Shoujo romance series

>Shoujo romance series
>Relationship starts almost immediately
>Series is about their growth as characters and the evolution of their relationship over time
>Ends with them happily married with children, the logical destination of a relationship

>Shounen romance
>MC has 10 girls hanging off his dick
>Every episode/ chapter is about misunderstandings
>Ends after 20 volumes with the MC picking one at random and holding hands with her while all of the other girls die alone

Why are shounen romance series' so shit compared to shoujo?

You forgot the tragic complications or dark & mysterious stranger (or a combination of both) that inevitably show up in the second arc of the Shoujo series.

You forgot the rape and NTR parts of the shoujo romance series lol

>Relationship starts almost immediately
This isn't a sure thing at all
>Series is about their growth as characters and the evolution of their relationship over time
I hope you mean "an absolute fuckton of drama"

Look, I understand a lot of people hate how shounen end their relationships in the last episode but shoujo have the exact opposite problem. When you introduce the relationship too early, you've still got to pad the story with something and I doubt those shoujo you think so fondly of are solely about cute, fun times.

He also forgot the annoying second girl who pines for the boyfriend as well as the family drama. Kare Kano was terrible about the latter in the manga

What is it about female authors and rape/ much older men?


Yes, if Shoujo stuff is to be believed going to Karaoke is 120% guaranteed to get you raped.

Or is this actually a real problem?
I think it's just an overused trope and neck/leg-beard Mangaka projecting, but i'm not sure

I'd rather take drama than nothing happening for at least a cour or two.

Are you talking about Tsubasa? Because they dealt with her shit pretty damn fast and then had her move on to being a cute tag along for Yukino, which is probably the best outcome to such situations.

>Why are shounen romance series' so shit compared to shoujo?

Because they are literally aimed at little boys who still have trouble expressing their feeling to girls without teasing them?

The real question you should as is why are seinen romance equally as shitty. And thats because they are aimed at man children.

I agree. Nobody is refuting that shounen romance is fucking stupid and the same nothing over and over again.

It's almost like they're afraid that if they pick a winner at the start all the other girls (products) will be forgotten about, or god forbid, their fans will sent them death threats.

>Because they are literally aimed at little boys who still have trouble expressing their feeling to girls without teasing them?
>First scene of first episode is without fail MC walking in on the girl who will obviously win at the end naked and in some extreme cases, her falling onto him and rubbing her bare vag and asshole in his face by accident

> Or is this actually a real problem

People just get real touchy feely in Karaoke places user, it's a small room where not much sound gets out.

Worked at one once, would not recommend it.

the rape in shoujo series is a meme, 95% of the time any attempted rape is used a a way to show that the antagonist sucks and the MC is rescued by the main love interest anyway. There is almost no actual rape and any rape that DOES occur isn't played off as "lol its ok".

Unless you are confusing forceful sex with rape. Yes, there is a difference. In the former the MC still consents even though the guy is pushy about it.

>shoujo series
>last chapter is ten years timeskip
>everyone has a cool job, is married and kids

>MC's live in guardian and school friend who is also a famous painter wants to have sex with your daughter and has been planning to have sex with her since before she was even born

how many other times has this actually happened though?

Once, in the series OP posted.

It happened in Twilight

> Shoujo series
> MC has some stupid dream that they need to study abroad for or some bullshit like that
> Only meet back up again with love interest years later and they're still in love

Manga can fuck off with this kind of shit, no way that you can leave for years and years and not expect whoever you liked in high school to have gotten over you.

Ouran's the only one I've seen that has them both go abroad together at least.

You sound quite bitter user.

Did this happen to you?

Fuck the maid manga.

Because shonen is aimed at retarded young boys.

also when shojos introduce a new love interest but it turns out to be a trap, then a few chapters down they do the trap's voice is changing so they can't be a trap anymore but then it's just a cold chapter

No, I just really hate that shit since it's super unsatisfying to read.

Or when they introduce a childhood friend who's a love interest but it doesn't go anywhere because the MC doesn't even consider him like that and at that point is already dating the main love interest. Why.

They're basically just whipping up non-existent drama or using those characters to point out some dumb flaw in the MC/love interest relationship, or just a problem with the MC themselves.

Japanese males are incapable of writing meaningful character relationships.

Nakahara Aya's manga is pretty good shoujo.

>shoujo romance series
>the female party is interested in her brother/half-brother/step-brother/sister's boyfriend/younger cousin/step-father/school teacher/friend's boyfriend/rapist
>the relationship sits on ice for 70 chapters of misunderstandings and status-quo resets, before she eventually confesses and suddenly everything works out for the best, no further discussion on the subject
>the feMC is a totally uninteresting, boringly plane girl who somehow becomes the interest of the Hyper Chad at school, which also makes her the interest of all of his delinquent rivals, which also makes her the enemy of all of the girls at school
>the relationship starts almost immediately and then devolves into 60 chapters of forced drama, misunderstandings, resets, and the feMC legitimately considering cheating

>shounen romance
>yea its shit, too

Strict romance is garbage. If it's not a rom-com or a battle harem, ignore it.

> the relationship starts almost immediately and then devolves into 60 chapters of forced drama

That or it's extremely clear that the dude has feelings for the girl, but she's turbo retarded and just misunderstands that he's just being nice or some bullshit like that for 60 chapters.

Shonen is aimed at young boys who probably don't want relationship bullshit so it's often played for laughs or surface level. Young girls are probably generally more receptive to romance stuff.

So why is it equally as fumbling and incompetent? It still takes dozens of chapters for the MC to even think of confessing.

manga are written by nerds, user

Still, if young girls want more romance you'd figure it'd go smoother whether it was realistic or not, a prince sweeping the girl off her feet, as it were.

People that write romance manga have never been in romantic relationships.

That doesn't offer as much drama for a story though. A story about everything going perfectly would probably be pretty short I imagine, and if done enough gets boring. Plus underdogs turning out well is a a classic story setup.

>Are you talking about Tsubasa?
I'm not talking solely about Kare Kano. OP mentined shoujo as a whole

Which shounen, (not harems), do this?

it's actually something interesting and you can see it on woman vs man book

Women tends to have their ending showing the ''happly ever after'' showing the new normality of that, while men go for the ''off in to the sunset'' closing the story there

Nisekoi like 80 million times.

>not a harem
are you retarded?

>Not harems
t. Onoderafag.

Fuck you, you don't get to pick and choose which series' are romance and which aren't. Nisekoi is a romance manga that is shounen.

There isn't a single place in the entire world that would not classify Nisekoi as a harem
>Nisekoi is a romance manga that is shounen.
Well shit, I guess To-Love-Ru is just the purest love story that could be

>There isn't a single place in the entire world that would not classify Nisekoi as a harem
Except literally everywhere, faggot.

>it's a shounen/shoujo are genres episode

Kill yourselves.

Nobody said they were you fucking retard. It quite clearly stipulates romance in the OP.

Do people here atleast even like romance in general?
>People complain when the main couple hook up at the very end.
>People complain when the character hook up in the middle.of the story and deal with drama.
>People complain when the characters hook up in the middle of the story and don't deal with any drama.
What do you people want?
What would be your ideal way to implement romance in a manga if at all?

All I watch any more are romance shows. It fills the gaping void in my soul that would otherwise be filled with companionship.

>People complain when the characters hook up in the middle of the story and don't deal with any drama.
Give me 3 examples where this has happened.

have you seriously read karekano? cause i remember it had a lot of useless drama and that it was boring and definitely too long

>Relationship starts almost immediately
But Akio doesn't show up until S2.

I just don't want hundreds of chapters of bullshit. I would much prefer shorter series that just focus on cute shit.

>have you seriously read karekano?
I bet he only watched the anime

You forgot that shoujo only sounds good on paper, in execution its the most boiler plate, boring piece of shit in existence. At least shounen's show off their tits and make me laugh.

This. Romance manga should be short and sweet. I don't need hundreds of chapters of will they won't they. I also don't want it stretched out with retarded drama. Just give me 50 or so chapters of cute.

This should have had a better ending honestly

>what is Tsuki ga Kirei

>like romance in general?
i prefer when the romance is included in a story that follows a bigger plot, romance for the sake of romance doesn't appeal to me

Spot on. Romance is best when it's just a single aspect of the plot rather than the sole aspect.

Some of the greatest shoujos ever made follow this rule.

These are hilarious generalizations. Read more shoujo. Read more shounen. Read more manga in general. Fuck off.

shoujo romance is fucking horrible, and has all these faggot men. Shounen romance is more realistic to real life, and has more tits. Are you gay?

>Ends with them happily married with children, the logical destination of a relationship
That's the part that ruins everything everytime everywhere

Literally all women want to be raped.

That's why homosexual romances are superior.


What did you guys think of Mars?

This. Women are incapable of committing to a relationship on their own, so they want men to make them theirs that way they don't need to make any decisions.

Fuck off Sup Forums. You're spilling red pills everywhere.

>Ends with them happily...
Hahahahahahahahaha. Better don't read the manga.

If remember Karekano Yukino is raped (or NTR) by other classmate

Are you fucking kidding me?

i've read it to the end (although it was like 10 years ago) but i don't remember anything like that unless theyre just trying to bait you with some joke scene at the end

Fucking hell, I was scared for a moment there, thank you user.


>Sup Forums
It's nu/r9k/. Autistic newfriends who migrated to /r9k/ from reddit were siphoned into Sup Forums during the 2016 election, at the prompting of the MSM, who said: "Lol go to Sup Forums's Sup Forums you fucking losers." That's where this is coming from. Women hating is anti family and anti white.

>Shoujo romance series
>Relationship starts almost immediately
Is that why I get blueballed for twenty fucking volumes before they confess??

I want a romance series where both MCs are alpha as fuck and unite their forces to create ubermensch children and dominate in whatever society they're in.

Shoujo is focused on romance, shounen usually isn't. It's like comparing main dish to arbitary side dish which isn't even designed as stand alone.

>reading manga for romance
Doing it wrong.

Nakige is usually formulatic shit though.

Holy shit. I didn't even know I wanted this. Good thinking, user.

Fantastic characters, great designs, a romance the reader falls in love with but story kind of falls apart towards the end. Main couple acts so immature as the story wraps up even though they've supposedly progressed so much. Rape trope was kinda meh too, though realistic. I will say it does do a great job of eloquently expressing a shy person's feelings as they fall for someone the first time. Supersport racing stuff was fucking excellent too. Story really offers something for everyone. Worth the read.

What's worse is
> Heroine has some easily obtainable dream for the future, shown to go for it throughout the manga
>finale timeskip
>lol, fuck that I guess, but at least her daughter is cute

I fucking hated Nekota for this.

I'm surprised you haven't even mentioned the HYD clones or the Endless Archetypes kind of shoujo romance yet

>tsundere and playboy
>"prince" and commoner
> insecure autist duo
> pushy boyfriend and shyer girl
> Dog-like boy and Cat-like girl
> a dick and his minder
> childhood friends who like each other but never want to tell the other one
> "we're practically dating, but we won't even take the next step"

Isn't that Kare Kano? Doesn't the guy go fucking nuts in the manga?

I just got through reading shit like that, pissed me off, what was worse was they didn't hook up until the last chapter after the time skip

It also largely depends on the manga. OP is making huge generalizations.

I'm just gonna go right out and say I get a more fulfilling experience reading a doujin on sad panda. I don't mind drama, but on;y if it's good drama, not the MC being a mong and the constant misunderstandings that permeate every fucking series. At least if there is dumb drama in a doujin, it only lasts a few pages and the kiss(fuck) and make up, but shit like that in a manga or anime can last for whole damn chapters or arcs.

Yeah he's a literal rapist.

No, he tries to be the "perfect boyfriend" because of I think daddy issues but that gets solved.

Its alright because after the main couple pair up the later half is pretty much about the secondary pairing up.

Different people want different things, you just can't make everyone happy and someone is bound to complain.


Hang on, what? Someone spoil the Karekano manga and tell me what this user is talking about.

He raped Yukino in the school's library, and she got pregnant.

>arima's entire arc

Sup Forums won't like this answer but the people who create shonen are always eccentric loners who devote almost all of their time to their creation and the fans are literally the most autistic consumers of any medium

so it's a weird gray area between "incapable" and "not desired"
i mean fuck, we all know how easy it to create fanservice and how easily people eat it up

I liked Prism.