How did America become like this?
What went wrong?
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Social media made everyone have an out sized voice. Previous generations loosened all standards.
Fake and gay, Julio.
You are going back.
While I think you are a shitty troll, I think you ask a respectable question. I believe the answer is the marketization of "clicks" and "ratings." These things are sold to the corporations, who use them to influence the masses. Advertising has taken a perverted turn, and is now a form of mind control. Sup Forums has had some success weaponizing this phenomenon. Now, if Sup Forums could stop sucking their own dicks and do something cool with that (the Trump thing is not cool), I probbaly would have a lot more respect for the "meme war." As of now,
One of the few terms I've ever heard that genuinely makes me angry. It's so fucking stupid.
I can make fake tweets too
Send Arianna back to Mexico, her lawyers can't keep her out of jail there. They shoot people for biological terrorism. Arianna spitting her herpes all over other peoples food. Good thing, an honest American caught her.
These have more rights than women and Dreamers?
Honey, there are so few of these left in the world that their only “right” is a quiet and peaceful existence in a museum.
illegal aliens
This thread is communism
I can legally shorten the barrel of a woman but not a gun.
Ariana with another explosive crowd pleaser
They gave brain-fart amplification platforms to retarded vaginas?
You know the answer. Say it.
ariana is a coal burner.
americans are worthless mutts
Ariana Grande is a millionaire attractive white woman, she is a member of the most privileged class of human beings to ever live. Her social media martyr act means absolutely nothing. She should check her privilege and stfu.
Note how liberals subvert the narrative by trying to force others to use their vocabulary. They are illegals. Call them illegal immigrants, because that's what they are.
Illegal immigrants have no rights.
>objects can have civil rights
well they let the beaners in in 2000 because bush was a tard and opened the boarder then the media started looking for beaners to act as spokesman for beaners but mots are butt ugly so they got stuck with some jail bait bitch and some has been comedian
they mouth off but they dont have a firm grasp of the language when there isnt a teleprompter telling them what to say. a gun isnt a civil right and neither are people. but beaners have access to twitter so it kind of bleeds through the difference in google translate filtered statements and their public personas
are white Americans not allowed to have dreams too?
what fucking rights do women not have compared to men. It's all so tiresome.
Women and Children are not guaranteed by the Constitution
b.c of ppl like u
My "assault weapon" has voting rights? No?
My "assault weapon" has abortion rights? No?
My "assault weapon" has civil rights? No?
What the fuck is she talking about?
We dont get free pussy pads and baby controllers! I want fuck fuck for free! Ree! Fuck you i wany more moneyyyyy :)))) gimmie gimmie more money you...
um, sweetie, could you not be so racist and sexist? be humble :)
>assault guns
I fucking wish.
The real tragedy of Manchester is that this dumb broad didn’t learn anything from it.
how pompous for her to believe those rights trump the right to arms.
((( one post by this ID )))
I swear to God I'm going to make a gun that shoots compressed salt bullets.
wtf i love Trump's America now
Im very happy more people are joining the resistance..The Blue Wave is coming
>How did America become like this?
Are you new?
Lurk moar, jesus christ.
>Endgame - White Genocide
MK ULTRA writ large
Why should illegal aliens have any rights at all?
They are criminals who have no right to stay in our country.
Dobbel kek
Fake tweet.
I didn't choose the Stug life
The Stug life chose me
do these people even know what rights mean? why do i read this shit everywhere? muh no right for health care but right for guns. fucking retards
Because everyone knows Trump drafted the second amendment.
This dumb bitch can't act or sing, quit giving her attention.