Do you agree? Why or why not?

Do you agree? Why or why not?

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There is no god, degenerate mongoloid.

enjoy paying a priest to rape your children.

"But I thought god could be found at the end of a barrel"

"That's correct honey"

That's actually pretty funny.

school should be reserved for teaching truth.

>give no stance on the issue, merely open up discussion
>immediately, and aggresively, accused of taking a side
Who is truly the mongoloid here

You.... he's a kike.

Whose truth?

Disagree. Greed, manipulation, lies and deceit are not going to make things better.

Deep. Powerful.

It is true. People have been deprived of a core belief system. They feel lost and without purpose. The substitutes we have been given - mindless hedonistic pursuits - are not filling the void. It's driving people insane.

So you agree God should be in schools.


God is in a pissing match with Satan who claimed that people only worship God because God takes care of them, so to prove otherwise he lets things happen that test mans faith. Read Job, its all there.

Thank goodness shootings never happen at Christian churches. Otherwise this shirt would be retarded.


>tfw the jews are planning to arm teachers in america in order to kill as many american children as possible legally

imagine being a new parent, knowing that in 5+ years when your child starts school the chance of either a classmate or a teacher killing your child is 90%+

Best post

How dare you insinuate that churches are synonymous with God. Most churches are institutions of heresy.

God bantz

Where did the goal posts go, it's like they suddenly moved.

What goal posts

The true church of God is in the soul of every man. Whether you attend that church is your choice.

There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Kek. Based Union Jack

Thank goodness shootings never happen to "real" Christians. Otherwise this shirt would be retarded.

The shirt doesn't say anything about Christians getting shot.

“God,” doesn’t allow violence, anymore than that statement makes a circular argument assuming such exists. Perhaps the folly of man is, they use fucking guns in bad fucking ways and our schools need to protect the children from these rogue actors of the state. End of story. Stop with the religious nonsense. The harder it is pushed, the more it sounds like an AA meeting, or cult.

Yes it does. It implies the God will protect people from shootings. There's no evidence to suggest that Christians experience less shootings than secular people.

>using words like "evidence" in an argument with a religious person
not even trips will help you here my dude.

Actually there is evidence to suggest that. Shootings are happening much more frequently now that God has been phased out of schools. Not only schools but society as a whole.
It's not that God would protect them from shootings, but if people still believed in God they would be far less inclined to such courses of action.

kek. i think the violence happens because you are forced to be in close contact with assholes like this.

it's enough to make anyone snap.

but god allows shootings in churches

if god is omnipotent how is he not able to be in school
checkmate theist

Right wing: 1
Left wing: 0

God allows violence in schools because of comic sans

Hold on, has there ever been a shooting at a catholic school? I don't even remember shootings at any private schools.

I see you

how would superstition help?
I don't think public money should be used to support submission/obedience to cults

don't shoot your classmates

Yes, I agree. Everything that's happening right now is an overt attack on Christian values.
>"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." - Corinthians 6:9
All you need to fight Jews is in Christianity.

God has no place in public schools. If you want your kid to be indoctrinated send them to a Christian school

God is right. They teach religion in Irish schools and there has never been a school shooting.

Anybody ever shoot up a private religious school?

God is everywhere and man's laws don't prevent Him. The school shootings are part of his divine plan for us all.

you fucking commies should be burned at stake

>Said that omnipresent deity


>but if people still believed in God they would be far less inclined to such courses of action
Deaths from war, murder and violent crimes are at the lowest they have ever been in all human history. Peace, health, prosperity and life expectancy is at the highest it has ever been. You religiousfags need to stop looking at history with nostalgia glasses. The statistical tendency toward violence is going down, not up.


Have we forgotten about those cases already? They were big stories at the time. Also, a private yeshiva got shot up in Israel a few years ago.

The US murder rate in particular has been going up since 2014. It's higher than it was a full 55 years ago, in the early-60's.


>America gets more overrun with browns every year
>murder rate rises
What a coincidence.

Not really seeing it. The US doesn't have a murder people, they have a shitskin problem. Despite what the media wants you to think the random school schootings are few and insignificant. Murder rate is significantly driven up by shitskins committing violence against other shitskins. Notice the spike when the new immigration law in the US started driving down the % of white people.


Still not convinced one way or another about this.

He's sure as shit allowed on every battlefield in history. I don't see him doing fuck all to help there, either.

>"But I thought god could be found at the end of a barrel"
>"That's correct honey"

Sounds like a clerical pick up line

God can do whatever he wants so obviously it's not literally true but maybe if the edge lord school shooters found Jesus they might not do this kind of thing, you never know

really activates my almonds

>There is no God

Wasted trips

>I don't see him doing fuck all to help there, either.
Your comfy life is the result of those battles, ingrate leafboy.

This is the kind of tripe Boomers forward to their kids and grandkids

Agreed. Liberals have taken God and whites out of schools