Trump is waiting to throw down the ace. Raising the voting age along with gun age to 21
Liberals are going to be bltfo! watch and learn from Trump
>Raising the voting age
why would he do that now.
Except for the military vote. Art of the Deal.
Because 18yr olds are the dems bread and butter. plus they're retarded
>elect democrat
>he starts shilling for gun control
>make excuses
Trumptards are absolute human trash.
College kids vote liberal because they don't work yet and are surrounded by peer pressure, no independence. That's why they always vote more conservative by the time they hit 30. Lower the amount of inexperienced voters and you lower the amount of left wing votes.
>constitutional rights don't exist until you're 21
>Raising the voting age along with gun age to 21
Then the vast majority of Sup Forums won't be able to vote for him in the next election
Whether its successful or not it will cause mass triggering. And then liberals will argue that 18 is mature enough to vote
>costitutional rights dont exist until 18?
vast majority of /pol probably isnt in the US
Just imagine the national shitstorm if he proposes this
cool image Abdul wanna bring it to the white house?
>memo released proving government officials commit felonies routinely
Trump can go fuck himself
Please let this happen. Voting + gun owning age to 21 PLEASE.
This way maybe all the teenagers' hormones will cool down before we give them any sort of power. They'll stop thinking with their feelings and start using their heads.
My apologies, I meant of the ones in the U.S. I still remember how many faggots on here let slip on election day that they had just turned 18 and had no clue how voting worked, and were convinced that being handed a voter guide at the far side of the parking lot was some kind of Democratic conspiracy to trick Republicans to vote left just because they were too stupid to let the guy handing them out know they were Republican.
>Raising the voting age along with gun age to 21
You can drink at 21, you can buy a gun at 21, you can vote at 21. Why not?
If there's a blowback he'll drop it, and away goes the gun debate until the next school shooting.
Can you really call yourself the good guy if your goal is to just make people forget about a problem until the next time it gets a bunch of children killed?
>your goal is to just make people forget about a problem until the next time it gets a bunch of children killed?
The goal is to force the left into a decision - either they agree that 18 is too young to buy a gun, in which case it's arguable that it's too young to vote, or it's not.
Only by trickery and not any actual logic. There is a bizarre notion you're pushing here, and it crops up a lot in western culture, that there is a single age that when you reach it makes you "capable" of making any and every decision you may need to make all on your own. But that's not true.
The ability to research political issues and choose candidates to back in an election is not the same thing as possessing a deadly weapon that could become a murder weapon in a moment of high emotion or in the hands of someone incompetent. Being mature enough to handle one of these scenarios does not equate to being mature enough to handle the other. And it will even vary from person to person which responsibility they become capable of handling first.
Voting age should be 30.
Too young for bullets, too young for ballots.
Draft age must be moved to 21 as well. The ability to die for ones nation should allow the citizenry to express their constitutional rights.
>The ability to research political issues and choose candidates to back in an election is not the same thing as possessing a deadly weapon that could become a murder weapon in a moment of high emotion or in the hands of someone incompetent.
But having political power that determines the fate of our nation and determines our policy is OK even if you're a retard with no real life experience? I trust mature Americans with guns more than I trust immature American children with votes.
campaign slogan
bideo gams are the problem guys uuhhh
That plus a National ID card and this country can start rockin’ out like its the free world, amps on 11 and party like it’s 1999.
This is the correct answer.
Those votes are never counted
I'd be ok with requiring a specific license to buy any fire arm if they would also require a license to vote
....yeah probably not OP
Once upon a time you had to own a farm to vote. Those were the days
What evidence do you have that Trump is raising the voting age?
> Still believing in Don the gun grabbing con.
I don't think posting on Sup Forums is halal, Ahmed
They used to have the requirement of landownership to prove you were an intelligent steward of property, as well as having a stake in the interests of the nation to vote and use your political tools wisely and judiciously.
Unless he changes the selective service age it won't happen
Trump doing this would show the true nature of the gun grabbing argument. Not about guns but empowering young idiots to vote democrat. By doing this it will show that their need to vote outweighs doing something to prevent killings
It's no coincidence leftist jews just started tweeting about lowering the voting age to 16. This goes hand in hand with their goal for lowering the age of consent, and will be ideologically packaged together.