminist until proven otherwise.
I love it too. The movies were my first exposure to Berserk, though, and they're my favorite adaption because of it. The dart scene felt real as fuck, unlike in the manga where the paneling doesn't make the treat seem real.
I'm a feminist and a Griffith apologist.
Article is pretty good desu
>hqdefault (1)
You have no floor to stand on.
He might look good in the old anime, but the manga is just unbeatable, he's just so expressive and manages to be childish, effeminate, manly and imposing as fuck when he needs to be.
In the anime he's a handsome dude with long hair, not that it looks bad, but it loses the whole otherworldly aura Griffith is supposed to have.
I want to fuck him, full homo.
>Griffith becomes more effeminate and childlike but his face loses all expressiveness after his rebirth
It's like pottery, it rhymes.
I want Berserk to end similarly to the movie Das Parfum, with the people of Falconia being so awestruck by Griffith's heavenly beauty and becoming so desperate to touch him that they fly into a frenzy and gang-rape him to death.
Yeah, that would be nice. Reverse sacrifice.
I wish I was as hot as Griffith.
I feel like rather than Guts killing Griffith, it should be the people who loved him and looked up to him.
Why he dodged the question?
That's shopped, right? I can't even remember anymore.
>that fat ass and thighs
How easy it would be to just pull him off his horse, rip a hole in the back of his pants, and insert your dick
The movie captured how ridiculously beautiful Griffith was
Reminder that Golden Age and Lost Childrean are the only good thing about the manga.
>Lost Childrean
Whats so good about it?
he looks like shit here. More feminine and delicate Griffith is the best Griffith
>Guts alone, with no RPG party or tards
>cool, interesting, disturbing monsters
>great self-contained story
>great girls
>some of the best fights
>great Guts/Jill interaction
>great Guts character development
It's completely real.
I know most of you would a Griffith, but would you a Femto?
I mean, look at those lips.
Femto is even more beautiful so yeah
I wonder if Femto can magically give himself a pussy and a womb. I mean, won't he want heirs to rule Falconia at some point?
i don't think he plans to die or retire anytime soon, or ever. So no heir required.
Also pussy would ruin everything.