Who was in the right in a arc that spanned for nine whole episodes of Love Live! Sunshine? What did you think of this arc? Could it have been handled differently?
Who was in the right in a arc that spanned for nine whole episodes of Love Live! Sunshine...
The way they shafted Kanan's screentime was dumb, and it could have been written better. Regardless, it was the most poignant arc in season 1 of Sunshine. Compared to what else has been written in the Love Live anime thus far, I thought it was enjoyable. I think they were all at fault.
the arc didnt span 9 episodes. what the fuck are you talking about?
It showed how shitty Sunrise's writers are when they kept her as a fucking WHO? for eight episodes. No reason for her to be taking a break from school.
It was built up before and resolved in episode 9. Perhaps I meant to say 8 instead, I'm tired.
it was a waste of time. dragged down the entire series IMO
Can someone explain to me what Mari did wrong
it was built up in the earlier episodes with a couple of seconds per episode. you can't even say it started until mari came back and even then it was secondary to the main plot until like the end of 8 and the entire episode 9
Tried to coerce her friends who, from her perspective, stopped being idols from an experience that traumatized them to the point of not wanting to sing anymore. Continues to do so even after both of them say no, even though one of them says she did not want the group who came after them to go through that same pain. The former statement turned out to be false, but under that narrative, she comes across as being insensitive and selfish.
On the side that harms her personally, she tried to perform with an injured leg. Not only would this have dragged down the performance, this could've resulted in a permanent injury. This is NOT to say she is the only one to blame, because that would be a blatant lie, but she wasn't faultless either. That's all. She really didn't do anything that egregious.
Kanan is such a bad friend, why do they even keep her around?
This isn't a Sunshine thread, this is a thread discussing a controversial arc in Sunshine. Surely we can genuinely discuss the anime at least once in a while.
Fine. Fuck it.
A meme thread with nothing in the OP gets a free pass while a thread made for actual discussion gets a shit ton of flack. I'm done with Sup Forums. Goodbye.
Why are so so perfect?
not much really, other than communication issues
sneaky Pana
Nah Chika's character arc was way more touching
I like the cuckold arc.
I genuinely felt for KUYASHIIIIII Chika. The episode felt like a real loss for everyone.
This was so great. I like how they actually made her jealous.
I remember when I first saw this scene, and then the preview had pic related, and we knew shit was gonna go down.
See you tomorrow Sup Forumssshole
imo most touching scene in the entirety of LL
I want to touch Chika desu
Damn, i just love the way oni draws their faces.
Both were wrong. Kanan shouldn't have acted tough all that time. But at the same time, Mari didn't have to be so pushy.
That said I think Mari was more "in the right". Also, Dia is better
What happened to the thread with Eli? I can't even find it on the archive
try 161467591 on desuarchive
Today I feel like Dia
Today I feel Dia
That scene and the scene where she cries after Tokyo were great.
For me, Oni and Shiokazunoko are probably my favorites. And it's great that they are friends irl and do guest art in each other's works.
Date with 2D Aqours or marriage with 3D Aqours
little Kotori is a treasure
Is this the love live general?
Does it say fucking general in the OP?
go to a million others threads related to a single anime and whine there too
have some consistency
Kanan was. EVen if what she did made kind of sense when she sent Mari away she acted downright mean to her when she came back and she didn't even apologise properly during their confrontation. Mari could have done some things different too, like talking to Kanan and telling her the truth way back then, but at the same time Kanan could just have trusted her judgement and not try to send her away despite Mari saying she didn't want to go even if her reasons were stupid/childish.
The easy answer was all of them but it's funny how Japan view Kanan as right while the West see Mari as right.
Dia did absolutely nothing wrong. This whole thing was beween Kanan and Mari.
well she did take a side but it's not like she had much choice
I'm so happy they went for a redesign.
the old artstyle looked pretty retro
Marriage. I want to take Aikyan's hand.
What I wouldn't give to marry either of these bakas.
lonely my love
lonely my heart
best girls
She did nothing wrong.
Just so long as we agree that Dia is completely faultless and the savior of everyone
>that look she gives Kanan