She can still win right?
She can still win right?
Don't open this
The only thing she's going to win is an invitation to Tarou's wedding.
>thicc eyebrows not winning
That's okay, she is his friend. Ebino doesn't love Tarou in a romantic fashion.
>Eve looking more and more likely Ebino
I wonder how butthurt this would make Ibusuki. Is she still in denial?
I had a dream about ebino. She let me rest my head on her lap and coddled me. It felt so real. Even now, I'm still thinking about it 20 min after I've woken up. Does anyone have that picture of ebino smiling ?
Ebino is pretty perfect. She has built in anti-NTR avoidance.
Women crouched like this is pure sex.
Tarou should make her a mother. When will she let him?
She could have made a move for years, but she realised her feelings too late.
Ebino is doomed unfortunately.
The real question is does Taro end up with Eve or Ibusuki?
She has started realizing it? When will she be done, chapter 116?
I had a similar experience with this image
>6 eyars ago
>at grandparents house
>had some coffee
>for what ever reason get incredibly drowsy
>take a nap, wake up about half an hour later
>really fucking horny
>remember the cowtit kirino pic
>shamble way to the bathroom still half asleep
>take out my phone and start fapping
>imagine that shes sitting on my lap
>not a bitch like usual but wants some affection
>we kiss
>she takes off her shirt and bra
>i play and suck on her tits
>she moans lightly
>i come
>10 minutes later feel like i woke up from a dream
>shit actually felt fucking real
I will never have such a great fap again
for that matter i never liked the bitch anyways, just the aged up fanart
>huh pretty cu- WOAH THOSE TITS
picked the fuck up if this is a big titty manga
Is not her just a stand/ghost? How she can possibly win with that handicap?
There's also the shitty tsundere reverse trap.
Who is going to win.
Ebino has shown some fight though. She wants the Tarou.
Shrimpfags are pathetic.
I want Eve to be happy
Ibisuki lost her chance, she could have gotten rid of Eve early but now it's too late and she's best girl
>I want Eve to be happy
You and me both, pal.
But we know Ibusuki is going to lose.
Huh. Even my subconscious is bitter.
>Not posting the next page.
Don't be so sure, Ebino is far and away more popular and editorial meddling has to work out for the reader at some point.
You can't unhear it,
If I'm not mistaken, there're only two or three chapters to go until it ends, and Ebino is nowhere near the winning range.
>If I'm not mistaken, there're only two or three chapters to go until it ends
Has the ending been announced?
this doesnt look like a mango about zombies, also whos the ebin girl?
New chapter probably this weekend.
#dropout is officially taking over now.
I guess it's better than no chapters, I suppose.
I think you should stop now, the newest chapter was pure dogshit. Just end it the way this manga should have died 40 chapters ago.
Go fuck yourself, let me enjoy my trainwreck.
Who fucking cares, nerds, just post more ebino
everything went back to square one didn't it?
if she sits on the main characters face, maybe.
She broke his face with her ass. Eve began getting Ebino traits afterwards
what chapter?
78-79, I think. I know it's right before I took TSing over.
As much as I want to believe Eve is gettjng bigger breasts because Tarou is subconsciously falljng for Ebino, that seems too subtle and cool for this author.
Not to my knowledge. And there's certainly nothing in the raws hinting towards it atm.
Doesn't look like it. Seems like they just established a new status quo.
I tought she used her boobs not her ass
It was her boob's butt
really wish someone made a doujin of her smothering his face with her ass
What happened?
How would his wedding with Eve be?
Bra snapped
>ebino arc with the rimeo and juliet thing
>threads super active
>back to same old shit
>theead activity low again
So this is the power of Ebino.
She is the most popular here and in Nipland
w-what happens on the next page?
Too late. Now I need more.
She passes right through him of course.
She's a sweet girl and she'll give him many strong children over the course of their happy marriage, so of course she's going to lose.
>A fucking imaginary ghost
>A totally flat cross dresser
>The Fertility goddess loses
And then he wishes it could happen for real one day.
>A fucking imaginary ghost
Reality can be more amazing then imagination
How can other girls even compete?
Ebino would be better with a bush to go with her eyebrows
In like the other two Ebino doesn't love Tarou.
>this will never end with a "don't fall in love with your delusions" message because the final arc is Taro falling in love with Eve and Ibsuki/Ebino have to break him out of it so one of them can win.
What happened to his afro?
As long flat cross dresser doesn't win, imagination end is preferable. Ebin end is best end though.
It got wet.
Eve is MAIN girl
She's winner since beginning. Everything else is just a illusion.
Ah yes
The monthly "Ebino will win right?" thread
Gotta believe ;_;
There are no zombies in this, so far anyway. They're more like psychic projections that basically every guy has. It's unclear if women have these too and the main characters just can't see them, or what.
Ebino is one of the main character's childhood friends that is in love with him. The main character has three childhood friends.
Ebino, Ibusuki, and Eve.
Ebino is the developed and sporty girl that is only starting to realize her feelings for him. Ebino is best girl. Pretty much all fanart of her like pic-related fails to grasp how great her true body-type is.
Ibusuki is the childhood friend that moved away when they were children but came back pretending to be a boy looking for revenge. She is still in love with the main character though she's super tsundere about it. He also still thinks she's a guy, but he's slowly catching on.
Eve is what is called a "first love zombie." A ghost-like figure that is created from someone's first love of someone else. Ibusuki was the main character's first love when they were children and Eve is modeled after her. At the beginning of the manga the main character has regained the ability to see them, and someone interacting with their own "first love zombie" causes them to become self-aware and develop as their own person.
The main character shared his ability to see these fist love zombies with Ibusuki when they were children, right before she moved away. She accidentally tells her father about a "ghost" that's following him, and he runs off to be with his first love instead of Ibusuki's mother, who takes the whole thing really, really badly. The current arc in the manga is about how that didn't work out and he's trying to reconnect with his daughter.
That's where translations are, not at all where the current arc is.
I meant to type "current arc of the translation," sorry man.
How close is the translation to the actual released chapters anyway?
8 chapters behind iirc. Translations need to cover the entire Romeo and Juliet bit.
>Eve doesn't like Romeo and Juliet original ending and wants to have a good one instead
>Taro offers for the two of them to share eternal happiness
Amen to that.
>eve has ebino's boobs meme
Y'all nigs grasping at them straws harder than a kid with a capri sun.
I like Ibusuki and I hope she wins the taroubowl
Ebino is best girl but I'm hoping Eve wins the Taroubowl.
Flat tsundere will win. All highschool setting manga series that I followed did this.
She's worst girl by far, so the odds are in her favor.
>ibusuki worst girl
>not the girl who's entire existence is to talk about how great ibusuki is
ebino not winning would be the ultimate proof that god doesn't exist.
Somehow Ebino's butt is better than her tits.
>oh shit, my main girl is unlikable, what should i do to make people like her?
>oh yeah, i'll just add characters shitposting about her everytime they got screentime
She's not even in the bowl so i didn't count her at all. But yeah, you can also add the stealthy maid to the shitlist.
Butt and hips are where it's at. Tits are just a bonus. A really nice bonus.
Please don't use Luluco to shitpost shamelessly.
ebino not winning would be the ultimate proof that the devil exists
Would you sell your soul if it meant Ebino's happiness?
By not being a imaginary character within a fiction series
Your soul belongs to Jesus user, you can't sell it.
#dropout SUCKS
You can do better?