What went right?
What went right?
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Almost nothing.
>Over 13 episodes long
>Annoying female character introduced
>Bad visual design with underwhelming animation
>Hacky story we've all seen before
>Absolutely ruined in a single moment by destroying the entire premise and turning the "satire" into pure trite
Samurai Flamenco is garbage.
KENN and Flamen Black
That's a shame. I'm at episode 4 and am enjoying it so far.
SIT DOWN and keep watching
Don't get yourself spoiled on the anime's best part user. The Beheading Baboon scene was worth sitting through all the shit.
Now that part I know of. I was here in 2014, but my memory is fucking terrible so all I know is it goes to shit, but I can't remember how.
It isn't 13 episodes. More like 20+ I think.
That's it! Gorilla grod. I remember seeing pictures of him on a table.
I hate how Masayoshi didn't incorporate a single bit of flamenco into his persona besides the name and then some, not to mention it was his father who created Samumenco, making it inexcusable.
My biggest anime-related regret is watching SamFlam with spoilers. I'm hoping Vatican Miracle Examiners this season will give me my sense of wonderment back.
whats his name again?
>watching SamFlam with spoilers
i'm so sorry user that was a true lose, on the other hand at the pace Vatican is going I hope it delivers on the insanity
Everything but the animation.
Chopping Chimpanzee
Slicing Simian
Beheading Baboon
Hacking Harambe
This show produced some of the best Sup Forums threads in years. I can't really imagine watching it without Sup Forums.
Lacerating Lemur
b8/8 m8
Mincing Mandrill
Guillotine Gorilla.
It was all downhill after that.
Slashing Silverback
I'm running out of names, help.
Alright, fuck you, man, I forgot alright. I'm already missing that idea.
Episode six, fucking women, just can't leave shit alone. Bell jingles everytime she kicks someone in the balls is amusing.
Nah, I loved the escalation up to and including the sentai giant robot, after that it was all downhill. The real problem was the very end when they tried to make it go back down to earth and go super serious, if they wanted that they should have never went on the chaotic ride starting with the gorilla and turned the series in a much different direction.
i dont think i have ever seen a biggest or more hilarious twist before
Piercing Primate
Everything other than the animation budget and needing a few more episodes.
Massacring Marmoset
That was the whole idea though. He wanted to fight and vanquish evil, and as chaotic and monstrous as evil gets, it e eventually comes full circle, where the intensity and madness of inane dellusion, truly mirroring his own, comes to reflect against everything he stands for in such a frightening way. Of all the asspulls and powers he vould ever achieve, nothing can prepare Samflam for reality. It was the slow, creeping lurch from the bottom of the hill to the impending ending of the begining.
The episodes before the gorilla showed up were alright. Flamenco girl should've been a one off thing. Everything after the gorilla is just a pointless joke. It's just a toku in animated form and it brings nothing new or interesting to the table, recycles shit everyone's seen before and is praised as this great thing because of a """"twist"""" ending and because "oh, genre shift!" even though both add nothing to the show. The main characters practically don't change and the extras are also pointless.
Basically, it's overrated, and saying that will get everyone on the board to jump on you for having a correct opinion on the show.
I won't jump on you for having a shit opion of the show, user.
I will, however, say you and your opinion are shit because of how you came to that conclusion. Eat a dick.
You're free to have any opinion you like.
Catchy ED song
Everything that isn't the budget.
oh my god~
Its a great show about struggling folloing your dreams while staying true to why you had those dreams in the first place.
The music
Wait this show is actually worth watching? I always thought it looked like garbage
It's fun.
not sure. I was kind of into it and the worlds established rules, but then gorilla man came out and that all went out the window. I dropped it shortly after. Why does everyone seem to praise this show?
And then there is this faggot.
God, I remember dropping the show at episode three and then coming on Sup Forums later to see this shit. I was fucking stunned.
>I dropped it shortly after. Why does everyone seem to praise this show?
Maybe if you watched it you'd know.