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normalfag filter working as intended.
>retarded filler content is normalfag filter
fuck off
I feel bad for the people who watched it on a weekly basis. Quite the experience though.
But it was worth it for the payoff. The madman tilted the fucking building
nigga he tilted the building like 4 episodes in, by the end that's old news
looks like it worked
Pachinko was the best arc of both seasons.
fuck off
i'm still watching same as i watched all of One piece, but that doesn't excuse lazy drawn out filler content
They were determined to get their money's worth out of those CGI models.
>setup done before
>literally watching kaiji bruteforce the machine, asking for more money then getting fed more when he's about to run out
Look at this young soul and laugh.
all he's doing is turning a fucking handle and praying while the narrator comes up with new analogies for the balls and the machine
You must hate murder mysteries, after all the guy is already dead :^)
Seriously what's with all the Kaiji threads?
Is it all 1 guy?
summer newfags and virus videos
is that my boy Sasaki Koujiro?
some eceleb made a video praising it
>murder mysteries
>man is dead and then investigation for clues, deduction, interviewing witnesses, monitoring cameras, plenty of agency on the part of the people solving the mystery
>sitting and turning a handle then hoping balls fall into holes
i've only made one other thread besides this one, i dunno about any of the other threads
kaiji has always been entry-level
Are you actually implying that anime about mundane subject matter isn't the best?
Are you perhaps pretending to be retarded?
>actually implying anime about mundane shit is the best
this is next level autism
I heard that some kiketuber made a video about Kaiji.
Maybe watch more than one anime.
Wrong Vagabond
>Sup Forums praises anime
>anime gets attention for being good
>people watch anime
>now Sup Forums has a problem with talking about that anime
like pottery
>muh elitism!
Fuck off virgin.
Like clockwork.
elitism is like air here at Sup Forums
and that's not a bad thing.
elitism is very commonly understood by everyone to be a bad thing
Elitism means you can fuck off now.
wow, that was a pretty witty comeback
People like you prefer to use reddit, that way they can discuss about how Oda is a god while the mods ban everyone who disagrees with you.