Clearly, the Israeli ambassador must be recalled, but that’s just the beginning...

Clearly, the Israeli ambassador must be recalled, but that’s just the beginning. Israel must act against Poland in European Union institutions. It must use its influence in the United States, and this kind of influence exists. Again, that’s just the beginning. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are the children and grandchildren of Polish Jewish citizens whose property was stolen by the state or by their neighbors. The limited and ridiculous return provisions made sense when the Polish state still upheld an alliance with Israel. This alliance has been completely undermined, and it’s time to take advantage of Poland’s EU membership to call for the creation of proper property restitution systems.,7340,L-5121529,00.html

Kikes declared open war on Poland and want to steal our property. They want to make Judeopolonia here again just like in pre-war times. Nobody is going to help us against them. USA is ridden by kikes to such degree that they don't know anymore if they live in Israel or in the USA. The EU wages open war against Poland, just like Russia. All of them have interest in kikes robbing us. Only nuclear weapon could be a solution in this situation, but our dumb politicians wasted last 2 decades on disarming us instead of investing in secret nuclear siloses.

Other urls found in this thread:,218,0,2397658.html

If Poland gives up, it's over. Don't give up, Poland.

>our dumb politicians wasted last 2 decades on disarming us instead of investing in secret nuclear siloses.
You do know that in 90s few russian nukes were "lost" in Poland right?

you are fixed anyway. no one could win against jews- go to romania.

Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996

Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65 billions worth in assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.

Basic history

Jewish lobbying

Polonia counterattacks

U.S. State Department responds

Oh please let this be true and be what I surprisingly think this is.

We are suffering now because of this crypto-kike from your photo. Fuck him, and fuck Germany. I hope that you will stop existing as a nation in next decades to come and be completely replaced by dumb shitskins

>it’s time to take advantage of Poland’s EU membership
Polexit when?

All that stolen clay, all the jewish drama

Sad to be polak?

Go home polak, NOW!

I think this is only reason russians did not attacked us so far; they know we can glass Moscov and Petersburg.


That'd be hilarious

We can glass shit. Poland is a whipping boy for everybody because they all know that we are defenceless.

>We can glass shit.
Stop calling Moscov names, there are plenty normal people there.

Poland is done for
We all know how destructive the Jew media can be, I predict Poland will have a "democratic revolution" in the next decade

Germany is worse than Jews and mainly Germany would benefit from removing current government.

Thing is... we do not watch jew media here. Hell current goverment plans to take ALL medias out of foreign hands.

Come on Poland, you did it once, you can do it again!

We kicked out Jews from Poland in 1968 only because we had support of the Soviet Union. Today if we kicked them out, all kike-ridden countries like the USA, Russia and Germany would send armies against us.

By the way, the USA doesn't even have to send army because its army is already in Poland

This is one of the most accurate versions of the meme.

> Kikes declared open war on Poland and want to steal our property.
That'd make out for all the shit you stole them kek.

>That'd make out for all the shit you stole them kek.

Poland was destroyed in 90% during war. Most of so called "jewish property" were wooden huts that we demolished decades ago. Everything in this country was built or rebuilt by Poles after war, not by fucking kikes. Germans stole all valuables that Jews had and transported it to the Reich. They deposited all the gold in Switzerland. They have no right to our property. It is a robbery and aggression against us.

And educate yourself, you dumb kike-enabler

Braun is a prophet.

They are fucking your sluts, true
They wouldn't be involved in none other shit

Kikes installed them to steal our property

How could anybody steal anything from poorland, when they never had nothing of the own?
Even the jewish properties aren't worth much

Get the fuck out from this thread, you fucking british monkey. Poland is now preparing itself to make a commercial nationalisation of property worth 1 trillion złoty (300 bln dollar) to avoid giving anything to kikes

Your shithole has nothing, because all your economy is one fucking jewish banking bubble. You produce nothing, only live thanks to jews, that's why you have such a massive trade deficit with the rest of the world.

>we kicked out Jews from Poland in 1968 only because we had support of the Soviet Union
What? Can I get more info about it? Wasn't communist leadership mostly jewish?

Jews wanted to emigrate from the "communist paradise" that they creatd to Israel and the West, hence they organized the expulsion, i guess.

Jewry like a week ago demanded from our government to make a restitution law worth 1 trillion PLN (around 300 billion dollar).,218,0,2397658.html

Oh, this make sense.

This video is fucking scary, mane!

no dude, Ashkenazi Jews never wanted to leave Europe for that desert shithole we now call "Israel", but Israeli leaders knew that without a large population of European Jews, Israel would get destroyed, militarily or demographically, by Muslims. That's why they spread their fear propaganda, to keep the Jews IN Israel.

>steals a whole country
>complains when their grandpappys house was seized by the (((communist))) state
The word im looking for is chutzpah

>Poland is now preparing itself to make a commercial nationalisation of property worth 1 trillion złoty (300 bln dollar) to avoid giving anything to kikes
Polaks trying to outjew the jew.
>I'm OK with that.
However, German property needs to be returned. Referencing Stolen Clay- Silesia, Pomerania, Prussia

>However, German property needs to be returned. Referencing Stolen Clay- Silesia, Pomerania, Prussia

>he says while being colonizing by countries he made up

there were some nukes misplaced and no one talks about them loud, but there is more
we may have something that Gaddafi had not, despite being accused and invaded over them

Of course the eternal bongs want more lands for the arabs and niggers the eternal kraut, the destroyer of Europe, has invited onto the continent.

>there were some nukes misplaced and no one talks about them loud, but there is more
How many?
>we may have something that Gaddafi had not, despite being accused and invaded over them

there are no sources outside of whispertales of guys who served/serve in military

Can we get the kikes out this time?

Look at how many of the communists in Poland in the 30's were Jewish. Maybe you should make demands from (((them))).

first we will perform exhumations in "death camps" and try our best to find those gorilliards of corpses

War will soon come to our countries polish bro. I prepared in last few years and made supplies of czech guns and home made bombs. If shits hits Poland i can simply move from czech Silesia to polish Silesia to help you in guerilla fights.

who will attack us? Jew EU?

Russia will propably stay away from our problems and they are our last problem(Im still naive that eastern slavs will support us). EU will try make their own reich army in next years to suppress countries like Poland. Centralization will be boosted in EU even when many people and few countries will oposse it.

If that was true, Russia would have taken advantage in the 80's already.

You are wrong. That being said, I highly doubt Poland has any nukes.

we can kill it before it happens
we will just take all army gibs by jumping through legal loopholes and use money to increase V4 military power
also slav military > refugee army

Reminds me of one story. I surely remember it wrong, because I've read it long time ago. Essentialy one polish journalist had an interview with an old Jew lady in Australia.

Her family came from Poland but they ran away in 60s or something like that. She wanted to tell him about Polish crimes against Jews post war. She said Poles nearly killed her brother, shooting him.

The journalist asked who her brother was. She said he was officer of SB (Służba Bezpieczeństwa). You guys can Google it what that organization was. Needless to say, the guy was speechless.


quick rundown on the Israel-Poland situation?

jews want us to stop telling truth
we tell them to fuck off
they screech
we are butthurt (but we are always butthurt so nothing really changes)
jews use their propaganda against us
it is not really effective

We don't want people to use "polish death camps phrase", jews go "REEEEEEEEEEEEE but you bastards murdered us, because germans pay us money and they are good guys now because of that"

Isn't the owner of TVN a kike?


Isn't one of your previous presidential candidates writing books about it now? That hot one?

Fuckin' kek