He's been a complete disappointment, desu
Sellout. Never in a million years would the age of owning a gun ever be moved. Even liberals know this and liberal judges would never even entertain changing it unless they want to lose. If you can vote when you're 18 and go off to fight and die when you're 18 then you can bear arms when you're 18. It's already been argued a fucking million times. The most important not being military, but if you can legally vote for the fucking President of the United States of America then you can never have your right to bear arms be infringed upon by anyone, SCOTUS, Congress, The President, none of them can do anything about that. He knows it, everyone knows it, virtue signaling to try and get some liberal votes is pathetic and it'll just cost him more votes then he'll gain
Not your choice
There once was a man named Donny the Trump
His skin was as orange as a pumpkin
His followers claimed, day after day, that this man you could never be stumpin’
He’ll build us a wall over 40 feet tall and he’ll give us our guns and our freedoms
He’ll lock up ol’ Hill and her cronies and shills and in jail that’s the place that we’ll see em’
But days they kept passing and Trumpies keep asking
“Where are my guns and my wall?
I’m starting to think as we sit on the brink, that you’re doing nothing at all!”
Trumpy just smiled and sat with a grin as he legalized all of the dreamers
And snatched up the guns that he promised you’d keep with his cronies and globalist schemers
So come next election, when making the choice, no matter the swing of your views
We all know by now that a vote for the Donny will surely just bring you bad news.
>Never in a million years would the age of owning a gun ever be moved.
If they move it from 18 -> 21 what is to stop them from moving it from 21 -> 99?
It's the truth you /ptg/ faglord, deal with it
I love blumph now
besides banning bumpstocks that's completely reasonable
>still no wall
You realize that slogan was created by Russians & Michael Moore, right?
People who have ever been diagnosed with depression wont be able to buy guns. Will keep the left from arming itself.
I even backed him during the Syria strike and DACA deal but the gun control bullshit, no way man I can't support him on this.
Weak hands, mister Trump. You have been fooled by the mainstream media about the zeitgeist of the country, the same media that constantly slanders you is now forcing you to "do something" just to follow their narrative. Weak, very weak, you are giving up to their pressure. Weak president, you should know by now to never give an inch to those bastards.
GOP congress won't allow it and Democrats trying to make inroads in red states don't want more gun control.
Gun control is deader than amnesty.
Trump signing a gun control bill before a border wall bill?
Trump signing a gun control bill before repealing Obamacare?
Let trump dig his own grave, it was bound to happen.
Can’t even speak English Russian shill
Haha you fucking hicks got cucked!
I'm 100% single issue on the 2A, this has been a complete disappointment.
No, it isn't you retarded Kraut. You can join the military at 18. Furthermore banning everyone who saw a psychiatrist is fucking stupid. That's tens of millions of people right there.
Get back to sucking off the EU cock that's making your laws stricter because Muslims shot up Paris with illegal guns.
I supported and voted for trump and idk why people give a huge fuck about him raising the age and getting mental checks before giving people a weapon that can kill people. Like these bat shit insane conservatives come out of no where with how guns can protect you against the government that can drone strike you and fuck you and your stupid semi taking out your whole block. Guns wont protect you from the government but taking them away from kids and mentally ill people will improve our situation with killing sprees.
Someone PLEASE give me a HOGGPILL
I like Drumpf but I like my 2a rights more. We were supposed to get our rights back not lose them t_d neocon fag just give ground every time.
Trump's tweet really did a great job outing all the utter fucking retards on the whole of Sup Forums. Seriously. These fucking retarded shills can't even see its almost the exact same art of the deal shit with both Syria and DACA of which completely BTFO the shill's narrative.
I'm gonna give you a hint to this simple puzzle game. Look at his contradictory tweet. He said he will raise the age of ownership to 21 while providing benefits to armed teachers. Will Congress go with that? Will the dems support that fully? Think you utterly retarded blackedpillers and shills.
>tfw its actually real
I always said trump was controlled opposition that got lucky.
The jews have spat in our eyes, taunting us with false choices and false representation. This is our cue for the day of the rope.
That's because we're pissed we got betrayed faggot. No gunz kids like you don't care though you're just here to counter signal against your liberal Mommy.
Hello Vladimir. 1 Ruble has been deposited into your account.