Why is this show not popular here?
is it in 2chan?
It's shit.
Eh, that's just the vocal minority of lolicons and washboardfags getting uppity again; pay them no mind. Actual males with a dick and balls love this show, for obvious reasons.
1. Sup Forums has shit taste.
2. Nobody cares what Sup Forums thinks, even Sup Forums.
It's probably the best comedy anime of 2017 so far
>Actual males with a dick and balls love this show
Pretty sure "actual males" are busy pursuing real females to be fawning about drawings like you do.
*eye roll*
Oh right, I forgot.
>muh "we're all little girls here on Sup Forums" meme
Whatever makes you feel like you're not a pathetic piece of shit, I guess.
Because it's not Kaiji.
yeah this
watching a show about a loser trying to even out his bets, risking everything is a lot more entertaining than watching a show about a rich girl risking nothing
This. People who would watch this expected Kaiji with sexy girls who aren't moeblobs. When people realized the gambling wasn't as good as Kaiji's they didn't stick around because they're not idiot moefags.
Nice reddit spacing
Nice memeing.
Everyone would love to have another good gambling series. It's a shame.
It's not trying to be kaiji.
It's a different beast.
>>muh "we're all little girls here on Sup Forums" meme
What the actual fuck ? I didn't ever find this shit meme amusing, I meant that you have to be a pure disgrace to try to depict fawning over anime sluts as a thing horny manly men do.
If I'm feeling horny and no potential partners are available then masturbation it is. Only here we have /e/,/h/,/s/,/hc/ and /gif/, so why the fuck would I watch some sub-par badly written prude ecchi ?
Not really.
The anime hasn't hit the few characters who actually risk something that means something to them yet, and animefags have ADHD and refuse to see a series when it does. Also Kaijifags upset that this isn't literally Kaiji made by another studio.
Also, we still haven't gotten to the Fish Tank analogy and why the series isn't necessarily about "Gambling" beyond the imagery in it. Yumeko isn't some bum trying to risk it all for a chance at getting ahead. She's a voracious predator who is simply gambling others down at risk of something she can easily get rid of, but only feels the thrill of the hunt when it's a severely dangerous risk, like "You can no longer attend this school for gambling".
The President is trying to feed this monster and see how dangerous it can become.
There's a reason for all of the horror imagery and constant splashing and reflection of lights.
But we're not there yet, so explaining all of this is pointless.
Because if you were an actual man with an actual sex drive, you'd fap to whatever you can get, even if it comes from unexpected places. Your additional focus on "sub-par badly written prude" reveals you for the robot you are! Back to /r9k/ with you!
normalfags like it
I'm looking more at dat ass, dose hose, and the pantsu she's slowly slipping off her incomparably SOFT thighs.
I love Kaiji but you guys are getting real obnoxious lately. You can't have a single Kakegurui thread without someone crying it's not Kaiji.
It's why you are supposed to take her doggystyle anyway. That lewd sound of her breasts bouncing back and forth all the time.
I enjoy it but i'm getting annoyed with half the board going
>heh 0/10 it's not kaiji so it's irredeemable shit that should never see the light of day xp
HNNNNNNG! Superior taste there, user.
Calm down pedro your series is garbage
okay seriously
the real reason people in here hate it because it actualy just a generic shounen battle with big tiddy doing some silly face and pretend to be smart
people in here being spoiled by Kaiji so their actualy piss off about this
>an actual man with an actual sex drive
You're not one faggot, you're a waifufag defending Kekgurui on Sup Forums.
Even then, you cannot defend considering Kakegurui good just because of fapmaterial, and not even actually fapping to it since you always have the option to put it on pause and go fap to something way better.
For example, last episode was so fucking boring I actually jacked to Anri Okita while OwTheEdge was screaming like a retard.
Try mentioning Kakegurui anywhere on this website without a Kaijifag finding his way to the discussion and crying about how it's shit before eventually segueing into how Kaiji did gambling "Better".
>just a generic shounen battle
I don't understand why you'd chose this comparison. I think it's more like that terrible Sherlock series everyone shits on, since Jamabi pulls keikakus and plot powers right out of her fat arse.
>you cannot defend considering Kakegurui good just because of fapmaterial
But Kakegurui IS good just 'cause of the fap material; it's fucking GREAT fap material, such as the pic posted. You just have shit taste 'cause you're letting other shitty concerns get in the way of sacred fap time. Step it up, user!
Honestly the series is just doujin bait. And my dick is throbbing in anticipation.
Same here.
>It's another Kakegurui vs Kaiji thread
why did DBS leak here
>But Kakegurui IS good just 'cause of the fap material
You're being pathetic now. Going by your metric Bible Black is the single masterpiece of horror/surnatural everything must be judged by.
>it's fucking GREAT fap material, such as the pic posted.
You're either 14yo or one of the most sexually repressed virgins I've ever witnessed. It's a fucking drawing of a fully clothed young girl, with mediocre art quality for a still picture and with nothing exciting about it.
Go watch porn already and get that horniness out of your system.
Why is this happening, I think it's because there's nothing to discuss about the show
I wish people would at least compare it to Akagi.
>Going by your metric Bible Black is the single masterpiece of horror/surnatural everything must be judged by.
To be fair, Bible Black is quite good. If you don't like it, that's your problem, not ours.
>You're either 14yo or one of the most sexually repressed virgins I've ever witnessed. It's a fucking drawing of a fully clothed young girl, with mediocre art quality for a still picture and with nothing exciting about it.
>not recognizing high-quality maidens in anime
And you imply that you're a proper judge of good anime? Fuck off with your nonsense.
Anime or manga?
Dont know what you are talking about diego
Definitely manga
Manga until you're caught up, watch anime to enjoy the adaptation.
That sounds like total trash to be honest
I'd rather it have its own identity than simply being Kaiji: Less-Hideous Characters Edition. If you want Kaiji again, go watch Kaiji.
I mean, it's quite clear that Kake's best side is not the gambling. I am still watching it since it's a treat to look at and I am a mangafag so I am just waiting until best boy shows up.
At least it's keeping the thread alive I guess. The manga is monthly and the anime is Netflix so there really is not much to talk about other than waifufagging/arguing with kaijicucks.
Is this manga as hot as this though?
is the manga*
I didn't bring up Kaiji at all, why did you?
>Bible Black is quite good
Actually yes, but your point about deeming Kakegurui good because it's fapmaterial is still fucking retarded. I named because Bible Black because it's the only hentai name I remembered.
>And you imply that you're a proper judge of good anime? Fuck off with your nonsense.
At this point you're not even arguing anymore.
>not recognizing high-quality maidens in anime
So you admit to being a waifufag then. Have you ever had sex ?
Chapter 44 out.
Nips aren't into femdom and less if it has strong yuri vibes.
Because literally everybody in literally every one of these threads is a Kaijifag arguing whether or not they tolerate this anime. Playing stupid won't get you anywhere.
this show has a good ost
It's genuinely not a good show but I enjoy the aesthetic.
What if he was a teacher in Kakegurui?
When will loli gamble?
MUH, picked up.
Oh fuck off with your Kaiji scapegoating. One-Outs was awesome while still different than kaiji.
People don't shit on Kakegurui for being different, they shit on it for being awful as a gamble focused manga/anime.
Here's a simple test: would any kaiji fan enjoy a sex-reversed Kaiji ? I'm pretty sure yes.
On the other hand I could bet a week's wage you wouldn't give a shit about a sex-reversed Kakegurui.
Normalfags don't know any other gambling series but Kaiji
>I named because Bible Black because it's the only hentai name I remembered.
tsk tsk
>So you admit to being a waifufag then. Have you ever had sex ?
Yup. Once, back in college in the 90's, with a sweet, lovely young woman who had mercy on my soul. I screwed it up with her, though, because of my own autism. I regret it to this day. She is now married to some other dude.
>literally everyone
Not me though, and I would say not you but you brought it up for no reason
Umeko is a cute girl, I like her ride through the battle. I wish she would existed in the real life. With her you will never boring. I getting love her. she is the best
>*eye roll*
>Here's a simple test: would any kaiji fan enjoy a sex-reversed Kaiji ? I'm pretty sure yes.
Any potential visual change is an upgrade over Kaiji's default look, which is hideous. I love the series, but everybody in it looks absolutely disgusting.
>On the other hand I could bet a week's wage you wouldn't give a shit about a sex-reversed Kakegurui.
If the concepts were the same, I definitely would. Most of the fun is in seeing where things progress to and the consequence which hasn't really mattered in the anime yet because the most important bets are Manga-Only for now on characters other than the MC. Nobody gives a shit about fake risks or "Injuries" that will eventually amount to nothing later. It's about how they are shown and told.
Also, nice job outing yourself, Kaijifag.
>One-Outs was awesome
One Outs was stupid as fuck. The guy in One Outs wasn't even making smart moves or ballsy plays or whatever, he was basically just using common sense and everyone around him was an absolute retard. They were all dumber than actual baseball players.
Kakegurui isn't really a gambling manga, it's a character study of a psychotic bitch. You're watching with the wrong mindset.
It's funny your two lines of personal stories are still better written than Kakegurui. I don't understand how someone can devolve into a pathetic waifufag though.
And jabami isn't even well-written enough for someone to fantasize about knowing IRL, she's just a fanservicey plot-device with unlimited keikaku powers.
I know your feelings way too well[
It does, I'm gonna buy it.
Best boy not out yet.
>Any potential visual change is an upgrade over Kaiji's default look, which is hideous. I love the series, but everybody in it looks absolutely disgusting.
fuck off
>kakegurui is a character study
>it's a character study of a psychotic bitch
>resorting to the 2deep4u bullshit
No it's not. Character studies aren't anime, let alone as choke-full of fanservice as this one. And character studies require true-to-life realistic characters inspired by real life, not cuhrayzee plot devices with infinite powers.
I'll believe your particular case, but can you in all honesty say the same for everyone arguing it's a good manga/anime ? No, and if you were planning to say yes, have a bit of honesty.
Many faggots here can't form own opinion here and have to use Mother's Basement video for reference. Pathetic.
Who? Please don't tell it's what I think it is.
>And character studies require true-to-life realistic characters inspired by real life, not cuhrayzee plot devices with infinite powers.
Akagi was practically a character study. Was he real?
Geniuses can be a real.
Because Kaiji is better in everyway. You know Kakegurui will be 10/10 if there's one character like Kaiji in there.
People just tired of gambling genre where the Main character is good at it, give us more struggle, give us character like Kaiji.
This also the reason why I can never into NGNL, god that shit is so overrated piece of garbage.
no but he's very intriguing
>actual lips
I'm interested
Isn't Akagi the same character as Yumeko? Except Yumeko gets sexually aroused.
This is a good manga/anime for lip fetishists. They're VERY nice!
>Open thread
>33 results for Kaiji
i swear you retarded e-celeb faggots are the worst along with your shitty battle shonen.
Excellent taste. I've been enjoying this resurgence of lipped characters this season.
He's a lot more nuanced and developed, it's not just MUH THRILL.
No because Akagi wins by reading and manipulating his opponents' mindset, pulling incredible bluffs and maneuvers, and generally being a genius in a well-written story.
Yumeko just loses on purpose until she pulls "I was keikaku'ing all that time" with bullshit superpower.
Just like pic related.
Mother's Basement made a video comparing Kakegurui to Kaiji.
Yeah but the porn though.
The song alone makes him a better character youtube.com
You dont understand, yumekos a monster.
>you retarded e-celeb faggots
YOU are the e-celeb faggot. I went and watched that "Mother's Basement" you were talking about. It was shit and this guy is cancer-ridden.
Spouting shit like kakeugurui's characters being interesting and entertaining when so many are piles of clichés done lazily, ignoring the sheer amount of time fanservice takes up, and so on.
Also this cunt shits (too meekly) on kakegurui but defends fucking NGNL right after. Fucking NGNL. I understand why you'd be enraged at this pleb.
I've never heard of this guy until you mentioned him and I wonder why people like this exist. Honestly I don't think very deeply when I watch 99% of anime, i just want to be entertained and for it to not be shit. This guy is like some kind of pretentious art critic and he sees deep bullshit everywhere but in reality most of the time it's just some show made to sell plebs waifu merch.
Well if it's gambling of course you're going to get compared by Kaiji. It's like you haven't watch/read Kaiji at all.
I hope you're a phoneposter and got MarySue autocorrected to monster, because she's just a Mary Sue waifufags fawn over.
Same, but people need their taste to be verified by Sup Forums, or any online community, but mostly Sup Forums, because Sup Forums is the ones with the patrician taste, because then can they enjoy the show they are watching without fear.