This is the most hated character of Love Live School Idol Project. Say something to her
This is the most hated character of Love Live School Idol Project. Say something to her
Nozomi deserves someone better.
Are you a communist ma'am?
everyone in Love Live is lesbian, so I don't understand why all of them aren't hated.
You can't hate a character just because they are lesbian. There are other reasons as to why
Something to her.
shes also the hottest
Better than Rin.
Why do we hate her again?
Her body is delicious and she's voiced by Nanjo
Don't watch this show.
Why is she hated? She's hot.
Isn't that what this series is about?
If you've been to any love live thread here or in /vg/ you would know the reason.
she was a total bitch in the first 5 or so episodes before she joins the school idol club and shes stuck up because she used to be a ballerina so she looks down upon the whole school idol thing
How could you be so cruel, user?
I love you.
Rin Protection Squad reporting in
not girly enough/10
For the first five episodes. The other 20 or so she's fine and one of the best girls.
She's cute and one of the best singers. Too bad she's paired with the worst Love Live girl.
That's not Nico
Don't tell them. They stopped watching after 3 episodes anyway
How does someone manage to watch this to the end?
I even like CGDCT but it was too boring, dropped it in the middle.
Bustin' makes me feel good
She's my favorite and always will be. Any other school president would act the way she acted, Eri haters are just delusional thinking someone with as much responsibility as her would not act reluctant towards accepting a school idol project. She's best idol and best girl, all Eri haters should kill themselves.
hated by whom?
she's very popular on nihon and she's also the fav of the lesbians
She is hot as fuck and her doujins are my favorite fap material.
I like Eri more too
My man you need to off yourself for the good of humanity.
What memery is this?
Why must you hate on best girl/slav?
>Sup Forums constantly says that Eli is worst girl
>now everyone is suddenly defending her and saying how she is best girl
Sup Forums likes spreading around this propaganda that she's extremely hated by the whole fanbase because Sup Forums as a majority hates her, ignoring the fact that Sup Forums is contrarian and a niche website and that Eli is decently popular in Japan and even more so in the west.
It's just that the usual shitposters aren't there atm. We have to enjoy this
She changed and redeemed herself, so hating her for past stuff sounds like that self-righteous call-out shit moral busybodies do
Because the animation and sound direction are lively and entertaining as fuck and the character-based humor is excellent. Also the music and performances are great (CG is shit) and people have this thing where how much they like a girl lifts the show in their opinion.
yeah I know it, /llsifg/ hates her because they hate everything, the same applies to this board, /u/ on the other they like her because nozoeli is the 2nd most popular pairing
How can nico even compete?
>blushing knees
nozomi a lucky
>Any other school president would act the way she acted
Dia doesn't. She helps push the girls to do their best. She may appear to be a bitch but she acts that way because she knows how tough it is to be a school idol if you don't give it your all.
I don't like Eli that much but holy shit she has the perfect body.
she's also Eli's #1 fan, she knows how to deal with these situations
>contrarian and niche website
>loves Maki
Finished this few days ago, she's pretty annoying at the beggining, but when she joins the team, she becomes likable easily, also, every girl is best girl, but Hanayo is my wife.
>red knees
literally how the fuck does that happen
My brother of fine taste.
but user, everyone loves Maki, this is well known
She goes from total bitch to total literal who. What is her personality? She's a wet napkin and is only liked for her good body and voice, but I guess that's okay. It's funny they forgot she existed in the Wonderful Rush coverart.
You know your just pointing out why she's hated right? And how the fuck is being a wet napkin of a character being "okay"?
I don't know why the fuck you all are suddenly pretending to like Eli now. People were constantly shitting on her for being a bitch at first and then having no relevance for the remainder of the series. How is suppose to be a good thing? Why are you all pretending that her supposedly "looking good" and having a good singing voice justifies shit writing?
Eli never becomes likeable unless you somehow think becoming a boring non-existent that never does anything or says anything of relevance is considered "likeable". Then again, the fact you unironically like another mediocre character (Pana) proves your opinion shouldn't be taken seriously.
Reminder that Nozomi is basically everything Eli should have been but never became. No wonder Eli is hated and considered worst girl usually whereas the former tends to be beloved and universally considered best girl.
Ive always liked all the raibus, I couldnt care less if most of anons hate her
This is some of the worst revisionism I've seen yet. Some of you same anons that were shitting on her for being a complete bitch to the other girls and then being boring as fuck background character who was only had her voice going for her and piggybacking off her much better friend are now pretending otherwise? Fuck this
I dislike Nozomi, she's annoying, her boob-grabbing gimmick is stupid and her character depth episodes don't build believably on her established personality and actions.
At least these "Eli haters" have genuinely good reasons for disliking her unlike you Eli fanboys who think "muh nanjo!" or "muh nozoeli!" is considered a good trade off for a shit character
And yet she still has more going for her as a character than most of the other girls
I've liked her before I liked Love Live! Watching the show only cemented her best girl status, and Nozomi a shit. Also, I'm fairly sure you're the same person whose posted the last couple of Eli hate posts
What makes Eli so pathetic is she had so much material and so much time and yet STILL ended up as a lousy character.
She had 26 episodes and movie. She had a diary, manga and drama cd. And the best the writers could have come up with is a mediocre rigid bitch who only exists just for drama and then to be another body in the cast while making her best friend far more fleshed out and better in comparison? I would fire every single writer responsible for this bullshit
Wow! Love Live! is unbelievably shallow as a whole so those strikes against Eli for being shallow apply to the entire cast! Who would have thought?
My boner rises in direct proportion to Nico's eyebrow(s).
You say this while posting Nico, a character that actually had some depth to her?
why do you care about their opinions? it's not like theyre gonna make you stop hating her, user, we know that you only want to shitpost but you will need better baits
Nico is my favorite precisely because of such depth, I just really like Eli as well
nozomi a shit
They're all mediocre, flat characters in a show with no personality whose popularity I can't comprehend. The music isn't even good.
Then why are you posting in a thread discussing it? You're not contributing at all.
Don't open this image.
I was asked to say something.
I'm not a "oh moeshit is dumb and pointless"--K-On and Hidamari Sketch are among my top ten favorite anime series--I just think that Love Live is a fucking empty corporate shell.
This was never shitposting this is calling out a shit overrated character that gets popularity she didn't deserve or earn.
How can you hate this Angel with such perfect singing voice?
>liking K-On
I think you're a hypocritical moron with shit taste.
Listen to her voice, look at her VA, and note the popularity of Storm in Lover and SolGe. She's a singer first and foremost; that's among her best qualities.
Why did the writers lack so much self-awareness? They HAD to had known that Eli was going to be disliked and be compared boring as fuck compared to the others and yet they just went with it? And especially paired her with Nozomi who ended up blowing her the fuck out in every way possible?
That's obviously a prompt for people interested in contributing to a Love Live! thread, don't take everything so literal.
Eh, >opinions and everything but I find Love Live! far better-written and funnier than the turd or polished turd (manga and anime respectively) that is K-On!.
K-On has actual characters. Love Live has mascots (and also looks far worse in general).
But it shouldn't never be at the expense of actually being a good character. Bring up with voice and VA all you want but you want to know the truth? Characters like Nozomi, Maki, Nico are far more popular than she will ever will be because they have actually personalities, development and character traits. Factors that actually matter when it comes to an idol.
And people wouldn't be shitting on Eli as much if she was as unpopular as say Hanayo is.
What I don't understand about tumblr & images like these is they seem to go out of their way to take the most unattractive features & hodgepodge them together to make some sort of abomination.
>dis is wat reel women look lik
Yeah ok.
slav doesn't even have any good qualities. at least qualities that the other girls don't also have in spades
>K-On has actual characters
Heavily subjective, I kind the character construction and especially the nostalgiabait stuff late in season two very unconvincing. I thought the only compelling character was Azu-nyan and the best scene was the one where they played Tenshi ni Fureta yo to her.
Let's not get too crazy now. Generic tsundere barely counts as a personality.
At least in this thread it's like the same guy spewing autism about hating Eli, at least the very vocal posts about her
You should see the Sup Forums LL threads. They tend to do the same thing as well whenever she gets brought up.
Still more than "Harasho!" if we are being honest
Please tell me again why I should hate her? I kinda like her personality after her mean phase albeit how generic it was.
Also the fact that she ended up being such a generic useless character is reason enough to hate her. She drags down the cast
lots of samefagging in this thread
You won't see me defending Eli. I was just saying that Maki is barely any better, yet faggots everywhere cream their pants over her.
If you can't make your characters interesting, if you can't give them a genuine purpose in the story, or even write them some screentime then you shouldn't bother even including them in the story.
its literally the same guy that keeps posting "everyone hates eli"
literally one guy
They look like hobbits.
>if I keep saying it often enough it will become true!
To be honest, if I'm a professional dancer and see idol's dance and calls it dancing, I'll also cringe hard.