/SWEG/- Swedish Election General


On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
.We need a list of Swedish laws concerning immigration from 1970-now. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but it does need the breakdown of votes from the 2 major parties.
.We need a list of European mandates & regulations that Sweden has passed into law.
.We need ideas for drawing publicity & sparkaing reactions from the left, and a list of contact information for Swedish news outlets.
.If you have a reddit/flashback account, we need to start mining information. Specifically, we need to create & bump political threads & threads asking people’s opinions on the EU. We’re going to need that data, and it wouldn’t hurt to drop some redpills in the meantime.
.Join the discord! We need to stay organised & active when the threads aren’t up.

Once the problems are at the forefront of every Sven’s mind, you’re free to pick which solution you think is more effective for Sweden’s current state.

Other urls found in this thread:



PROS- Wants to tackle the asylum issue, re-implementing Standards for asylum acceptance to drastically cut the number of approvals & encouraging those already in Sweden to leave; make those remaining respect Swedish customs and standards by ending multicult policies, and stop letting them get away with literal murder.
CONS- Current thinking among the leadership is that they’ll become more electable by softening the policies that made them popular in the first place, so they’ve adopted a pro-israel CivNat stance & have gone full UKIP on more radical members of their party. As a result, they’ve fallen behind M in the polls, meaning Sweden might get four more years of the people who started the crisis in the first place.

NORDFRONT (Nordic Resistance Movement)
PROS- Openly NatSoc, Going further then the SD in their policies & fully Redpilled on the JQ. Good street presence, fantastic work in exposing the faults of the Swedish mainstream, including leaking covered-up stats.
CONS- Openly state they’d prefer to get a far-left government in power to accelerate the collapse of Sweden in the hopes that they’ll be in a better position to win if they have no power, more migrants to fight & burnt bridges in every direction, then accept sharing the spotlight with the less redpilled. Prone to cause infighting if you settle on the attainably decent rather than suicidal odds for excellent.

.Not standing in the election or doing much political activism, but a social movement trying to restore conservative values & community. Not much to disagree with wherever you stand, and they could use your support.


Here’s a fun fact, Sup Forums- did you know that Sweden is a Eurosceptic country?
The two main parties- S & M- are both either accepting of, or resigned too, the EU. Most of the smaller parties have gone back on previous Anti-Euro positions, and now support the Union.
In the same way that civic cucks in the UK got behind Brexit, we can send another blow to the European establishment- by turning Swexit into a major talking point in this election.

Simple, really.
.Draw up a list of European mandates & regulations that the Swedish government has approved of.
.Create a list of major paty statements & attitude to the EU, and see how their manifesto promises compare to their voting records.
.Publish the findings.
From there, we can turn what we find into redpills, translate them into Swedish, and spread them throughout the Sventernet.



S (socialdemokraterna) and M (moderaterna) are the 2 mainstream parties in Sweden representing the left-right divide.
On one side of the coin, S has sold off the national integrity & culture of a people that they once fiercely protected, so that they can give migrants free shit & guarantee themselves a voting base. And M has sold off practically everything else to line the pockets of the party leader’s globalist friends, whilst encouraging more longer-hours, lower-pay economic migration.
Every law passed by the Swedish Riksdag is on official record, including all changes to the immigration laws since the 70’s (the decade in which multiculturalism was written into the Swedish constitution). So is the record of who voted to pass the changes into law in the first place.
Wouldn’t it be interesting, Sup Forums, if we could match up these party’s statements & promises to their actions? See, perhaps, if the timeline of laws passed in the Riksdag has any correlation to the rise in crime, or police spending, or social spending?

pastebin.com/uR6vF8wd (embed) (embed)


A election-specific version of operation- redstick.
Turning the information gathered on these threads into easy-to-digest graphics, and then either downloading them onto a memory stick, or priting them out and stapling them together as a booklet.
Then, we just leave them in public places with a little note saying "read me" attached.




It's too late for that country

Why would u think that?




i want lower taxes, why shouldn't i vote M?

Because they're cucks.

Because they ruined your country.

My friend became a rapefugee in Sweden a couple of years ago, claimed he was 14 when he was actually 19, now he's already fucked 3 different Swedish girls and has all his expenses including university education paid by your government. Can you guess which one he is?

Because they started this mess in the first place, and you're not going to care how high your taxes are when your house is on fire.


We have to make sure SD and M and L gets a majority without C. So it might be an OK thing to vote for M, but we'll just have to see where they stand closer to the election.
It's really fucking complicated. I watched the news this morning and they claimed that M stood closer to S than to SD. And they kind of hinted at a "center goverment", where S and M compromises and ruled together. Gave me shills.

The guy with facial hair. Looks like Europe turned him into a degenerated Muslim

Because then we'll get more immigrants who will vote for S/V/MP to get more gibs and then you'll get to pay even higher taxes. Does "only" 26k immigrants a year sound fine to you? Because that sure sounds fine for M.

The Sw*de next to him also has facial hair, but it's more or less blonde pubes, so I agree it doesn't count.
Anyway you're correct, he was definitely turned into a degenerate by Sw*des, unfortunately.

Don't worry, you can give him some sharia justice for his degeneracy when we send him packing back to Syria.

Why are u censoring the word Swede, is it somehow inflammatory to you?

I hate shitskin ideology just as much as the next guy buddy, I'm not your enemy. But you're beyond delusional if you think your country hasn't crossed the point of no return long ago, your people are doomed to becoming a minority in their own land, you're not going to change that.

I can no longer separate satire from the real thing.
I can 100% see they printing this out.

It's a meme, you censor the first vowel of people you "hate", implying their names are like swear words. New here?


That's pretty stupid

Except if they do, they won't be so retarded as to write Arabic from left to right and without linking the letters in every word.


You realise SD is obsolete after this election even if they gain seats, which they will. Literally every other party have already picked their favourite parts from SDs policies. I don't see the point to vote for S-light when i can vote for a party with a real ideological background.

also SD has grown way to fast, the majority of their politicians are literal retards. I feel sorry for Jimmy, he probably hates his own party members more than any left winger does.

What does it say?

I'd rather cling onto hope and be delusional than to just get blackpilled and give up. And no, I don't see you as an enemy, we're on the same side in this fight.

Ulf is a globalist, we have to put pressure on the fucker. He won't get a majority without SD anyway. Might as well reveal what a con he is, or he can come to his senses and realize collaborating with SD is what the country needs.

M has already betrayed its ideological backround,. Its roots are as a patriotic conservative party, while now it's nothing but a globalist neoliberal party. SD has to be the alternative to C for M, because if SD is not strong enough then that steriod-globalist Annie is the one that is going to dictate M's policy. What use is it to vote for a party that as already abandoned its founding values?

>trying to blackpill
>not enemy

gå och mumsa getkånkelbär din jävla flatlus

We'll take care of you when you get older.
سوف نهتم بك لما تتقدم بالسن

Ah nice. Thanks.

Fighting a fight that you know you're going to lose, because you'd rather die trying, is something honorable, I can't understand it, but I applaud you either way.

För två val sedan så försökte Moderaterna bli "Det nya arbetarpartiet" för att de förlorade röster till S.
Nu när M förlorar röster till SD så är de helt plötsligt det nya "invandringskritiska partiet"

Jag är verkligen inte förtjust i vänstern men de har åtminstone ryggrad nog att stå för sina värderingar istället för opportunisterna i M, absolut vidrig grupp med yrkespolitiker som vänder kappan efter vinden.
Har ingen respekt för såna låtsaspolitiker.

I can talk shit to you in my language as well too buddy, but it would make me just as childish. Like I said, call it blackpill, I call it being reasonable. I didn't say you shouldn't fight, I said you're not going to win.

Why are u on this thread if ur not willing to fight for "cuck sweden"

I don't even recognize his flag. He's irrelevant.

I mean...I think people thought Germany passed the point of no return in the 1930s too.

And Sweden survived the bubonic plague, this is just as bad but I mean come on.


Well, only a few years ago everyone thought you guys were fighting a fight you were guaranteed to lose. But look at you now, now you guys have victory within your grasp. Nothing is lost until you've given up hope.

That's funny, because irrelevant people like me seem to be invading your country, I hear Malmo has become quite the place.

Yeah they're invading my country. Because the jews see them as a biological weapon. That isn't really a compliment if you ask me.

Problem is Germans wanted what's best for their country, and believed there was a problem. Can you honestly tell me that people with your type of thinking are not a minority in Sweden? I watch Peter Sweden's videos. and it seems your countrymen are more than willingly committing cultural suicide.

Its real. Literally just some bullshit about no profits in the welfare state and a call for improved care as in elderlycare or healthcare. Context of the image indicates the elderly woman is being treated by a brown person.

Can't link to the source because Sup Forums thinks its spam. HEHÖ!

Ignore him hes just a shill, there is no point in arguing with him

SD behöver styra upp sina politiker, speciellt på kommunal nivå. Hur ofta läser man inte om någon trög kommunpolitiker som har stått och hailat eller skrivit något efterblivet på facebook etc. Eller de högre uppsatta politikerna som lämnar partiet. Inga andra förstör för sig själva lika mycket som SD. Det är pinsamt.

Isn't there a considerable amount of M ledamöter who wants to collaborate with SD?

Actually no, just the recent years more and more people get their eyes opened, my whole family has completely changed political opinions, all my friends has become more bitter against immigrants and my work stopped hiring them (not officially, but you know how it is), Swedes are not naive, but they always wanna see the best in people, lose that and they can be very cold.

De flesta kommunala SD-politiker är en massa arga boomers som inte kunnat vänja sig vid att de inte kan säga samma saker på Facebook som i baren. Sånt händer när man växer snabbare än man kan hålla takten.

>they can be very cold
There's a reason the integration isn't working. Kek.

Det håller jag faktiskt med dig om, men jag har mer respekt för politiker som hailar och skriver "neger" på FB än vad jag har för politiker som säljer ut sitt folk och sina väljare.

Jag tror att majoriteten av M vill att SD ska rösta igenom Ms förslag, inte tvärtom. SD vill fortfarande utöka A-kassa, sjukförsäkring, bidrag, höja skatter etc.

Ja men dem kommer få välja mellan SD och S. Så enkelt är det.

That's only because we got help from Russia and Iran, this is so different, you guys are at war with your own countrymen over what you want your country to become.

Hur stor chans har du att påverka partiet, riksdagen eller kommunalrådet när alla tidningar i landet har rapporterat om dina FB posts? Sverige är fortfarande en parlamentarisk demokrati, ingen kan göra något ensamt.

Shilling for what lol? kike agenda? You realize my country is one of the last few anti-kike havens on planet earth yeah? That's the only reason we're having this war. If you want to ignore every argument as "shill", you're no better than a retarded liberal who's willing to support a Muslim after he rapes her daughter, something which actually happened in your country.

Hittills så har vi fokuserat mycket på att dela ut röda piller till svenskar. Vilka andra strategier har diskuterats?
Möjligheten att provocera motståndaren att göra misstag? Trigga dom till att "visa sin rätta sida" mer ofta?

Yeah paradoxically enough. You are shilling for the kikes wet dream to demoralize the Swedes.

Personligen tror jag det kommer gå till en gräns då folk blir okej med facebook posterna, det sägs grejer i mainstream media idag som inte hade varit okej för ett år sedan.

Nåt i stil med
>Det är okej att vara Svensk

What happened to having stoppagrundlagsandringen.com/ in the new thread template?

Nothing happened, we just switched to a new thread format I peiced it together from parts of the old ones. I'll save it in the template, it'll be bck in the next thread.

Alright, thanks!

Did you see yesterday's Yougov poll?

I didn't realize that, hopefully with time these numbers can actually grow to be a voice in your political system, because right now, only one of your parties are anti immigration am I right? That's 1 out of how many? I seem to have gotten misunderstood because of what I said. I don't want you to give up, I just said that for someone like me, your desire to fight is something I can't understand, that's all. I wish all the best of luck, you're going to need it.

Absolut, det hade varit bra att få uppmärksamhet av vänstermedia.

Jag tycker inte det är positivt om nivån urartar till nivån som ex USA har där presidenten delar edgy memes på twitter. Lite värdighet och respekt för förtroendet som allmänheten ger får man ha. Samma gäller för facebook posts.

We did! We were talking about it in yesterday's thread, it's good to see people aren't buying M's sudden change of (open) heart.

Kommer inte trigga dem som mycket eftersom de själva definerar vem som helst som svensk.
>Det är okej att vara etnisk svensk
Det borde nog få dem att att gå igång rejält.

Still though, M is bigger than SD is most other polls, so whatever they're doing is working on people.

Yeah, we've got a long way to go. But it's nice to see the first signs of a breakthrough.

Vi gjorde en poster kampanj men de posters vi stoppade upp hade inte så mycket gemensamt med IOTBW utan mer fakta baserade.

Vi håller på att göra en redstick nu och försöka att få flashback mer med oss.

Vi har försökt en del reddit kampanjer (en av dem kom på front page av sweddit) men flera av våra trollkonton har blivit bannade :(

Om ni inte är med i discorden redan så skulle det varit kul att ha er med

Jag ser din poäng men värdighet och respekt är inte mycket värt om vi blir ett kalifat.

Hade gärna bidragit med att göra någon poster design om ni har några ideér.

Kom in i discorden on diskutera. Inga stora propaganda attacker är igång just nu, men vi behöver hjälp med bilder och affischer in i redsticken vi hade tänkt stoppa i stor utsträckning runt hela Sveriges universitet.

So which other party than SD is hard on the remigration-policy and strengthening of the swedish culture?

Thats right, none other is You cocksucking nigger shill

Är det många i discorden?

But SD is the only party with a chance of scoring big in this election.
Also, don't respond to shills, it's what they'e after.

Du är ju någon sorts jävla centerhora.
Inser du inte att det är för att media har förstoringsglaset mot SD som det SER UT att komma flest jönsar därifrån?
Och den massiva korruptionen bakom stängda dörrar? Tycker en Federleyhora som du att det är okej så länge det har en putsad borgerlig fejk utsida?

drygt 50 pers, men just nu är 20 online

discordapp____ c o m/invite/2PfQ6k5

Forgot about these threads.

All NMR do is larp, they are probably left alone as an easy honeypot for the cops.

They don't want to "strengthen" Swedish culture. They want to do away with all not only Swedish but all other Nordic cultures so that they can create their own, new culture based on their own ideology. They want to erase all existing differences between the Nordic peoples. They've taken their larping too literally to the point of autism.

Oj du var arg. Du kommer inse att SD inte är så felfria som du tror. Men det kommer nog med tiden, förhoppningvis innan du är klar med gymnasiet och hamnar ute i riktiga livet :)

We discuss the pros and cons of the options Sweden has before it at the top of the general. Let's not start infighting.



Kom ihåg att vi har flera olika motståndare.
Vilka kan triggas att göra bort sig, och hur?





Kanske muslimska kvinnor är i behov av en sexuell frigörelse-kampanj? En riktig rejäl sådan med mycket visuella, provokativa signaler?