Remember to always tanoshii
Kemono Friends
Other urls found in this thread:
What will happen in Season 2, Sup Forums?
I find it harder to believe everyday that a production team consisting of only 10 people were able to kick the fuck out of shows like saga of tanya and maid dragon.
Serval Jump
That's because those were just adaptions, KF gave people something new, interesting and funny.
Hell even I got that nostalgic feeling of adventure and discovery while watching it and the specula it created on Sup Forums gave me the same sense of nostalgia of the old Sup Forums when we were free of yurifag raids and Sup Forums memes.
Calling it now, this thread will be deleted. Read the sticky and make sure the OP has an actual discussion topic (even if we then ignore that topic for the rest of the thread).
I'm going to mate with TWO jags?!
janpu ryoku
I didn't noticed the sticky. Well, fuck me. See ya in the next thread.
>didn't notice the sticky
I only use the catalog mode, so I thought that it was a really popular thread or a thread getting constantly bumped.
I didn't either. I only ever look at what's at the top of neet catalog, because of filters.
>didn't read the thread? is the discussion topic, friends.
K-on Serval is cute enough to f***!
Is Fennec VA unpopular?
DragonBall one is surprisingly cute.
it's most boring
merely covering wig
K-on Serval is most boring? I agree.
Postin' in Illegal thread.
Kaban gets kidnapped.
Serval dies.
Fennec gets involved romantically with another Friend.
A depressed Arai-san critically injures herself.
If Kaban was my mom things would be different around here
Is this a belly button? Is it legal to marry a sea lion?
The AoT one is basically Armin
I'm just saying this to keep the threads from being deleted in the future. One of the recent threads was deleted for not having anything in the OP even though we were discussing the new museum news in the thread itself.
Fuck the police
these ocean friends sure do have a lot of blubber
She needs more art.
Ummm.... where has your finger been....?
Japari pudding
Damn it every time.
>Ninniku drew more KF art
Soon, he will make a KemoFure doujin.
What music other than the PPP would Friends listen to?
Why is this friend so gorgeous when her animal form is so hideous?
Bless the sandstar
That's a long rat.
I think all of them are traced. But that's still some level of devotion.
They are also edible
Isn't she supposed to be a Bornean orangutan? They are pretty cool.
Everything that isn't poisonous is edible.
What else would it be?
>those shapely thighs
>those vagina bones
>those exposed feet
>those plump tits
Oh yes.
You know what's not 楽しい? Pic related never getting scanned.
Same thing with these hideous birds
>Poor Little White Shoebill
>tfw no friend version of my favorite animal
t. Moose
What if Kemono Friends was actually presented by Steve Irwin?
Sandstarred Kururu looks just like his magical girl mecha suit.
I'm pretty sure that would be the best thing imaginable.
Planet Friends narrated by Attenborough
I wonder what it can be.
Hirame can't go unscanned.
Kemono Frizzle narrated by Snoop Dogg
These videos are getting better and better.
Is there anything that you can't combine with KF?
Wonderful. Reminds me of the good old days of the internet.
This isn't as esoteric as Jaguar, but God it is beautiful.
Old school internet stuff goes really well with sandstar meme magic.
i don't get it, is the video a parody of the song's music video?
This is a comfy thread. I like it here.
this on loop all day every day
Anybody got that comic with Kaban making the Friend dolls kiss
I think I understand why neither moot nor Hiro ever allowed sound webms to exist outside of a few boards now. That would pretty much turn every board into /f/, thus killing /f/ for good, which would be depressing.
fuck you they are cute
imagine: a Kemono Friends version of
which moment kf astonished you the most Sup Forums?
I would settle with this but instead of killing you play prey to win Japari buns and keep a territory.
This game also worked in a post apocalyptic Japan so the transition would be quite cool, also cool as fuck cute pomeranian vs velociraptors.
WAtAAasHI waaA ToOooKIIii~!
NakaMAaaA o sAGEshi teruuUU!
Doko nI IRu no nakama-tachi!
waTAAAAAshi no nakAAAaAMAA!
a nakama.
That's a really cute Margay smile in the end.
What song is that?
Those sneaky fuckers live in the forest around me but I've never seen one.
why are they attempting to corrupt one of my top 3 Friends? Also, I feel like Jaguar should be incorporated into this meme more
Bossu made me believe in cute mascots again. I want to fluff the lucky beasts.
Every time.
Japanese fans are on a complete different league.
That was hilarious.
why does Fennec hang out with that dumb trash panda anyways?