Is he the ultimate anime/manga Chad?

Is he the ultimate anime/manga Chad?

How is he a Chad? He couldn't even attain his dream without sacrificing all of his comrades and abusing magic.
Griffith is the biggest bitch in all of Berserk.

>The Chad homosexual self-prostitution
>The Virgin involuntary infancy rape

those people were his property and nothing more. how did he abuse magic?

>how did he abuse magic?

Don't forget that he literally forgot his life's dream in favor of Chad cock.

Griffith is the Stacey of Berserk. Casca is the beta female whom the Stacey must eliminate to secure her rights to Chad.

Behelit more like Asspulhelit.

I don't even know what the fuck a Chad is supposed to be. Is this some shitty Sup Forums meme?

Even worse, /r9k/.

didn't his dick get chopped off?

Chad? LMAO! He's a fucking faggot dude. Doesn't he want suck Guts cock?