I don’t understand why there is such a taboo about hitting women. I mean they want equality right? Feel the equality of my right hook then bitch.
Hitting women
That's not a hook it's a right cross
hitting a woman is a beta thing to do since even manlets overpower them.
Slapping cunts is unisex though.
I think if a woman is an absolute cunt then she should get knocked the fuck out. If you get all pissy about that then you need to realize the only reason you get offended at men hitting women is so you can be a white knight and save her and then hopefully sleep with her.
Exactly. They can’t rave on about equality and not to think they might get knocked out by true equality, which is the dominant strength of men. I’d knock a bitch out if he came at me with her fists or a knife.
Men are biologically physically superior (on average) it's seen as harming something less capable than you (which it kinda is) BUT some women seriously need to get knocked the fuck out for just being so fucking stupid
So then... We aren't equal user?
By hitting a women you could be potentially damaging another man's property so I am against it in most situations.
This woman was a total cunt. Remember? She was going out to get "nazi scalps". I like this photo
Equality is what they say they want.
The term is obviously inaccurate.