What the fuck was this anime? I just got around to watching this and it made me feel feels I haven't felt in years it actually made my heart race and no anime has ever done that before.
What the fuck was this anime...
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It's just very lovable and wholesome. More anime should strive to be that way tbqh.
>I just got around to watching this and it made me feel feels I haven't felt in years it actually made my heart race and no anime has ever done that before.
That's sad as shit...for you! There's much better anime out there and you chose to watch shit
As if you needed more proof that the YOI fanbase are compose of literal faggots
Like what?
>faggots show up on the second reply
They're getting faster and faster with every thread.
This thread was made by faggots
You sound like a bitter cunt
I'm just tired of people coming into every yoi thread to talk shit. Do I come to your waifu threads to tell you your waifu is garbage? No I don't because that's retarded and immature behaviour.
I don't even know why I'm engaging with you though. It's not like it's going to change anything.
Congratulations OP, corroborating popular belief, you are homosexual.
Gay fag crying hahaha this is hilarious
Is this another attempt at a thinly-veiled yoi thread?
Fuck off then
>retarded and immature behavior
I mean that's typical on here
>muh safespace
Sup Forums isn't for you, you should leave forever.
You sound like some retarded shitskin ESL
I guess it isn't. /vg/ is heaven compared to this board.
Why are people still falling for bait and replying to that retard? Just ignore him. Don't let the trolls shit up another thread
>As if you needed more proof that the YOI fanbase are compose of literal faggots
Yeah and? It's been like that since the beginning.
Generalfags like you deserve to be shat on.
Of course there are better anime. But you can't choose what you like, you just happen to like or dislike something.
Now fuck off with your banality.
It means you're gay, son.
That, or a fujo.
They think that mods are babysitting them is what makes them think they're entitled to think its "their board" therefore acting like retared monkeys
Keychain by goodsmile ,Phichit nendoroid is coming?
>board that is infested with waifufags derailing every conversation about the game
yeah i bet thats heaven for you
Filthy cross-boarder. That explains all the cancer.
When will an /ag/ board ever be created?
Wow, Pichit is really letting his poo in loo side show here.
Stop trying to make every thread a general.
Have a beta Vitya.
Fuck back to your own board.
This one doesn't look as good as in the anime.
Yeah, beta Victor looks like a generic bishonen.
He looks like a 40 years old single dilf
Glad they made him more goofy and played up his imperfections.
I don't think YOI wouldn't have been as fun if Victor looked like this, unless they applied his goofy personality to make up for his serious looking slave features.
Horrible. And where's the fivehead?
Angry faggot detected
Now have a beta Yuuri.
> /vg/
> heaven
Doesn't even look like an athlete, more like a generic nip otaku member of the anime club of his school.
Have another.
these look fake
Wow he looks like my Slav artistic gymnastics coach. Shit's fucking uncanny.
What's Putin's favorite pairing?
Yurio x Mila
Victor is too gay for women
Are there any concept sketches of beta Yuri?
I think it's because he doesn't have ballet neck
Would you fuck him?
Have yet another beta Yuuri. This time he is crying.
All my normal faggot co-workers like this show and they can't stop singing WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY!!! They would always post snapchats of them singing this shit at a local Thai restaurant while being served food.
I pretended to like it because I didn't want to be ostracized by my peers. There was one fat girl that couldn't stop talking about it every week during lunch. Every time she brings it up, I up and head to the restroom, then make up an excuse to pay the bill and leave. I can't stand this gay shit.
Absolutely. Haven't seen him since I was 13 so he's much older now though.
He beat me with a stick once, shit was cash.
Dumb phone poster
He looks pretty much similar.
Wow. I like yoi but I'd definitely come to hate it if I were in your shoes. I'm really sorry user.
user wtf, I want to work at your place now.
I'm sorry for you though.
What race is he, guys? Is he a pajeet? I thought most Thai people look like the Chinese.
I dont feel bad for you
Damn where do you work user? I'd love to be there. Still, sorry you have to put up with this. Maybe check out the show and you might like it.
From what is it? Production book?
From Hiramatsu's sketch book.
Which YOI has the best armpits?
Be honest user and tell your friends you do not like it, no one deserves to go through it.
New Hiramatz art sketchbook
Lilia has the best everything. I want her to molest Yurio and turn him into a mommy lover instead of a faggot. I've fapped to the thought of them together multiple times.
>inb4 fuck off hetfag
I just like Lilia, leave me alone.
Where is this from? Do you have the full picture?
Staff Book
I do not have the complete picture.
Definitely Thai, Thailand is full of mixed race between yellow(white) brown black people. and the reason why some Thai look like Chinese because there were huge wave of chinese immigration to Thailand about 100 years ago.
Just the fact that you're a rare Lilia fag is enough to make you a patrician.
He looks pretty Thai to me.
Thank you
So he's a mix of chinaman and pajeet? He is pretty damn dark.
Wow, source of the twitter?
Thank you!
It hurts to know that this will never be me.
>Yaoi on Ice
go away
Meh, it was complete trash. The animation was some of the laziest shit i've seen in years, and that's including Dragon Ball Super.
He's a Putin daddy lover
Thank you! I wonder which staff member drew that.
Fuck, now I want to see Fairy in a Yakov/Lilia sandwich. He can be their baby, sexually.
You mean you self insert as her? I knew Fairyniggers were always shitposting hetfags.
Nah he is native thai (black or not ). Even though it isn't 100% confirm because that is how other countries see what thai people like look just like how people think about america is blonde hair. blue eyes, whiteman.
Some things just come out right at the first try.
No I don't, idiot. I self-insert as Fairy. I thought that was clear from my post.
>Snapchat with my coworkers
I involuntarily shuddered for a moment
I hate how the sjw crowd latched on to this. It isn't fair.
You self insert as Lilia, that's even worse.
>have certain fetishes that cannot be appeased by regular yoi porn
>have to go to tumblr for all my yoi fetish porn because it's the only place where people draw such degenerate shit
Why? Why did I have to be born like this?
Maybe stop liking shitty shows and maybe you won't have to look up shitty porn.
At least it isn't SU or Voltron.
Look to pixiv fag
I get all my fanart and normal porn from pixiv. You don't understand, there are literally no pixiv artists in the YOI fandom who draw the stuff that I want.
>says this with a reddit:zero waifu
What fetish?
It's shitty, but at the end of the day SayoKubo don't give a crap about those vermin. They are not going to sacrifice their artistic integrity to cater to their whims.
>calls a show shitty
>uses ram as a reaction image
Yeah I'm glad they won't make Yuuri a fat black transman to appease those cunts.