They could not have picked a more appropriate picture.
They could not have picked a more appropriate picture
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National toast day?! Hot dog!
Yea stop demasculating them in school and fucking with them. They're little warriors.
And they can snap one day.
But then again, men in society need to snap anyways.
>I send kids to school so they can learn how to kill.
>Stop killing them.
>Had to go back 60 years to find a masculine non-mutt
>Incidentally when school shootings never happened
Lets demonize an entire group of people constantly for years with propaganda from MSM and see what happens! Girl Power! Highest ever amount of people on antidepressants because living in this shithole of a society makes me want to die everyday. Boys are the problem! YASSS! OMG?!? Why have 19 school shootings happened since the start of 2018 and all of them boys? Why has this never this never happened in the history of America until NOOOOOOW?!?! So weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird
For you
They're not wrong.
Boys, especially white ones have a massive problem. Society is stacked against them, they're being treated like they're the enemy and being told they're the worst people alive constantly.
Growing up they've got it the hardest. Of course a few of them are going to snap.
The real problem is not enough boys shooting up indoctrination centers.
ok Sup Forums let's compromise.
Let's take all the guns from white men and everyone else will finally be equal.
I think anyone looking at our current state honestly can say feminism has a lot to do with the mess we're in.
How many shooters out there had real father figures? Between standard ghetto thugs and mass shooters it's almost a universal thing.
>force feed white boys SSRI's
>blame white boys for everything
>send white boys to schools that look like the monkey cage at the zoo
What could go wrong?
I agree.
Males are the problem, not guns. We should use our school to nurture males and educate them on the qualities of femininity and feminism. Not only would it make our streets safer from toxic masculinity, but it would also help achieve gender equality too.
As other anons have posted, the problem is deep in society, as many changes have been made in recent decades along the lines of ideology and mind-altering substances. And the "solution" that's being called for is even more changes, like more drugs:
Reminds me of the Romans who got sick from lead piping so they put on even more lead to cover up the signs of illness, making themselves even sicker!
How many have been Jews?
Those drugs are 100% the problem combined with pussy teachers that can't handle undrugged boys. The pharma lobby spends like 800% more than the NRA.
how many "American boys" who became mass shooters were Jewish?
Also, some boys have gotten more difficult because parenting has deteriorated in general - if the father is even around, he doesn't discipline his son or treat him like a little man. And now people are unironically talking about trying to make boys even more like girls. The country is getting a positive feedback loop where they change thousands of years of civilization (husband and wife, father and mother, etc.), problems pop up, so they try to change things even more.
We need to disarm white boys because they are the real threat to the US.
You are part of the problem
Too obviously baity, maybe drop feminisim from the paragraph
wh*tes btfo lol its funny when they are angry at being destroyed by invaders
White boys seem to conduct almost all school mass shootings, so I'd say the image is pretty fucking accurate. What's the problem?
We may never know
They already scrubbed Nikolas Cruz's wikipedia page of any reference to the fact that his mother is Jewish. Now it's just the usual garbage about him being a racist sexist homophobe, and it's heavily implied that he is a white -- excuse me, (((white))) -- supremacist.
>Jew York Times
why do liberals always have to add "fucking" to every other word they use?
(((you))) are the problem.
and fuck you you fucking fuck. Why do fucking shills always have to gaslight for their fucking shill faggot coworkers. I'll say fuck all I like and fuck you.