The left can't me-

The left can't me-

Yanks are deluded

> left not realizing the government is a shark too

The left can only make retarded analogies using harry potter and GOT

That would actually be fucking cool having a bro shark to protect you from feral niggersharks.


Retarded analogy.


USA: Let's ban sharks from beaches

Australia: Let's institute mandatory teeth buybacks.

>Implying I wouldn't rather have a tactical shark with a laser on its head


Tactical sharks when?

that would be an amazing idea if domesticated sharks existed
I would love to own one


The left can't meme, sharks aren't inanimate objects in case you hadn't noticed. Also this happened and those lefty faggots protested that they shouldn't kill the sharks because the left are retarded and live in a fantasy world, which is probably why them blame whites whenever niggers kill people

>comparing a living creature to inanimate object

Checks out

If I could train a shark to protect or attack on my command fuck yes this would by my solution. Packs of attack sharks accompanying every swimmer

The best way to stop a bad guy with a shark is a good guy with a dolphin.

>caring about sharks

If you're bathing in the ocean, you kinda deserve to get eaten by a shark.

>put up nets
Mate, I think you're leaving out the times we roamed around in boats baiting, hooking and then shooting them.

I remember when a gun swam up to me and shot me in the ass, it was terrible

>that ID
nice one, user

>the Right: avoid shark infested waters or stay in the shallow part of the ocean, be have lifeguards and be vigilant on the beach, educate people on what to do in a shark attack situation
>the Left: ban high capacity sharks from the ocean

*tips tinfoil hat*

>he doesn't want a pet shark
Commie identified.


>lefties using this no-gun shithole as a shining example
telling, don't believe their lies, this country sucks

Are you fucking kidding me? a pet great white would be fucking awesome

I mean if you could train a shark to fight other sharks wouldn't it be rad as fuck?

If only there was such as thing as a bullet net that you could put up around schools...that comparison would be flawless.
Until the jews wanted to stage another one of course, then suddenly the nets would mysteriously disappear a few days before the next well-timed-for-maximum-media-exposure shooting.

No, the answer is to stop chinks coming in and fishing your local oceans empty,
if you don't want sharks getting desperate and coming into shore.

And I'm pretty sure the Aussies started shooting those sharks.
There was even a bounty on them one particularity bad year.
Of course the libtards protested that too.

So they put up nets and ignored the real cause.
For them, Chinks stealing their fish stocks.
For us, Jews attempting to erode our constitutional rights.

It's a double negitave

I want a shark

Nets are effective deterrents to predatory animals.

Pistols are effective deterrents to predatory animals of a different species.

We have both for a reason

they really cant .. this is retarted....

>Guns are sentient

>trusting the government post 9/11

We'd be 100% more screwed without government.

>guns move all on their own
liberal logic

at least i still have my sea bass

That analogy is wrong.

Australia: Puts up no sharks allowed signs and bans sharks thinking they will listen.

USA: Gives everyone spearguns so they can shoot the sharks. Capitalism will allow that person who shot it to be paid for the shark meat.

The left are fucking idiots. this is more proof.


I am pro shark amendment now

plus the kids can ride a shark at the beach

who the fuck wouldnt want to ride a shark

more like
the liberals: lets kill the sharks and sell them for food for the chinks

waco and ruby ridge are gone dude

It is well documented that dolphins protect humans from sharks.

Sharks are not guns.

Wow, that was easy.

The right to keep and bear sharks shall not be infringed

>Sharks living creature
>Guns ???

Holy false equivalence batman

> You'll never have a pet guard shark.
Why even live.

We let me see....

>m-m-mr president we need gun bans to stop violence
>just like we banned murder and made it illegal
>itll work mr president!!!
>we just need complex contraptions like automated locking doors and smoke gernade dispencers....

Trump: but what about arming the teachers?

>the left wants automation and robotics instead of state funded firearms training
>they think itll be cheaper


Orcas are better at defending from sharks. How many shark attacks have there been at Seaworld? Exactly.

Shark meat tends to have ciguatera. No good for eating.

the left really cant understand false equivalence and it just makes them look incredibly stupid.

Yeah gimme a shark pls

>literally shaking right now

You mean:

Australia: Kill all the sharks NOW!

Tumblr tier meme op. Gas yourself

I get the attempted anoaology but it’s hilarious that this literal argument is what conservationists would counter with “we need more sharks, shark free zones don’t work”