Anime that women will never understand
Anime that women will never understand
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Not anime but
But I understood everything!
implies an arbitrary importance in the opinion of a hypothetical third party, baby-tier philosophy. throw that shit away.
Reminder that this was 100% unironic.
We're all little girls here, user.
Every woman who claims to like this does so for the sole reason that she gets wet for either Griffith or Guts, or the two of them fucking each other. You literally cannot prove me wrong.
Anything scifi that isnt Please Save My Planet and anything that focuses on politics and history, like Hyouge Mono, Saraiya Goyou or LotGH. Rose of Versailles they understand becuase that basically melodramatic soap opera garbage, even the art look like that.
this was 99% written by a woman who only watched the english dub, and has no idea of it's VN origin
Incorrect, I get wet from the suffering.
Bullshit, I thought Saraiya Goyou was fantastic. Try harder user.
Anything with a male MC which isnt fujo pandering
>99% written by a woman
Is this supposed to make sense? It either is or it isn't written by a woman, and in this case it is.
>Is this supposed to make sense? It either is or it isn't written by a woman, and in this case it is.
it means "99% chance it was written by a woman who..."
I keep forgetting that reading comprehension is a rare skill nowadays
ITT: Sup Forums
post tits.
Welcome to the NHK because not many women are NEETs, or even lonely at that
Not the other guy but typing like a dumb ESL really doesn't help.
A whole fucking lot of women technically are NEETs.
A woman's purpose is pretty much to be a NEET. There's just no stigma attached to it.
>Anything scifi
There are a bunch of sci-fi series by women.
>but typing like a dumb ESL really doesn't help.
It really does, in actuality.
It reveals those who are capable of critical thinking and those who aren't.
It's not Buraiden Gai. 100% manga for young males only. Manchildren and women are out.
Gash Bell. Way too many moments of brotherhood and honor.
every anime ever
Every body who reads it does it to see Guts get fucked by Griffith or vise versa.
Even if you disregard everything else great in the mango, honor alone is a huge turn on.
only way women would enjoy logh is if it was turned into this
Manga, but still applies.
You posted Outlaw Star, now I have to marry you. Sorry, those are the rules, dude.
All of them. Women can't comprehend shit unless it's about them/related to them
The idea of accepting fate and dying with honor is completely alien to women.
I think girls perfectly understand that one, they were all horny little girls at some point
I have a feeling that if I was every confronted with death I'd pathetically do anything to try to avoid it, being as sheltered as I am. Does that make me a woman?
I'm a 42 years old woman and these are my two favorite mangas in this category. I have all volumes and recommend them to everyone because it's like nothing can stop the authors from drawing whatever they want and they don't follow seasonal 'trends'.
Another common point they have would be to have started with shit-tier designs and have reached the God-tier after long years of evolution. I love Bastard!! for the same reason.
Only teenage boys can truly understand Gurren Lagann
You think that stops the fujos?
Not being one doesn't means that you can't understand. It's easy to imagine especially when you're a grown woman with kids. Any of them becoming a (pedo) NEET is their worst nightmare.
Honor is an effect of society brainwashing anyways. It changes shape with time.
oh no, the triangleheads
w-will you be my mommy gf?
Spoken like a true woman.
Hokuto manga is so boring in later parts I just don't understand how it's anyone's favorite, of any chromosomes.
Yes ma'am
I'm a girl and I just finished S2 and manga parts 3 & 4 of Kaiji this month pal
Well I wouldn't die for an 'honor' that wouldn't exist anymore the next year with another president at the top.
You guys can die like dogs, in vain, as much as you want. Here, we give birth, which is way more constructive.
Wait a second, are you saying that there's people on this site who aren't little girls?
That looks terrible
My favorite character being Raoh, I was happy that he lasted that long. And I'm from a generation that grew up with 'cruel' anime and manga, that means a lot of suffering and gorish scenes. Hokuto no Ken stayed a nostalgic work till the end for this very reason, to me.
No other can compare.
>I'm a 42 years old woman
>It is my perception that a true friend never relies on another’s dream. A person with the potential to be my true friend must be able to find his reason for life without my help. And, he would have to put his heart and soul into protecting his dream. He would never hesitate to fight for his dream, even against me. For me, a true friend is one who stands equal on those terms.
more like possible underage ban
And I live and work in Japan.
How about anime that men will never understand?
it's bloody different people.
post your heaving milf tits
Horrifying, isn't it? We must purge Sup Forums of the non-lolis.
ITT men that refuse to believe women can understand complicated or mature works
Who do you think is underage? The person who says she's a 42 years old woman living in Japan? Or the guy who answered?
I can post my voice, it would be enough I think.
I can't fap to your voice unless you talk really sexily
Are these supposed virtues all spooks? By extension, are women the least spooked gender because of their innate lack of these qualities and inability to manifest them?
My gf loves it.
>started with shit-tier designs
>reached the God-tier after long years of evolution
It's like you haven't actually read Berserk, mom.
Kaiji is so ancient and so much around here for years and years anyone getting into it just now are 90% underage and 100% newfags on this god forsaken board.
>Anything scifi
Funny you mention that. I'm just getting around to rewatching Cobra.
*pops out more niglets and collects welfare*
Yes. It hit me pretty hard when I realized women were right all along
This show was for normalfags and women dude
Let's see.
will to power not egoism ok
praise the overman
Please do
Congratulations on derailing the thread. Then again, it wasn't a very good thread to begin with, so I will let it slide this time. But only if you tell me good night and sleep well in Japanese
Are we supposed to believe that you didn't just find a random voice clip somewhere and uploaded it to vocaroo?
Say "I am post number and I am a woman."
you don't sound 42
Please kekkon me
user, are you aware that while Griffith was saying this, he was fantasizing about Guts' fat dick cumming inside him? Griffith is essentially the model of a clever woman: he can talk about masculine virtues (mainly with the purpose of attracting a mate), but has no intrinsic understanding of them and is in fact incapable of such. The moment there's Chad dick at stake, all these ideas are shed like a snake sheds its skin, revealing the true fickle and sly womanly nature.
Anons who hold Griffith up as some kind of paragon of manliness fail to understand that with Griffith, Miura told them everything they need to know about women.