Is moeshit dying?

Is moeshit dying?
Every season is just deepshit, shonenshit and haremshit.

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It should fucking die and never come back. Every season, we will need shounen, harem, and isekai harem protagonists. These are top genres from the Japanese.

And for the love of god, stop with all of that yuri faggotry. Shinzo Abe should ban it from all media.

I'm surprised that there are people using the term "moeshit" but not including haremshit in its definition.

Maybe you just aren't looking at whats airing

I'm watching Action Heroine and New Game.

I can enjoy a good moe toon, but I wouldn't mind if there was less of them with shit like this being made on the regular.

shounenshit has become haremshit and haremshit is often moeshit to the trained eye
deepshit was never deep but is always welcome since DEEPfags crave aesthetics

Don't use tamayura to shitpost.

>haremshit is moeshit
How? Haremshit usually has the bland MC onscreen 99% of the time.

I'm surprised there are people using the term moeshit at all. Anons barely use the word moe anymore, it's all yurishit, fujoshit and self-insert shit that people buzz about these days.

My goodness those bodies are tight I can't believe I'm not watching this.

Moe and ecchi and harem often go hand in hand in hand

Shonen and haremshit yes, but deepshit no. Barely any decent psychological anime recently, and the rare deep anime that gets released nowadays has tons of shonen crap and other shitty tropes with it.

wait should I be watching this? is this the secret good cgdct like FAG was last season?

It's pretty much locodol, but not as good

Not really. The moe simply has become so ingrained you don't even notice them anymore.

Why isn't anyone talking about this show

oh wow, I loved locodol. I'd take an "ok" locodol

I figure the potential target audience is all over New Game, Symphogear or PriPri already. Doesn't help that the subs come out days late too.

Not magical girls.

First episode was good but it's been pretty boring since

old and busted

magic mech trap Isekai is new hotness

>OP literally consists entirely of buzzwords

Yeah. I tried watching it. They fucked up. With a great art style like that, they could have just had them do pointless shit and focus on how cute the girls are and the show could have made bank.

Why do these faggots think anyone cares about the plot in a cgdct show


Okay sure, "is" isn't a buzzword.

remember when the word "moeshit" was as welcomed on Sup Forums as a nazi in a bar mitzvah?

Moeshit is perfectly fine.
Look at this new series coming next season.

Yeah. That's why people made up the term CGDCT to avoid getting called out.

PriPri is an absolute trainwreck, how can anyone actually like that.

moeshit implies cute girls doing fuck all with no pace or climax. its literally just for watching cute girls and being comfy

harem usually has a self insert mc and gives a reason to want to watch the show, the drama and who wins the mcbowl and what not

granted theyre both shit, but theres obviously a difference

>episodic, barely any plot advancement
Did you just look at the writer and decided to spout that?

Spotted the newfag. Do you even MANime?

>go to buzzword thread
>complain about buzzwords

how edgy

>uses "moeshit" unironically
>calls other people newfags

>uses "moeshit"
But I didn't. God, you're stupid.

>barely any plot advancement
This and bullet dodging little girls were what made me say that.
It'd be much better without supernatural elements.

>bullet dodging little girls
>supernatural elements
Literally there since the first scene. I'll just choose to believe the user who implied you're using that buzzword at random.

You're simply not looking in the right place

>using moe to mean anything other than what it means and using moeshit ever
You still implied it.

>no pacing
This is legitimately stupid. The majority of cute girl shows have a fine or even strong sense of pacing. You must never watch them.

>arguing about ambiguous anime semantics
Moe has no concrete definition anymore, deal with it. Its a dumb term anyways.

I'm dealing with it by telling people who use it incorrectly to fuck off since they're the only ones who do use it. I want it to stop being used.

Isn't haremshit dying ? I can't remember the last succesful one

It lives on as Isekai, Club harem, and Battle harems

fucking fag

You only tell them to fuck off because they;re attacking your shitty cgdct, is that okay for you? Won't trigger your autism right?

Thank you for being the voice reason, user.

Short hair Kaori or ponytail?

I watched New Game, Kinmoza, Maid Dragon and NNB.
Enough to drop all of them half way in.

>talking about shows you haven't seen
>dude autism lmao
No, I'm not upset because people complaining about them have nothing on them, only broad generalizations since they've never seen the shows.

That's only a tiny portion of them and two of them are shit, though unlike you, I'm actually willing to explain why I feel that way.

I'm actually liking this more than Locodol so far.
My only problem with it is that the official subs are embarrassingly bad.
>translator wastes time on TL notes instead of improving the actual translation
>still fucks them up

Sup Forums always talks about them so its the shows I give a shot.
If you want to know why I dislike them, it's because the cuteness factor wears off. The only show I listed that I genuinely liked was Maid Dragon and that's because the loli actually served the purpose of these shows; by being cute.

But I dropped it when it focused on Tohru instead, every episode in I waited to see more Kanna but only got the repetitive jokes of /u/bait Tohru and Kobayashi.

Karen was cute, so I watched it till season 1 ended but once again, shit got repetitive and nothing was happening enough for me to want to want to watch it to know what's happening next.

>New Game
Enjoyed it for the programming aspect, dropped it 9 eps in when once again each episode was like the last, with a bit of /u/ bait mixed in. And of course that annoying girl that came in half way in the show, that was still a student, the show focused on her instead of Aoba who was actually cute.

Watched it and it was way too slow. I didn't really think any of the girls were cute either.

overall the reason I don't like SoL is because the whole selling point is cute. That's not enough to motivate me to watch the new episodes waiting for what's going to happen next.

they should have had the pink haired loli in episode one desu.

The selling point is that they have a slow pace and calming atmosphere. They're meant to be relaxing. The girls being cute is just icing on the cake because said cuteness can aid in that relaxation. They're akin to shows like Tanaka-Kun is Always Listless or the less depressing episodes of Mushishi. They can have plots like in K-ON! but they're generally less about plots which isn't a bad thing. They're an acquired taste. You just happened upon some of the more obnoxious ones in my opinion.

It's about the atmosphere they create, and there happen to be cute girls there. They aren't intended to have storylines you invest yourselves into, and you aren't intended to wonder what happens next.

That's not actually a thing...oh I forgot, it's still summer.

If you want to fit in this badly, you should've at least been born before the website began.