Thoughts on GX? thinking about giving it a watch
Thoughts on GX? thinking about giving it a watch
Its the best one desu
I think you're forgetting about 5D's
It's fun but too lengthy for what it is.
100% in sub,best one,not a amazing start,but season 3-4 is worth it
All 5 spin-offs are shit but can be fun as long as you like the card game and colorful dragons desu.
It's easily the worst show desu
I liked it, but it's pretty directionless for a good while. The show only finds it's footing near the end, but that season was cut short.
Here's a guide.
It has some interesting ideas that aren't well put together, some season 1 filler and a lot of the central characters being sidelined with characters introduced later. It's nostalgic to me, but a newcomer may not like it much.
Just rewatch Duel Monsters again. You know you'll enjoy it more anyways.
5Ds was pretty meh, the only good arc was the signers.
Ignore this list. Skipping episodes even though filler is stupid.
The show as a whole is a great and fun ride even with some detours here and there and also you'll get to know and appreciate the characters so you actually care more about them in the later seasons, you won't regret.
last season has pretty poor pacing
Is has the most comfy start of any of the series in the franchise, sometimes is better watching it with your brain turned off though, only from episode 30 or something you get some resemblance of a plot, but at least you get attacted to the characters so it pays off
Fubuki is the biggest disappointment the franchise has.
Aki would like a speak with you
aki could pull a win against an important villain.
just the effort that went into this chart has inspired me to give GX another go
Throw down a face-down
Elemental Heros' were the best.
I always thought the fossil deck was really cool
It's my favorite YGO.
Inconsistent. The first two arcs are comfy as hell. Then Season 3 came and its like a bad edgy fanfiction. Season 4 finished halfway as well.
I like this series the best because no one looks fucking ridiculous like the later series.
Not him, but why? I've only seen DM and the first one. Also some shitty american spin-off but that's not anime.
>tfw you run a ehero deck and get your shit kicked in by most things
The game is broken now, no way you could compete.
this game has been broken since the beginning
Dark signers arc was fucking epic.
>skipping on the stupid shit fillers
Best part of GX desu
>all that manjoume dickriding
Literally a discount Kaiba, except pathetic
So why did they decide to come up with female Kaiba?
Reminder that Judai went full retard in his last duel when he could have actually won.