Shokugeki no Soma
Rindou best ass in the series
You think she's wearing anything underneath?
She seems like the type who'd want a breezy feeling down there.
What is Mitsuru doing here?
This thread is better 2bh
So since Tsukuda insists on hiding Rindou's powerlevels, it's pretty much confirmed she's the best cook of e10?
Will Soma job next round?
>Megumi starts fighting soon
The Megumifags are gonna start crawling out of their holes soon, and they're gonna be as annoying as they were before the authors wrote Megumi out of the manga
Enjoy the peace while you still can
Nope cause he'll be paired up against Eizan
When will we finally start getting good chapters again?
>He thinks shipping chapters are good
After the RdC gets over, it will be interesting to see the new route author takes with the series.
Post your face when Tsukuda cuck us from Somei vs Takumi.
Ok, that makes a lot more sense now.
Inb4, Megumi loses to Momo, Souma and Takumi win against Eizan & sword respectively. In next round we'll have Ishiki losing against Rindou and Takumi getting beaten by Tsukasa while Erina winning against Momo, leaving us Souma + Erina vs Rindou + Tsukasa
>wanting Isshiki to lose
I won't be surprised if it goes this way but I don't see Megumi losing her first match.
How do we meme'd Souma into losing, lads?
Eizan will master the secrets of ketchup and beat Souma with a taste of his own medicine.
Then Megahoo will avenge him by defeating Eizan next bout
>the authors wrote Megumi out of the manga
Still trying to push this meme I see.
Nah, he'll end up in a team battle against Tsukasa because he has to help Erina completely overcome her brainwashing as Senzaemon asked and needs to win against the 1st seat because of what he promised to Shinomiya at the end of his Stagiare.
Isshiki is probably going to lose before the final just to have Erina's plan get fucked up and to push her into a corner. There's no way everything will go down as she wants, something has to happen so there's more drama, they won't get smooth sailing to victory.
The whole training arc with his dad and Gin should you let know that the Umis will each get at least one solo win.
this endurance shit is hilarious
Sorry but I find Erina and Isshiki beautiful
I hope so, I will get too mad if Souma fucking wins again but a Umi loses.
>she's the best cook of e10?
I find Erina and her brother even more beautiful desu, Satan.
I agree with Isshiki.
>arms crossed over her chest pose again
Is Tosh lazy or something? Erina and Takumi are practically same face, Megumi still does that pose, and now Erina is shown in this pose most of the time.
Anyone else find the megumi, chitanda, hinata archetype unbearable?
Out of all the things that are never gonna happen, this one is never gonna happen the most
>trying to cuck Soma and Nene
She collapsed due to exhaustion, her power level clearly can't be that overwhelmingly superior.
I don't recall Megumi or Chitanda stuttering and fainting because of talking to a guy they liked. None of those three characters are the same at all except that they would make good wives and mothers.
Erina and Takumi always had the same face, it's just that now they are together so we notice it.
I just want to see what a Takumi and Erina's spawn would look like desu Satan.
>Megishima manages to fight Soma all day n night
>Megishima can go two rounds in a row in the RDC
>Eishi and Rindo are done after 1 round
I think they need some of Megishima's ramen diet
Too beautiful to born.
Right now
>seeing all of the E10 and many of the main characters cooking isn't good
Blonde with either her eye color or his. So just imagine Erina with blue eyes or Takumi with her purple eyes.
He's an Erinafag
And like most Erinafags, they think if their precious queen isn't taking 95% of the screentime then its a shit chapter
I'm a massive Erinafag too, but this arc is the best since the festival.
Nigga please, you telling me this fucking pointless tournament arc provides more character building than actual development between characters in a correct environment?
This is just character A vs character B and whoever wins,wins, and we move on. From what we've seen so far, some dude wins, he carries that victory forward and thats that.
Their relationship doesnt deepen nor does it provide anything meaningfull other than "once upon a time I beat that dude".
This arc is boring as fuck. Please lets go back to actual interaction between characters is all im saying.
>make a single dish in like an hour
>have to rest for two days
Now I see what people who say that millennials have poor workplace performance are on about. How are you ever going to make it as a chef if you have to be hauled off by the paramedics before lunchtime? Forget about speaking to the ingredients, Eishi should learn to talk to the leftovers as he's washing dishes, that's all he's good for in an actual restaurant.
theyre all obnoxiously naive and doormat characters
>that millennials have poor workplace performance are on about.
Why the hell would you even try to compare this with real-life?
t.Average Erinafag
It's much more about having to come up with something amazingly delicious on the spot rather than the actual making of the food, dumb memer,
That's just your opinion user.
In a manga where a character's only way to get at least a little exposure is through a match, yes. Fuck off to read a shojo manga or something.
How many fights have you seen Hisako participate in and how much growth has that character gone through in this manga?
Way more than most I tell you.
Why are you even reading this if what you actually want to read is shoujo SoL or something?
>how much growth has that character gone through in this manga
You meant how her whole character went from revolving around Erina to keep revolving around Erina?
Isshiki is made for Nene and Nene is made for Isshiki
Erisshiki shippers need not apply
That's a thing?
t. Nene.
Much better than Soma and who cares about Nene.
I understand where you're coming from, but it's like this user said . Matches are the only times we get to see different characters take the spotlight even if for a chapter or two. Before Erina and the whole family drama, she barely appeared and most of the time us readers were following Souma/Megumi which I didn't mind, but I could understand how it pissed off other readers since Tsukada introduced a large cast yet hardly used them and still doesn't really use them; even before this arc started, we were just following Souma/Megumi/Erina/Takumi. I'm still waiting for the characters of Alice and Hisako to do more than revolve around Erina, but seeing at how bad he is at fleshing out his supporting characters I don't see it ever happening. It's a shame,.
>all interaction that is not fighting is SoL bullshit shoujo
Bitch you are beyond fucking retarded.
Lets take shitty Naruto as an example, did Naruto grow more when he was running around with Jirararuauraura, whatever his name was, or through his fight with Pain?
The entire point of Erina's strategy shows that when you fight a weakling you don't have to try very hard. Basically Megishima didn't take any damage at all from round 1 notice how he didn't even sweat cause the power gap was too high so he could be as casual as he wanted to.
Naruto didn't grow at all. He was still the same annoying character up to 699 since 700 shows him as an adult. He was always the same "muh hokage/muh sasuke" character.
>Repost from previous thread
Yes Tsukasa and Rindou exhausted may be an asspull but at least it makes sense. Just because they're elites doesn't imply they all must have some crazy stamina. If you wanna use the example of Tsukasa serving 3 full course meals at the Moon Banquet Festival then you're sadly mistaken. The difference is that it takes him effortlessly to make those meals for 30min-1 hour each per guest where as in the Rdc he spent 2 whole hours prepping/ working on just 1 to serve 3 judges to it's absolute best because he's against someone which who'll also take their dish to their absolute best and best him while during the Moon Banquet Tsukasa is only focused on his dish and none else with no restrictions meaning it's a far/ more endearing task for Tsukasa to cook during the Rdc.
Also don't compare Saiba defeating 50 chefs in a row. They were all fodder which he effortlessly defeated. He wasn't facing elite 10 tier opponents otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such a feat in the first place
Ok, but then lets take Erina as an example.
at the start of the manga, she was full on tsuntsun, she hated everyone and everything that wasnt 10/10 Jōichirō Yukihira cooking.
How many Shokugekis has Erina had so far? Zero as far as I can remember, the only time we've seen her fight was with those eggs in the early chapters, cooking at the hotel or whatever it was.
No fighting has she done, yet still she has grown immensely throughout the manga.
Of course if you compare the fucking main characters the situation is different, we are talking about side character who barely get any shit unless they are cooking which they barely do.
She's the main heroine though
What about characters like Saito or Megishima or Kuga? They don't get the luxury of being main characters so they only way they get any sort of development is through battles
This arc has shown us more of the E10 in these past 20 chapters or so, then we've seen since their introductions
Taking Erina as an example is unfair since she's the heroine so obviously she's going to get completely different treatment than the supporting cast. She got that growth because she had chapters dedicated to her character and her personal issues.
>she hated everyone
Not true. She only looked down on every first year because she thinks of them as stepping stones and any other chef in general who she believes to be fodder. The only person who she really hates was just Soma. But after the Autumn Elections she started to not look down on most chefs like Megumi and even Soma but she still hated him a bit
My point was from the beginning that there are other ways to grow than through fighting. There are certainly ways to do this.
Lets look at Eizan then, he was been in several fights with Soma, yet he hasnt grown for shit, its still this angry fuckwit wanting to destroy the arrogant little shit despite several onscreen fights.
The shokugekis are welcomes by all means, but they need relevance, they need meaning. The current arc provides nothing other than to overthrow Aizen and his keikakku then moving on to the next part.
Stop being facetious, that's not what I said. My point is that it's strange for you to read a Shounen-oriented manga if you don't want to see the actual "action" which is at the very core of its universe and pretty much every character's motivation. The "fights" also do in fact show plenty about the characters, especially the ones who do not get much (or any) exposure at all, but apparently that doesn't count for you as development because it's not about "relationships".
If Soma didn't exist perhaps they could have antagonized each other enough to become close in some way.
I am a Erinafag and I love this arc faggot.
Not every character needs growth though especially one like Eizan that will undoubtedly become completely irrelevant after this arc is over. Anyways I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of his character, to be a cocky little fuck who gets angry easily.
Maybe 4th bout will be Isshiki & Erina against Tsukasa & Rindou.
>deciding the themes now
Are they going to try to coordinate each other or something?
That's my guess
Soma, Takumi and Megumi sweep round 3 leaving Rindo and Eishi on central
Isshiki loses against Eishi and Erina wins against Rindo
Final bout is OT4 vs Eishi
Why do Eizan looks like a manwhore?
>Not every character needs growth
Nor did I ever make this argument, but from what I gather through the responses is that:
Fighting = character progression
Talking = Shoujo SoL niggershit
That is simply not true and that is which I try to make my case on, useless fights are simply filler and uninteresting while meaningful fights will not only fuel progression in plot but also character progression, that is what I want to see.
Cause he's a yankee.
There's no excuse for that leopard shirt.
>RdC fights
>fights to literally solve the main heroine's childhood issues through multiple means
Should be, but at same time is also an advantage for Central too.
Cute! CUTE!
Why is their never any fanart of Erina? It's always Soma, Megumi and Takumi and sometimes all 3 at once. Are most artists just Megumifags? Is that why
>You're a judge in the last bout
>Soma and Erina vs Eishi and Rindou
>Rindou gives you a mouth to mouth infusion of Eishi's essence with plenty of saliva
Your score?
Maybe you just have to lurk more.
It's not a question of whether anyone wants him to, he's going to. The bigger thing is that user genuinely thinks Megu is getting eliminated without a win.
Her issues was resolved hence she stepping up in the first place dude. That was what the whole thing with her sitting in Somas room and he cooking for her, seeing that he is the embodiment of Jouchiro, thus wanting to help him and the rest of PSD through Regiment de Cuisne. She grew before RDC and now we are seeing the results of the growth.
because erina is shit. you can lurk tumblr/deviant-art fanart if you're that desperate since you'll probbaly find some erina fanart.
y u so mean
Souma, Takumi and Megumi kinda have that cute best friend trio vibe. Erina is the girlfriend who joins the group later.
Most shokugeki fanart comes from tumblr and 95% of tumblrfags are Megumifags
Alright, I got it now, things will go down like this:
3rd bout:
Souma vs Eizan
Takumi vs Momo
Megumi vs Saito
Winners: Souma, Megumi, Momo
4th bout:
Souma/Erina vs Momo
Isshiki vs Rindou
Megumi vs Tsukasa
Winners: Souma/Erina, Isshiki, Tsukasa
5th bout:
Tsukasa vs Souma, Erina and Isshiki
Winners: The rebels
>Why would Megumi fight Tsukasa?
Because Isshiki won't let Souma do any stupid shit and jeopardize his master plan to take on Tsukasa as a team.