Gun ban

Your guns are going to be taken away because of a Gen Z bald 56% lesbian. Let that sink in. The media is all over these kids and their movement is rapidly gaining traction. I thought Gen Z is supposed to be super red pilled but apparently not since they're organizing walk outs in favor of gun bans and shit. There's no point in trying to save the west at this point. Thoughts on these kids and their movement?

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This anti gun protest is political theatre, the silent majority of americans are satisfied with gun rights the way they currently are. Dont beleive the hype.

I wouldn't say satisfied. Many of us want them loosened.

SeeWe’re not losing shit. Le 56% dyke can get fucked.

I'm more interested in knowing more about how to get rid of all the ADL, SPLC and JIDF trolls here.

>Your guns are going to be taken away

How? Is she going to do it personally? That would be fun to watch.

Haha, faggots.

“Yes, finally some exploitable trauma in my life so I can begin my career of political activism and boost my resume to Berkeley”

Anybody know who's funding this movement?


>the government will take away your guns because of this live action role play event that occurred at some set

the "media" are enemies of this country and should be treated accordingly

Podesta is grooming the kids and Soros is paying the DNC

What if,just bear with me, What if these teenagers are actually just trying to make it harder for other teenagers to get ar15s and kill them?

What if that is what is happening? What if it doesn’t have anything to do with her sexual orientation, what if your gums are going to be taken away the school shootings will Go down with harder access?

Fuck off cia nigger

I need my gums though.

Gen-Z is completely split down the middle.

We're the generation of two extremes Far-left and Far-Right.

This Generation will be the generation that wages war against itself and the one that comes out on top will be the new direction America will move towards.

Recreational tactical nukes when?

>Le Epick Based Gen Z
>is almost majority nigger

Why is Sup Forums filled with literal retards?

If that's the case then they don't understand (or don't care) why it's necessary to have firearms, to which I would say - wait for American History next semester

ZERO MASS MURDERS at schools in ghettos, where security guards have guns.

ALL MASS MURDERS at schools in suburbia, where security guards are unarmed by GOVERNMENT POLICY.

That's CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. Trump is too candy-assed to indict those merciless kakistocrats.

I guess I just hope for some sort national confiscation so I can finally go crazy

>2/3 House
>2/3 Senate
>3/4 States
Even I know that bullshit won't work over there. Your founders were wise to entrench it so firmly.

>Gun ban
Nope. No one is even considering it.

Is it necessary for teenage mentally ill students to be able to buy semi automatic rifles to shoot up schools?

Why do boomer posters have to shit up everything they touch

Fpbp. Why is everyone losing their shit over this? It happens practically every mass-shooting I'll give it three weeks tops before all these moths find another streetlight to flock to.

It's not legal for teenage mentally ill students to be able to buy semi automatic rifles to shoot up schools, what are you suggesting?


I think you should firstly ban short-haired women. It looks totally disgusting.

>Why do boomer posters
STFU douche


Nothing will change i am 100% sure. Guns will stay legal, no 21 of age restriction, no bump stock ban, no background check no nothing. Screenshot this.

>implying you wouldnt

Sorry let me write it in a way you people understand
Why do dumb BOOMERS have to FUCK UP everything they get their FAT HANDS on? Cry more SNOWFLAKE

Are you autistic?

The media has continued to lose control of the people. Nice try M8

That's not why they're doing this. They're doing this to misdirect you from the actual physical evidence from the shooting.

It's like Vegas except this time they are occupying our minds with something instead of nothing.

I think it should be legal to shoot communists on sight.

These kids are not Gen Z. Also why is the spokespeople a dyke and a fag? Leftists are degenerate as fuck

It's retarded. The 9mm handgun is the king of murder. The AR15 is a .223 semi auto rifle. It's a scary looking varmint gun. I wouldn't take one deer hunting with me. Why in the name of fuck would outlawing an AR help at all when you could just go buy a .308 and do even more damage?

You know why no one knows how to solve the problem? Because it literally can't be solved. Part and parcel motherfucker.

Literally this. These kids marching isn't going to magically convince the American left to stop spitting on the police and military long enough to beg them to die disarming American conservatives. If the left demands registration/confiscation they get disemboweled and hung screaming by their own dripping guts in the streets like fresh deer, and they do not have the police/military support or the general experience with guns to prevent it.

This one seems different. The media is shilling extra hard this time. This will be the next #metoo #blm #resist movement of the season. This will last through midterms.

I call BS, the AR-15 is so powerful it can blow a deer clean in half.

only the media gives a shit you really can't tell how much nobody cares unless you live in Florida near the area. Nobody gives a shit. I live like 20 mins from the school.

I’m Gen Z living in the suburbs 30 miles of St. Louis. In no way is this generation red pilled

This. Disgusting really


To me it looks like they deliberately chose a high school for this one. "Killing the 6 year olds" at Sandy Hook didn't work, so this time they chose a place with their two handpicked kids, Captain Dyke and Admiral Faggot who can sort of regurgitate leftist talking points on camera. Other kids at this school have social media accounts, unlike 6 year olds, and they can stir up a frenzy of leftists and other underage retards to appear to be a sizeable mob. The problem for them is hundreds of millions of Americans literally own guns and so politicians would still rather shit themselves than do anything that could be seen as "banning guns".

Its a manufactured "movement". They cherrypicked the most obvious liberal activist students for their segments and town hall, and purposely ignored/refused to invite or take questions from any that hold pro-gun views. They had a questionaire that they handed out to students to decide who was best to push their narrative.

Prime example:

They wouldnt let this kid, or any like him (there are 350 JROTC cadets in the school, yet not a single one was interviewed about their stance on gun laws) come within 100 yards of asking a question during their town hall crap.

also, sage for shareblue slide thread.

>Baldy passes anti 2A legislation
>Gun owners forced to defend the constitution
Current situation in the west is taken care of while the constitution is held enact.
>Everything is right once more.

Actually I used to like short haired girls, but the TRAP explosion changed my perception.

Ain’t shit being taken away from anyone. Make it illegal and people will become criminals. So be it. They will not stop it. They won’t even slow it down

This thread has been posted and worded pretty much the same way a few times this is a shill thread.

Below 56% of American Gen Z kids are going to be redpilled, figure why...

Well not exactly, but to pretend like it's a pea shooter is ridiculous

lol wut

You do have a point the media is putting this one into maximum overdrive but I wonder why? The ripple effect from Vegas wasn't nearly this large. Is it because muh inclusive schools and muh children? Seems like the perfect setup for a leftist media tsunami.

The solution is simple.
Have every teacher carry an AR-15.

Anyone who belives in gun bans should equip their police force and security guards with slingshots

No really, the military used the first prototypes of the AR-15 bullet on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and we won the war, it was so good they decided to make a miniaturized version that could be fired from an assault rifle during the cold war in case we got invaded by the Russians. The communist threat is gone and now there is no reason for civilians to own these weapons of mass destruction so they can murder little innocent babies with them!

I was wondering this myself. And who’s puppeteering. Someone’s behind these kids.

>I thought Gen Z is supposed to be super red pilled but apparently not
Been saying this for years. Gen Z is a meme. There hasn't been a good generation since the 1920's.

>The media is all over these kids and their movement is rapidly gaining traction

Wrongfag, these kids are the media. The media created them.

That's an illegal wrist brace, you don't need that to defend your home. I'm reporting you to the RCMP and you'll have to surrender that dangerous weapon before you harm yourself or others with it.

Actual Gen Z here.

The current primary school culture is pretty much that of a college or university at this point.

Our generation grew up with the Internet, so logically a large majority of us see through bullshit. It's your jobs to keep shit real on the Internet and keep our more retarded voters from fucking shit up in a couple years when the rest of us turn 18.

Also, if anybody in my generation tried to take my rights away from me by force, I'd make parkland look like a fucking joke. Tit for tat.

You could see that with the retarded teachers in that debate last night.

Only difference is that you can still drop redpills and they're too stupid to see you just destroyed the agenda.

>the generation that allowed the vaginal Jew to vote
Oy schlomo.

That is exactly what it is. They failed with adults in Vegas so the next logical step is "remember muh chillens".

My post is all fucked up but my point still stands.

Here brainlet. This is a deer shot by 223. It's totally split in half isn't it?

Are people really using this as an argument? Christ. More kids drown in backyard pools
>ban assault swimming

Seems like a demoralization tactic at this point in time. Let's just pray that we can baton down the hatches and stay strong.

If we didn't lose our gun rights after Sandy hook or Orlando or las Vegas etc. We won't lose our gun rights now just because a bunch of tide pod eating teens are crying like a bunch of bitches.

These fucking idiots actually want confiscation. They don't understand what will happen if they conduct a confiscation. People will die. Lots of people will die. No one will volunteer to be the first one through my door because that's suicidal. She gets pissed because people call her a kid who doesn't understand shit. Well, she's a kid who doesn't understand shit.


I heard poachers use them to hunt elephants.

>their movement is rapidly gaining traction

>I fell for all the Jewish tricks.

This is just yet another angle on the good old we organize a mass shooting and try to trick the goyim with feelings. They've been doing this at least since Columbine. They've been attacking the 2nd amendment for at least the 32 years I've been alive. Given how old the NFA is, I suppose it's been going on much longer. This isn't going to stop until they push too far and the day of the rope finally happens.

Nothing is going to happen, this burrhead dyke will get her fifteen minutes of fame, then the fucking news will focus on the next marketable morsel.

How dare you compare columbine to this kikery, fuck off

>Your guns are going to be taken away
[citation needed]


Less than half of Americans even have guns.

Physical removal.

She's 18 but already looks like a 35 year old roastie.

I meant specifically.

if your only source for how redpilled gen z is, is the 100% left leaning wack job media, you're not doing your research correctly

sage shill you suck

What if pigs could sing, why, we'd have a chorus of bacon!

All these twits are doing is milking it for all it's worth.

clearly reddit did a better job than you guys.

>shoot animal with my assult Democrat approved second ammendment 17th century hunting musket
>bullet spread goes everywhere, accidentally hits my 14 year old wife's son

The founding fathers are killing our children

>we will seez all gunz

They can't even get some jews killed.

Who is this bald goblin and why do I suddenly see her everywhere?

It was too good an image to pass up. I don't know I feel like an r/The_Donald shit for brain if I jump to the DNC deep state and Soros shit, but at this point I don't know what else to think.

#StopNRAmazon Is trending on Twitter

This is literally a witch hunt, the left is going wild over all of this. They are now targetting Amazon on Bezoz claiming Amazon has a NRA channel and thats its evil.

Get on the Twitter front.

>I call BS, the AR-15 is so powerful it can blow a deer clean in half

I call B.S. I hear you could suck-start a jet engine with your powerful faggotry.

>People will die. Lots of people will die. No one will volunteer to be the first one through my door because that's suicidal.

They will target the softer gun owners of the communities first, then when they have their guns they wok their way down the lists till they get the the hard core guys they expect a fight with.Its not rocket science, and hardly anyone is going to die apart from the hard core guys who are anti authority their whole lives anyway. Win win for the authorities.

Yes, and all that's left is the tusks that they sell on the black market. We need to round up all these evil guns and bullets to save the elephants, the children and ourselves from these evil Drumptard psychokiller gun nuts!!!!

And guess which half want them gone? Automatic ban repealed in 2021, calling it.

A handful of teenagers and a bunch of idiots drooling over them != "rapidly gaining traction", dummy.

Had columbine gone to plan you wouldn't have seen a call from law makers to make propane tanks harder to get.