What exactly was the purpose of Megumin's cat...

What exactly was the purpose of Megumin's cat? It just seems like a prop they added to give her something to do in the background.

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If season 3 happens you will get to know. Otherwise youll have to read the LNs.

It's a fragment of the demon god who taught her to use explosion. Also a decent wingman.

That "cat" becomes very important later on.

She had a cat?

I don't think season 3 would cover that much, more like season 5

it's a cute cat, op

It's a cute cat.
It has a dumb name, but it's still cute.

What is name of cat

It's more important to the plot than Megumin.

i'd go with equally unimportant

None of the characters are important to "the plot" except Aqua and maybe Eris, but then again who gives a fuck about plot in Konosuba.


[spoilers]it's one of the demon king's generals[/spoilers]

i thought it was supposed to have a dumb name, but that's really cool

Ctrl+S, user.

average konosuba-poster, everyone

Doujins with the cat when?

my way used to work why did they change it to an easier way without telling me?
I'm on the mailing list...

it never worked like that, it's "spoiler" not "spoilers"


Someone spent his time drawing this

so I added an s? What's the big deal between friends...

It acts as an object of affection to exaggerate the "cute" and "funny" traits of Megumin's personality without having to make such overly explicit. Its a common occurrence for females in general to purchase a feline as a means of inflating one's perception of them as being more felicitous when in reality they are little more than desperate wenches exploiting familial affection in an attempt to garner a male partner. More than likely the only reason Megumin possess a feline is to make it appear like she has a personality that isn't dominated by an overwhelming desire to pin Kazuma and tongue his butt-hole, held back only by the negative attention prompted by the disgruntled screaming such would result in sounding much like the perplexed screeches of an orc tripping on a huge stone. That one would even consider the cat as serving a purpose other than Megumin's shallow ulterior motive would be to misunderstand the construct of her feeble mind and conceive that she is capable of anything worthy of appraisal.

Its not a cat but a demon. Later on it ate the soul of one of the Demon Generals, the bathing woman from S2 with the slime guy. She was one who saved Megumi when she was young & put her on path of EXPLOSION.

Later Megumi reveals that her chanting is just chuunism. She doesn't need them. So she out explosion the explosion lady.

I'd like to prove you wrong but you're unfortunately 100% right. She only picked up the cat on a whim and doesn't think much of it; even tried to use it as a scapegoat to save her own life several times.

The entire world is just a prop to give the cast something to do in the background

really makes u think


She actually always had the cat in the LN, but only introduces it to the others after a while.

So cute


The smell of new desperation

You ravenous fiend

It's Chomsky

Stop pretending you're not reding your own threads, Megumin.

when the fuck did this happen i've done it manually for years

i'm mad

It plays a fairly large role in the prequel spin-offs and one of the later volumes. You should read them.


Stick to the old way fight the power

Witches have cats. Duh.

>Wolbach (ウォルバク) is a Goddess of Violence and Sloth. She was eventually split in two and sealed by the Axis Order. The Sealing Stone was eventually taken by the Crimson Magic Clan to use as a tourist attraction for their village.

>Approximately 8 years prior to the main series, a young Megumin was playing with the complex sealing stone and accidentally released Wolbach and her other half, which went on a rampage. Wolbach used Explosion to defeat the beast and save Megumin, then drained the beast of most of its power and size, turning it into a small cat before resealing it, intending to come back for it at a later date.

>Seven years later, Komekko, Megumin's much younger sister, who didn't have any proper toy either, also solved the sealing stone easily and unsealed the black cat again. In her weakened state though, the cat was no match against Komekko, and almost became family meal on several occasions.

What is exactly the purpose of Megumin? She just seems like a prop they added to have something in the background.

She's a fairly well written character in the novel and enjoyable to a lot of people. Are you going to ask what's the point of Konosuba next?

It's her pussy lol

What exactly was the purpose of this pointless thread?

Getting your (You) and it succeeded. Thread can close now

>thread asking a question
>What's the point?
Are you fucking daft?

I want to pet Megumin's pussy!

>What is exactly the purpose of Megumin?