is this anime actually communist culture marxist propaganda or is it supposed to be a parodic dystopia? i really can't tell
Is this anime actually communist culture marxist propaganda or is it supposed to be a parodic dystopia...
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>thinking people watch centaur girls
>Sup Forums shit needs to know whether the show is his friend or enemy
Just fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Take it elsewhere
>Cultural Marxism
no I'm watching it regardless because monster girls are cute but I'm just confused, guy
The only accurate answer to that question is, "Yes, you're through the looking glass now."
>you have to be Sup Forums to notice how media gets ruined by propaganda bullshit
It's beyond obvious at this point and I find myself deliberately skipping shows/games that try to ram PC bullshit or other propaganda down my throat. Anime is still relatively safe, though, compared to Western media.
Necro this thread
Come on, it's really close to any democratic country you could find.
Now, let's all rise for our glorious anthem.
Called it. Someone's probably running a bump-bot on this thread with a set of responses queued up for whenever it hits page 10.
a dystopia where everything is animated poorly
>blaming Sup Forums boogymen becuase someone insulted your furry show.
Why are Sup Forumsfags so insecure seeing conspiracies and attacks everywhere?
It's hardly a furry show, but we had a lot of Sup Forums idiots in these threads, who are obnoxious about 3DPD politics, and don't understand the board culture either. Go back.
All of the enforced PC bullshit is shown in a bad light so it should be obvious.
It's actually shown as neutral.
On the one hand they have it so that people, in whatever form, are granted equal opportunities in life, but on the other, people get fucking arrested for not believing that someone's hair isn't dyed.
Here for people who like saying "dumb frogposters".
Prepare yourself to be arrested.
OP isn't insulting the show he just wants to be spoonfed on the 'correct interpretation' of it because in Sup Forumsland ambiguity and discussion is bad. It's the most boring insipid way of experiencing art (not that this show reaches the heights of being good) that you can only like entertainment that exactly align with one's political beliefs, and Sup Forums is the king of this even beyond or at least on part with tumblr.
satire of both
it´s more like a cheap criticism to cultural marxissm
You know there's only one solution then.
I don't know the source, but I remember reading somewhere that those who tend to be down on their luck and have low educations, low income et cetera are often drawn to conspiracy theories because they already feel like they have no control over their lives. From their perspective, everything being controlled by incomprehensible shadows fits into their world view and narrative.
I also felt kinda confused after watching the first episode, in one part the teacher was saying that everyone should be equal in a disturbed manner and then they show this guys smiling in the shadows and in the next scene the girls are talking about their differences and how some are more capable than others. So I don't know what to think of the series
>board culture
It depends on your view. For me it is a tyrannical dystopia with forced multiculturalism but I'm sure some people would love to live in that kind of world and think that all the harsh measures taken against "wrongdoers" are justified for the greater good.
I guess that's what makes it so great. You can view it from both sides. And that's not even mentioning all the cute girls. These little neko are amazing and I want one of them as a pet.
What a bunch of dummies.
>These little neko are amazing and I want one of them as a pet.
N-No just as a normal kitten pet to pet and take care of
>but I'm sure some people would love to live in that kind of world and think that all the harsh measures taken against "wrongdoers" are justified for the greater good.
Meh. I see the show as a dystopia, but a "realistic" dystopia so to say. Just because wrongthink gets you sent to the gulags doesn't mean you can't live a happy high school life.
Exactly, and that's why the show is good. If your mind aligns with the values that the government in the show promotes then it would be an amazing world to live in and it wouldn't be too bad really. But if you are the radical opposite it would be hell on earth. The main cast seems to enjoy it and think it is a good thing but every time they mention discrimination or the thought police it sends a shiver up my spine.
Mixing cute lolis and SoL with DEEP and EDGY is my ideal anime.
>The story takes place in Japan
>But it's a Japan where nobody believes in souls
>But it's a Japan where nobody believes in souls but everybody's Christian
what the FUCK?
That chapter takes place in the heart-land of the USA.
I wish I had the picture of the Japanese Christian Buddhist shrine where they claim Jesus went to Japan.
Isn't it illegal to ride a centaur? Like getting executed for it? Cutting your halo hair is a serious offense. They have armed soldiers roaming around making sure you follow the law.
However this series is pretty cute. The triplets are adorable so is the angel kitten, she's a doll.
the source: some liberal kike's asshole
but you believe it, because you're the dumbass
>A literary or artistic work that uses imitation, as of the characteristic style of an author or a work, for comic effect or ridicule.
>for comic effect or ridicule
It's not a parody. It was a parody when it made fun of protecting important foreigners like the reverse lamia.
I bet you wouldn't feel that way if that propaganda pandered to your political beliefs.
It's a social commentary. That's all it is.
It's not intended to display one set of values as inherently superior than another.
It simply exists.
Centaur no Nayami is the result of an author who wanted to reverse engineer a working universe with anthropomorphic animals following human history.
The extreme authoritarian democratic bent, constant propaganda, and Ancient Alien-tier mythical races, is the result of that reverse engineering.
If it would appease the autism of the crowd, it would be more to-the-point to say that the author is not producing propaganda--he doesn't want to influence your perception of democracy or communism.
He just wants you to think about the problem. Our (the Japanese) perception of workplace culture and its systematic elimination of private life.
The foundations of democracy and tyranny by the majority.
Reverse discrimination through inequal spending of discretionary government funds.
Restrictions to individual liberties while seeking out true equality between races that couldn't be more different from each other.
>he takes pride in believing in pants-on-head retarded theories
Kek, what the fuck man.
>character that endorses a black centaur president has his farm taken over by big industry
>the industry is controlled by aliens and they turn him into one
>the neighbor he thought was a creep is actually a good alien who saves his son
>using a pump-action shotgun
Yeah, I think it's "communist culture marxist propaganda", just slightly more self-aware of its own shortcomings and full of cute monster girls. Even the "historical" segments full of black-white morality propaganda are just an example of history written by victors.
It's better to not overthink it.
They literally execute people for littering.
Perhaps. But it can be viewed from both points of views. Neither is wrong or correct, it depends entirely on what you think and that what makes this series so interesting.
Like that's a bad thing.
So cute
It's a nightmare finding parking at the Trewopoiuy Vggfd motel.
I can't even find the entrance
It's double subversion. Like Koi to Uso, the Japanese are setting themselves up for a new paradigm.
Stop repeating the same thing
As soon as people stop jumping into a topic without reading all the other posts
I wonder what are you implying
Please clear something up for me.
Is this anime about cute girls doing cute things? Because I see people post manga pages of genocide and shit based on the animal parts, but all I've seen of the anime screenshots is cute stuff. I don't want to start watching at have it turn all dark.
>Is this anime about cute girls doing cute things?
Yes. The best parts are about cute kitties playing around but it also has a very dark political aura around it that is noticed every now and then.
>I don't want to start watching at have it turn all dark
There is no snake and frog genocide so far in the anime. But you feel that creepy Orwellian touch every now and then.
I think that's what's so enticing and confusing about this series.
It shows a logical political extreme in action, but it doesn't necessarily say it's bad.
We perceive it as oppressive or dark at times, but to the cute girls doing cute thins in this world, this is not only normal, but functional seeing how they really do have a relative peace.
It's not making an argument, just presenting an ideology.
I'd love to see a bunch of alt-right and lefty/pol/ sit down and discuss this series. It would be hilarious.