As that fatty said, is it true that everyone likes this sort of thing?
PV when
I feel like there is more to the ECF than just an attempt at beating Altair. The concept makes a lot of sense and seemingly is the only way to deal with her without putting the world at risk, but it also could be a very sugarcoated way of establishing a ritual for a different motive. After all beyond anything 140,000 people are gathered up for their brains to be made use of.
8-12 hours
I would've preferred to see OL-chan become a mahou shoujo by using Meteora's spell to tap into the anistropic.
Altair couldn't have just spontaneously come to life. Someone must have given her those powers for a purpose.
She is the perfect mix of sexy and cute
What happens to the story worlds when the real world is destroyed?
Do they even exist? It sounds like there's nothing to them other than the things the creators are involved with.
We don't even know what Altair gains with the ECF yet. It's probably not something anti-climatic and long term like becoming more popular and getting more fan videos, and something good enough to risk herself and giving up making the chaos in the real world in which directly furthers her original plans.
Looks like the stickers are finding their winners
oh yeah, that sticker thing
apparently they are going to doing for the remaining episodes
She had been planning Charon's arrival from the beginning, so she is close to getting what she wants. I want to know what her increased power entails and how she will acquire it. I think the real battle will begin beyond the bird-cage, since she has to be careful about the integrity of the general performance she won't treat the rest with full potential
Alright, I've finished with this model for now. I wish I had more time to polish it off better, but eh, I need to wrap it up at some point. I've rendered a little turntable here as well: puu sh/xejm8.mp4
In case anybody wants to muck about with the model, you can get it here:
Not rigged, because I couldn't think of a good way to get the hair easily manageable in a rig for animation. You could simulate it, but it would take forever calculate I suppose. That is the advantage of mmd models though I suppose. Lower fidelity, but can actually be animated easily.
face / eyes are a little scary but outfit and hair is great my man
The outfit looks really good but she looks like she's seen some shit.
Hikayu's power up was very disappointing. They had free reign to add anything into her character description and they turn her into a generic fighter type. As if the series didn't have enough of those. They could have made her some kind of reality bender like Shark.
You're forgetting who the audience is for that eroge, user. Approval for something like that would need an equally skimpy yet fitting outfit
Not as disappointing with how easily Sho's conflict was resolved. I mean, what the fuck did Altair even call these people for anyway? Her entire team is made up of people who have zero loyalty to her
>All according to plan
more like 7-8, they said it will be out this evening
I feel like they're all gathered up so that Altair and Charon can start killing them off one by one.
I thought you were going to fix the eyes, not make them worse
I really don't think this will turn into a bloodbath.
>unbeatable game
This image is so good.
They will resurrect Mamika, right?
Yes, but as a zombie just to annoy Aliceteria.
I'd play that.
The fujos are too late. One of these fuccbois is going to get killed soon.
I think this fujo is right on time
>tfw you realize they could have turned any of these in-universe series into real shows and they would have outsold Re:Creators
>Meteora hops from world to world solving potholes caused by "Altair"
It would have been nice desu.
Much better Altair jumping from world to world causing chaos than Meteora infodumping how to solve each problem for 2.5 episodes each world arc.
I wonder what would happen if a character dies but the ECF audience disapproves. Like, if Syo dies and fujos go full denial mode and start booing the show, will he survive or will they just lose the approval?
Which one would be the most popular?
Alice's series has been compared to Berserk often, I think that would be the most popular. The runner up would be either one of the mecha series.
Let's see.
Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevrolet and Monomagia the Infinite Overmachine would do decently because guaranteed /m/ bucks.
Aliceteria of the Scarlet I'm not sure since it's female Guts+ Arturia. Sounds great on paper but it can easily go so wrong.
Code Babylon should do decently since it's basically Blade Runner.
Underground Dark Knight guaranteed fujo bucks.
Magane's story is probably doomed since non-stop pretentious talking doesn't do well unless it's Monogatari.
I don't see Mamika nor Meteora's game doing well since both are generic as it gets.
There is no risks for anyone dying except Altair since it was already established that Meteora can revive the dead. They might get cubed, but if Meteora survives the writers can have her as a deus ex machina to save their characters.
They said it took a lot of effort and they got lucky the audience accepted Erina coming back. It wasn't just Meteora involved, Suruga was probably more important to making it work.
It's kinda easier for people to accept a reset/revive everyone ending in a crossover though, it's not like they want their series cancelled because of a spin-off. Though it might weaken the acceptance of the whole event, and therefore of Altair's possible demise.
But at this point they're working on the fly and wouldn't have time to setup a resurrection. The character would be dead as far as this story is concerned in the mind of the audience.
They did special chapters before the ECF, they can have special chapters later for the conclusion. Even an animated epilogue if the threat is over.
There wouldn't be any need to do that since the only purpose was to affect characters in the real world for the ECF. The authors could just blow off the crossover and keep going with their regular stories if they wanted. No more world hoping at that point.
Except real Altair can survive fatal damage, if acceptance of her death lowers she might be able to regenerate even if her body was vaporized and thrown into an infinite void inside a bird cage. The end of the ECF is merely them turning off the cameras, but the actual battle continues indefinitely.
I was talking about after this whole thing is over and someone wins. There's no need to play the acceptance game then.
If the battle is still going on and it's outside of the birdcage then the last thing Meteora and the others should want is to attempt a mass resurrection on any of the dead. That would just accelerate the collision of worlds. Altair is a special case since she do what she wants presumably without factoring in those consequences.
~4 hours for more Hime and Charon
Can't wait for mindbroken Selesia
>Altair becomes the biggest threat that the world has known
>team government has no choice except to bring Setsuna back
>everything that Altair has done has been to bring this about
somehow I feel that the end will be lackluster in so many ways
Fujos enjoy suffering though so I think it'll be okay.
Something. Something. Don't hurt me.
Have Magane's story be done by SHAFT and it'll do fine. After Monogatari 'ended' I'm sure people will be hungry for more pretentious and fast-paced conversations soon anyway.
How different ReCreators would be if it was co-written with Mari Okada?
I would have liked the Urobutcher just to get my suffering fix, but that's just me
Meteora cannot revive the dead. Suruga revived Erina and used Meteora as a plot excuse. Plus the hard limit on the number of characters that can be in the universe and the fact that Erina only died in the fictional universe (which Suruga has control over) and not in the real world.
I'd hate the characters even more.
PV is cancelled but we're getting another seiyuu special
The last special had me on the edge of my seat, I hope they make it in time before Selesia's seiyuu gets beheaded by the rival narcos gang
mirror pls
animators died as expected
where is it alice
>That title
Is someone going to kick the bucket?
god mamika soon or alice power up
>Hime fighting 1v4
Fools, I hope she'll wreck their shit up
Waiting for her chance to go 1 on 1 with Hime and show the rest how it's done
Alice ofcourse, shes not even in the pv
sho and yuuya death soon