Who watched the Cheddar Man documentary on Channel 4?

(Image is another model made by the same guys who recreated Cheddar Man)
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I always suspected they Bongs were really niggers in disguise.

google Piltdown Man

Tell us, Chedder boy...
Do you believe this? I could go with cheddar man, because skin did lighten. But this?

Alfons Kennis talks about building the face of the 'First Brit'
Q:Is there an element of guesswork in what you do?
Alfons Kennis: It’s always difficult. These aren’t portraits. It’s a broad idea of how someone would have looked – you can tell yourself, if you put your hand on your face, you can feel where your bone is very near to the skin. It’s easy to know what a reconstruction would look like where the flesh is thin – for example, the nasal bridge, the frontal bone – the skin is very good, so if you know the skull shape, it’s easy to know what people would look like. But what brings a lot of character to a person is the fullness of the lips, the shape of the nostrils, the shape of the tip of the nose, the folds of the eyes – and you can’t know this.

Why give him a characteristically African nose with wide nostrils?

>The loss of body hair led to the development of dark skin pigmentation, which acted as a mechanism of natural selection against folate depletion, and to a lesser extent, DNA damage.
literally even wikipedia
People would have lost their dark pigmentation before really even settling Europe. No ancient human population with that dark skin could survive in fucking Britain, they would all have died off.

Reminder that Cheddar Man had 30k years more evolution in Eurasia than black Africans, who had and have zero.

>shape of the nostrils, the shape of the tip of the nose, the folds of the eyes
>you can’t know this.

Alfons Kennis revealing a bit too much here.
If you watch the documentary you see them making the underlying structure of the face. This is before they receive news about the (((DNA results))) from (((professor Dichmann))) telling them what color skin he had.
So even in the pre-painting stage, they gave him these wide African nostrils that would have looked bizarre on a paler face.
It's almost like they new what the brief was in advance.

kill your Tv, read a book.


So basically, Cheddar man's most defining feature after the dark skin, his Nubian nose, is pure creative fiction on the part of Kennis and Kennis.
Narrow his nose to normal European size, give him straight not kinky hair (again no hard evidence it kinky) and give him ruddy skin and the "we wuz britons" thing evaporates and we're back to looking at the very darkest a Russell Brand-esque face.

They have revised their statements regarding some Western Hunter-Gatherers.

"Loschbour (Luxembourg, Mesolithic) -
Eye Colour - Final prediction: Intermediate (blue/green) eye colour;
Hair Colour - Final Prediction: Black/Dark Brown hair colour;
Skin Pigmentation - Final prediction: Intermediate skin - Explanation: The highest probability of approximately 0.9 for intermediate indicates a light skinned (white) individual. He would not have the darkest possible skin pigmentation but does have tanning ability, so could be perceived as darker than white (pale) in the summer months."

Do Kennis and Kennis give all their reconstructions nappy hair?

Well unless we had African like weather patterns I'm just not buying this bullshit


They got bleached by EHG's from the east. The first humans ever in Finland were white-skinned.

It was all fake news to make brown people feel better about themselves.



Figures. The Brit government is in full White Genocide mod. Why the Brit people voted people into office that want to replace them with negroes and Muslims is amazing.


I'm gonna post this shit one final time on Cheddar man. His dna was studied and mapped at Oxford years ago. It is the same as the fucking Brits today. He was white.


At around 20:40 in

>hey we've no evidence he was black but he could have been black so he was black ok? now open your borders to the brown people

I wouldnt watch that jew bullshit if you paid me

sew yew bee saiyan we wuz nigs n sheeeiiit

And he has no beard in a time when razors were limited to crappy flints (?).

Yeah, I remember a Sup Forumstard with a biology degree posting about his literature survey in this subject. He couldn't find anything to support the dark skinned man meme.



fake news