What happened?

What happened?

the best part of you ran down the crack of your mothers ass

>when anime filler becomes more enjoyable than actual manga story

honestly I lost interest in the show when Rukia left. the show was interesting because of their dynamic, they had a nice dichotomy going on

I also think the show jumped the shark by going to the soul society so quickly

was that only the sword rebellion arc?

Everything after the Soul Society arc
Art style got really shitty at some point after that.

Best girl won, pedophiles/fujoshits got mad.

Kubo happened

I-i liked the bauntos to

Kubo had good character designs but was lazy with his story development even the soul society arc dragged on at time you could see some hiccups in that story. Some internal conflicts with his editor, kubo wanting to do his own thing while the editor told him what sells and what doesnt, got lazier with his drawing (hence kubo and no backgrounds meme) just banged out character designs you can clearly tell he didn't card much about making more bleach once the Las Noches arc was underway and it was soul society 2.0, bullshit power ups because why not, barebones shonen tropes without giving more heart and reason into them.

TL;DR kubo got burnt out

>the show was interesting because of their dynamic, they had a nice dichotomy going on
they were literally the same. even ichigos japanese voice actor stated that rukia was like the girl version of him.

If that's true then the entire season 2 being about rescuing her is a terrible premise

What happens when a good artist writes one good arc and then gets exposed as a hack.

>What happened?
How many "what happened/what went wrong" Bleach threads are we gonna have? It's been discussed to death what went wrong.

Kubo got lucky at the start but as time went on he had more opportunities to show off what an awful writer he was.

huh? how does that even relate to them being alike?


I wish I could go back in time and beat the shit out of my 11 year old self who thought getting into Bleach would be worth it

At least IchiRuki fags suffered more than me


Stop making these fucking threads since they're pointless. Once the previews for the second Narita novel start releasing again on the J-Books app then threads should be made.

Do you happen to have the lists of things that didn't come together?

>Kenpachi's zanpakuto's spirit didn't appear
>Because she was already released


he never explained why aizen hates the soul king? jesus fuck

Is there an anime with worse pacing than Bleach?
Or manga?

Naruto still prevelant in some fashion due to Burrito and One Piece is STILL going.

Obviously Bleach fags want to still be able to fling their shit too.

Still there are only so many times people can answer why this horrible story died before you just wind up hearing the same answers over and over and over again.

some of these are so stupid. like for example the whole orihime and corruption were just grimmjow and ulquiorra trying to fuck with ichigo. are bleach fans really this stupid?

It's called antitheism.

Nah it's obvious Orihime was supposed to become a hollow till Kubo wussed out for god knows what reason.

I'm sure everybody would've enjoyed Ichigo going full hollow and then pulverizing "his nakama" to a bloody pulp.

Aizen lost.

He'll win eventually since he'll be around even after everybody else is dead

>it's obvious Orihime was supposed to become a hollow
Stop confusing headcanon with canon user.

>had a telepathic link with the arrancar
>Aizen admiring her powers but not taking advantage of them
>one of the vizards outright stating Orihime's powers were similar to those of Hachi

It's fairly obvious it was a scrapped idea.

Or are you suggesting Aizen would actually be retarded enough to miss out on such a good opportunity?

Fillers were never better than actual story, no matter how bad it was.

Bleach had amazing cast with really cool abilities (and also Renji), but the world-building sucked so much that it didn't matter at all.

I still can't forgive Kubo for not showing Shinji's Bankai.

And then what?

I don't know he finds some way to repopulate the world with his semen?

Nothing Bleach was perfection

Idiot sheeps just can't recognize its greatness but give it another 10 years and it'll be hailed as a classic

Unless you think trash like dbz and inuyasha are hailed as classics these days, this aint happening.

>dbz and inuyasha are hailed as classics

They are though

Such a waste of top tier waifus.

>What happened?
Nothing, Kubo was an author that could only come up with cool ideas , concepts and characters designs but can't write an actual story to save his life.
Should have ended at soul society as everything after it was a rehash of decreasing quality.

I liked the urban supernatural mixed with old japanese aesthetic, the music was balling too.

Wonder if anyone could pull off making something similiar while at the same time being well written, interesting and not just an obvious ripoff

The Heart

No idea if they're considered well written or interesting but Nurahiyon no Mago and Noragami fall into the same niche.

No they aren't.

Ended too early, needs a sequel.

>yhwach fulfills his promise and kills them one by one when they are at their happiest
>chad dies fighting in the ring after winning the super world championship
>kazui/yhwach kills orihime when she kisses him good morning
>rukia and renji die when making love
>uryu is fine since he's a doctor and doesn't have time for happiness
>ichigo becomes a full hollow and goes out in hueco mundo

Does this mean Chad is really just Joe Yabuki from an alternate timeline?

It's not even close to true, though.
When Ichigo lost his powers he went back to being a high schooler and was depressed about it. When Rukia lost hers, she was still a shinigami.
Rukia is a shinigami through and through. She acts out of duty, but it doesn't interfere with her being herself. Ichigo is a shounen MC who only acts because he's a self-insert with plot armor. He's locked on the "try, fail, try again, succeed" treadmill. He does not really act out of his own interests but simply moves towards his predestined success. Rukia has no such predestination. She intersects with the plot without becoming its puppet. She's right there alongside Ichigo while having none of his advantages. She chooses to be there because she's quality.

>Rukifags unironically believe shit like this

Turned into shit after they defeated Aizen, and the best girl didn't won da Ichibowl

I stopped watching after the Rukia execution arc. But probably because I got thrown straight into a filler afterwards.

It continued past Aizen.

Well, Yoruichi and Ichigo were always sorta crack pairing. I mean, she probably wouldn't mind one night stand, but settling down together would feel weird.

Episode 115.

>"Ever since being kicked around by those Arrancar you haven't changed into a shinigami even once. Sado was beaten. Inoue was beaten. So what?! Are you a man whose resolve is so easily broken?! Are you afraid of defeat? Are you afraid that you cannot protect your friends? Or are you afraid of the Hollow inside? If you're afraid of defeat, then get stronger. If you're afraid that you cannot protect your friends, then get stronger and swear you'll protect them! If you're afraid of the hollow inside of you, then keep getting stronger until you can crush it. Even if you believe in no one else, stand tall and shout it! That's the kind of man I know you are!"

Does this describe Rukia in any way? No. Ichigo needs power creep. If defines him. If he's not the best, he's nothing. Give him a foe he can't defeat and he gives up. Rukia will stand and fight as she is. She can accept that there are those more powerful without losing her sense of self. She's a shinigami, which means being a part of something bigger than herself. If she loses, she loses; what matters is she tried her best.
Ichigo's a self-insert that only works in a fictional setting that can give him limitless power-ups. He's a one-trick pony.

So basically what you're saying is Rukia suffers from autism.

wait wtf really

It went to shit

I will hurt you.

Bad ending

Explained in the new novel why he hates the soul society.


Of course she's going to react differently when she loses? She's over 140 years old and a Shinigami while Ichigo is just a kid at the end of the day.

No it wasn't.

Well not yet anyway.

Though it really doesn't need to be since most people can come to their own conclusions on why a scientist would despise a god who is only a god in name.