So tell me pol, how is this justified? its a crime against the german people and there can only be peace after return of our rightful lands.
So tell me pol, how is this justified...
You lost a war thats why stop bitching about it already
>You lost a war
that dont make it rightful
*blocks your path*
That's how territory changes, sadly
t. My grandad was an low ranking officer who felt terrible after he saw what the reds did in Berlin
Too bad he didn't feel bad about what they did to entire Eastern Europe.
Lmao and what the soviets continued to do, you retard.
The expulsion/murder of Germans was just as unjustified as the expulsion/murder of others by Germany. But in 1945 nobody cared and every country was free to rid themselves of one minority (Germans). After Germany walked all over them, they obviously held grudges and took the opportunity.
Make room for the new germans.
Polaks and jews are undermench of Europe, t.eternal victims, thieves, liars
You lost a great war, bro.
If we lost, it would be the same faith.
Ask yourself what "they" would have done had they won.
Oh I nearly forgot to answer your question OP.
>So tell me pol, how is this justified?
It was justified because you keep trying to destroy Europe you disgusting forest nigger.
You started a war. You lost. When you lose a war you lose land. Period.
And what would you do with it if you got it? Invite over a bunch of niggers? The Slavs are the future of Europe not Germany, not Nordcucks.
If anything the Pole's should get part of Germany to prevent it from rotting away with the rest of Germany.
>believing the germans destroy europe meme
It's used for banter, not for arguing.
I think we have other problems right now. Stop making us look pathetic.
We're fine with the country we have now.
Now stop posting this stupid shit and causing drama. Whining about lost territory is what nigger-tier countries like Albania and Serbia do and it's not like we are going to butthurt our way into getting it back anyway.
There is not such a thing as a "german rightfull lands"
>Berlin population
>4.4 mil in Dec 1944
>2.8 mil in Aug 1945
T-they all just went to sleep r-right?
>fw part of poland for 330 years
feels good t b h q
or maybe even 870
Silesia is not German clay.
Your not alone in thinking that the Americans fucked over Eastern Europe, especially considering what the Poles did for the Allies in WWII.
German-jewish alliance soon coming to blast Poland into oblivion, make it accept the full responsability for the death camps and return rightful german clay.
Establish the fourth Reich today!
Oh yeah, and inase you have not noticed, there is peace right now, it's only retards like you who want to dredge up this ancient drama like the last Sudentendeutsche, Prussians, Silensians etc. will be dead within 10 years and the only people left are butthurt we wuzzers.
Also, how exactly are you expecting this to work. Go to a pole in modern Poland and tell him "My grandpa lived here when he was a kid, therefore you have to give it to me"
Who's going to do that. You?
digits confirm
Don't listen to my friend
They probably said the same thing to Hitler and he actually did it
Also Sudets deserved their faith.
Hundreds of czechoslovak policemen died due to sudet terrorism.
If they would behave they wouldn't have to leave and there would be minor population exchanges just like with Hungarians.
But I guess that putting germans into their own camps after war was... a bit too harsh.
So does yours.
You destroyed Rome.
You destroyed Christianity.
You destroyed nationalism.
You invented, funded and allied with the communists.
You turned the EU from an open trade organisation into the authoritarian, leftist abomination it is nowdays.
You slaughtered millions of European whites.
You inivted millions upon millions of muslims and niggers onto the continent.
>It was not banter, it was all right.
and thats a german i like, a man who instead of focusing on what he lost he develops and works to make his country better.
and on a sidenote op ure just a btch with the "muh lust terrritoerie"
poles lost ukraine and ukraines murdered poles there but you dont see a thread about that evry 2 fucking weeks
or brits with "muh colonial empirrre"
or mongolians with "muh Great mongoloid empirrre" grow some fcking balls and go make more germans instead of crying about what you lost
I‘m curious about Lithuanias opinion on that. You have royally fucked them up. How are relationships today after the forgotten Commonwealth?
Yes, there are consequences for starting two world wars. Also alsace lorraine was majority German before the Franco-Prussian War, hence why they only sent back those that immigrated there after 1871.
If Germany could have just cut their losses after the first world war than Germany would be significantly bigger today, its Hitlers fault for sperging out. Complaining about this is literally liked complaining that a murderer lost his house when he went to prison.
Sudets lived there for hundreds of years. It's like saying the hungarians would be justified to completely murder and ethnically cleanse the entire Slovakia, since you rose against them.
Huuuushhh. Don't offend the Poles. They don't like to call us Lithuanians.
It's war, mate. It's how world and humanity is working. If you lose - you suck dick.
Yes they did.
But they were part of Bohemia for most of the time.
Even as inter part of HRE, it still was part of Bohemia.
They started shit up and got what they desreved, they lost after all. Slavs won, even though we payed a big price for win, we won.
>>You lost a war
>that dont make it rightful
Of course it does.
So tell me pol, how is this justified? its a crime against the Russian people and there can only be peace after return of our rightful lands.
>Your not alone in thinking that the Americans fucked over Eastern Europe, especially considering what the Poles did for the Allies in WWII.
Refer to specific people, it was Roosevelt that fucked over Eastern Europe. Churchill was willing to conscript the German military and go to war with the Soviet Union and so was Patton.
it is very justified. You would done same, and have done same to Poland in '39 and Czechia before. Quit your bithcing and work with what you have
He should have tried to make his own country work under National Socialism before trying to forcibly expand NS onto other countries. Invading Poland was a very bad idea because Poland acted as a buffer zone between Nazis and Soviets. Once the Nazis and Soviets shared a border war was inevitable.
See this:
t. pole
shut the fuck up you fucking wigger. Keinen Fussbreit Deutschen Boden!
So tell me pol, how is this justified? its a crime against the Western Slavic people and there can only be peace after return of our rightful lands.
Well, it's only natural they'd start shit as western europeans aren't natural vassals like slavs.
Well, we've lost a world war. A good reason I have to admit. We need to improve Bundeswehr, start WWIII and win to get all that shit back
Hahaha, guessed as much. Everyone seems to forget about that part of history, because we live in the year 73 AH (after Hitler). There is no history before that.
>eternal german
you'll never learn...
>be sorbs
>be murdered by germans for hunderds of years
>still survive
>still speak slav-german language
>germans complain about how are poor sudets dying out.
Of course it does. Nothing is more rightful than the law of the jungle. It's just that we need to learn to be evil warlords again
Next time you lose be smart and unleash your biological weapons to fuck the others as well.
There.might be free space in Dachau
Prussia was never yours, occupant.
France wouldn't approve that.
losers aren't winners :)
>tfw no Prussian girlfriend to sing folk songs to you
why even live
>I‘m curious about Lithuanias opinion on that. You have royally fucked them up. How are relationships today after the forgotten Commonwealth
Just madness...
Before pooland cuckdom was formed, all of the current polak clay belonged to them. Germans (Teutons) got begged to help christcucks jews and polaks, take over some of their clay.
Polaks lie, disobey , betray agreements.
Battle of Grunwald- Lithuanians btfo Prussians, helping polaks... WTF?
> they are seriously dumb
the third partition can't come soon enough
>Be Butthurt about being uprooted and thrown out of the country you were born in
>Fix it by uprooting and throwing out the people who live there now and expecting them to not be butthurt
>Check that: Live in adequate life in modern germany, read a history book or listen to grandpa talk about his shitty childhood
>Realise that you are a victim
>Being a victim means you get to be indignant and offended
>Therefore you get to treat people who now apparently qualify as your oppressors like shit
I have two grandparents from the Sudetenland, pic is the most offensive thing I've ever come across on this messageboard, but I presume that there are a lot of things here which also offend other people quite deeply. I stake no claim to anything in modern Czechia.
>Well, we've lost a world war. A good reason I have to admit. We need to improve Bundeswehr, start WWIII and win to get all that shit back
Gas polaks this time for real
Nah, rather gas everyone else
it does becouse you started the war to conquer completly non-german lands you commited multiple war crimes so you had to be punished for it
t. jew
when will you finnaly fuck off?
Unless we go to war with Poland we are not getting that shit back. And since we won't be going to war with Poland anytime soon, that's not going to happen.
People like you make us seem like a bunch of butthurt autistic retards
I wish more Germans died. We should have let the Soviets occupy more of Germany, more German whores for the big Russian cock.
>It's used for banter, not for arguing.
Foreigners generally take it 100% serious.
Their thing is that we are normally pretty positive about them... until we hear stories from people's visits to Lithuania and learn how weirdly and inexplicably butthurt they are. It's almost a running gag that we don't know what's their problem but I always welcome any Lithuanian who just acts normally. Our recent reaction to Lithuanian anniversary shows that there is a desire to have good relations but it can't work if only one side wants that.
Any Poles care to comment on how offensive this is?
>Lithuanian nobility in eastern Lithuania Polonizing themselves means that all people who still spoke Lithuanian are traitors and have nothing to do with "the real Lithuania"
This is just one of the many narratives you fucks push. pic related.
gun urself (((polski))) cuck
poland isnt even a legitimate country, its just made up from illegally taken great prussia lands
>So tell me pol, how is this justified?
This is what happens when you lose a war. It has always been like this you dumb niemiec.
Ironically this would have saved Germany.
Declare war on poland and take it back
Do you really think you will convince anyone that isn't a neo-nazi by saying 'We stood up against Jewish Communism.'
Steal other people's land? Really?
literally doesn't exist anymore
An american told me yesterday that germans are a bunch of pathetic we wuzzers, I could only point to this image and tell him that people who hate me are happy to ascribe more history, and influence on the course of history to germans than I would ever have done myself
You telling me bruder. You know what they say, 3 is the Hungarian truth. You ready for the final round?
Not only that but historically it's a pretty new concept. Except when we're talking about original Prussians.
Poland is illigaly occupying free city of Danzig since 1995, what are you gonna do about this germans?
>literally doesn't exist anymore
Clay belongs to Germans and Latvians though.
Slavshits and jews are immigrants there, that turned pretty clay in to shithole
But ethnic germans were expelled from those lands so you couldnt reclaim them again
What do we need more territory for?
To spread Islam even further and faster?
East Germany should secede in the future.
And only the people who want refugees should have to live with them.
National cohesion only goes so far.
>But ethnic germans were expelled from those lands so you couldnt reclaim them again
In return polaks need to be gassed for good
1995? Whatever happened then it was effectively Polish for far longer. Of course if we take into account all of history then it's been mostly Polish anyway.
Also that "government" has its own website that probably wasn't updated since early 2000s and is the funniest collection of ahistorical lies on the internet.
>what are you gonna do about this germans?
Probably invade Poland and import even more niggers. I can see it now:
>As Germans we have a responsibility to stamp out racism wherever it exists. Therefore we and the international community must invade Poland because they are not willing to accept diversity.
Prussia belongs to Prussians, faggot.
Partitions of poland justified
T. Pole
Don't you have a knife to bin? And remember to watch your language or the great mufti Sadiq Khan, the ruler of your capital city, will put you in prison for hate speech.
Oh and do not forget today is the day you let your friendly neighbour Mustafa rape your daughter for the 8th time this month.
>start a war
>get your shit pushed in
>complain about getting punished afterwards
>siding with the Germans
>siding with the Germans again
>40 years of communist oppression
The true telltale of the villain is that he will always hate and kick around his sidekick and blame him for all the wrong that came to him. Germany is the comicbook villain of Europe.
Poland was given administration over territory of the free city of Danzig for 50 years,
Whole area of Baltic South and East coast had belonged to Baltic people for thousands of years aka Latvians
Clue in the name.jpg Baltic
Polaks and jews destroyed it several times over, Germans rebuild societies and town's...
Since you sided with slavshits, you get nothing, clay must be returned to Germans
Well Western Pomerania was German for a long time that's true. That's about all. But just giving this one fragment away would make the borders look really stupid.
*blocks your revisionism*
Eternal victim pole
Actually the whole Europe lost the war. The poles might have the areas on the map but they are just another puppet of the USA/juden like every single nation state in Europe.