Stands vs nen
Which is the most balanced?
Which is the least asspull?
Which is most entertaining?
Stands vs nen
They are both bullshit, but at least they aren't powerlevel bullshit.
Also, that you don't choose a Stand but you can actively make your own Nen power make both entertaining in diferent ways.
Top kek
>Stands being balanced
>The JoJo series not constantly featuring asspulls
>Hearing "ORAORAORAORA" for 48 episodes = entertaining.f
If anyone actually thinks Stands are better than Nen I'm disappointed.
>hating on Jojo after watching part 3, the most poorly adapted part
lurk for two years before you post
Stands have exhibited more creativity, probably because the framework is so loose, so I enjoy it more.
I think it's cool how well designed the nen framework is in hxh but lately its been boring me to tears but that could be because Kurapika isn't very interesting when he's a solo lead.
I've watched all 4 animated parts, 2 and 4 being favorites. Stands still seem boring to me. Kira made them somewhat interesting but that's just cause he himself was. Giving every villain of the week a stand was a stupid idea.
Dumb animefag.
You should really read the manga, the stands only get better and better, probably peaking in 7 or 6.
Jotaro dies in Part 6
I don't know shit about nens
but HxH's style looks so fucking bad
the 90s are over dude time to grow up
get out
Would Nen v Hamon be a better comparison?
Nen, but stands are also cool as fuck and have a sort of character/mysteriousness of their own.
You're not even trying
Probably, both require training
Hamon sucks tho
>Jojo fan
Good. He's a shitty character
>calls Jojo a reddit show
Nen is very similar to Hamon is it?
Stands doesn't even pretend to be balanced because it's not a battle system.
It's puzzles.