Whiteman maried to a black woman here. Whatexactly os a race traitor...

Whiteman maried to a black woman here. Whatexactly os a race traitor? I never swore loyalty to a race and just because I have blond hair and blue eyes that doesnt mean I have commonality with people who just have similar amountsof melanin.
The entire concept of loyalty to skin color is frankly retarded

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youre nothing rope cant cure

I was always under the impression that Bleaching was approved. It's just not right to be blacked.

no, its not, you get the rope too

You areaware no one takes you seriously right? We are gonna meld into a new race of Americans and there isnothing you can do about it

thats where youre wrong kiddo

enjoy your mutts

All americans are mutts

Actually there's plenty we can do about it.

You also never swore loyalty to the United States. But if you take state secrets and give them to foreign country, you are a traitor to the US.

Same goes for race

Lol at your pic though, I sense a buttmad roastie

Lmao but you wont.Your grandkids willbe brown of fuck brown people. The entire idea of the whiterace is a fantasy anyway

I am actually former military so yeah I did. But the idea peopleof the same skincolor have some sort of kinship is ridiculous. For instance I dont oqw poor white trash anything. Those people are worthless

I couldn't care less who you fuck or marry user.
>We are gonna meld into a new race of Americans and there isnothing you can do about it
but saying stuff like this makes you a retarded faggot, so kys famalam
I bet you think you're a good person too

They may be euro mutts, but 95% have no detectable non-european admixture, and the remaining 5% average less than 2% admixture, i.e. one ancestor (out of 512) circa the 1700s was non white.
You already lost, the die is cast and now it's time to figure out which side you're on.

I have nothing against fucking non white women. I even dated an Indian girl for a few months.
It's the idea of my kids being brown that puts me right off of settling down with one.

Look at the rates of interacial breeding and that will change. In addition the bulk of the white population are boomers. If you surveyed those under 40 the results would be different.
The avg white person is old and they are being outvred by the new americans: A people who have evolved beyond race. Your viewpoint is like phrenology and will disappear as it did. We dont even really need racial classifications

you can bleach negresses, just don't marry them.

You need to make white babies.

Black bitches don't make jizz that lodgers in your spine and carries on to your children.

White women getting blacked is bad.
Blackwomen getting bleached is good. You are even improving the black race and civilizing it if you sire a mulatto kid by accident.

>Whiteman maried to a black woman here.

you fucked up. I've known a few guys that have made that same mistake and their marriage ALWAYS results in them turning racist. It eventually becomes impossible for them to keep telling themselves that blacks and whites are the same. Then they realize they married a retard that is only capable of pumping out retarded babies.

>We dont even really need racial classifications
my eyeballs and bone marrow beg to differ
there are different races, people aren't the same. why is this such a problem for you?

This is my half black daughters hand. You should date anyone but white women user. White women are fucking awful

Nothing cures the liberal brainwashing that all races are equal better than living with a nigger.

Nothing you can do about it. In 5 years you'll be more racist than anyone else here.

You shouldn’t have come here. You already know deep down that you fucked up, and we’re goung to confirm it for you

>This is my half black daughters hand
1/2 half black = full retard.

If you married a white woman, you'd be saving for your childs college fund. Now you're saving for your daughters bail money.

Jesus Christ, he’s banging an Elvis impersonator. Sick and gross.

Why woyld you want to muck up your white genes? Adding nigger to your gene pool lowers everything about you. Whites are the more evolved race.

Actually wm/bf have the lowest divorce rate of any group.
>You need to make white babies
Why? I have no obligation to do so.
> muh blue eyes
I have baby blue eyes but dont care if ny kids get them because I am not a loser who relies on skincolor for my identity.

I’m coming to take all your wiminz Tyrone!!!

I have been here since/new/ in 2007. Stormfags are as laughably retarded and white trash as ever.

Congrats brainlet, your offspring will look retarded

>Actually wm/bf have the lowest divorce rate of any group.

that's because you're both stuck. you get divorced and you'll be single for the rest of your life. No one else will want your little halfrican spawn.

Lol says the incel. Have you even seen a vagina in real life or are you still waiting for you trad wife unicorn?

>I am not a loser who relies on skincolor for my identity.
I don't rely on my skin color for my identity, but it is a part of my identity. Should there be no asian people either? Do you want to breed out epicanthic folds? Is this a good thing to you?

Nah. We won't have to.

He'll see the problem soon enough. It starts with BLM shit, she takes their side and he tries to stay neutral because of the lack of evidence. She gets ticked off at that. That happens 5 or 6 times and she starts talking to him about it, meanwhile he goes on the internet to learn that BLM rallies were bullshit, that the people killed were crooks and really did threaten the policemen (i.e. Hands up dont shoot movement).

He spouts his facts, she spouts her emotions and personal experiences that he was not present for (aka he can't verify them). That happens for about 9 months and then she cheats on him and leaves.
>Story of me

There is no need to threaten anyone with violence. We say what we say because of what we know is true, and the truth is you stick to your race or your marriage will end in shambles.

Doesn't matter what you think a race traitor is or isn't. You have no sense of ethnicity or tribe. If you don't have that sense, your genes are recessive and it's probably better you mix with another group. Your kids will care about their skin colour though. They will care a lot.

Good luck with it.

> muh heritage
Lol iys patheitc that you take credit for the achievements of others. What have you done or is some mystical oppression holding you back like every other white trash moron?

Your kids will be niggers and will resent you as they resent all whites. They'll have lower IQs than you, too, and the familial bond between you will be weaker than if you had kids of your same race.

That's what it means to be a race-traitor: it's not a betrayal of your ancestors so much as it's a betrayal of your progeny.

You're a race race race traitor
You're gonna yours sooner or later

> Stick to your race or there will be trouble
Right a white woman would never cheat or file for divorce!

Sauce & more?

Congrats on having low IQ mudsharks

Has nothing to do with that idiot. Every psychological study says mixed race children are worse off, having identity issues.

Ohh scary.What areyou gonna do put up some its ok to be white flyers?oh man better watch out
>muh tribe
Lol what year is it? Gonnaspoutsomebullshit aboutbloodand soilor whatever fantasy novel shit you retards believe in?

If you truly love each other it's fine. Such cases are absurdly rare. As long as there isn't a trend in coal-burning/oil-drilling, it's all good.

nevermind, you're actually retarded and can't read.

Projections actually say by 2050 over 10% of americans will be biracial

>trusting the future statistic jew
Whatever. My point still stands - race-mixing just "for the heck of it" is absolute degeneracy.

This is funny. Niggers are cucks. Niggers are gay. Niggers are manchildren who cant handle a real woman. How can black bois even compete. Black bois BTFO.

I'm afraid the stats are in my favor here (that white women divorce white men less than black women)
>source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_States#Marital_instability_among_interracial_and_same-race_couples

>White - White = 1.00
>White - Black = 1.44

But look, in all honesty, all we do here is shitpost and provide info. Do your best to make your marriage work All that I'm saying is, statistically, the odds aren't in your favor.

>Projections actually say by 2050 over 10% of americans will be biracial
And it's beautiful.

Why? Peopleshould sleep with who they want. There is no imperative to produce kids with european features. We are all equal

Looks like a homo ginger and super fag Porto Rican

Thats white femals divorcing black men all you proved is that when white women are involved divorce goes up

>There is no imperative to produce kids with european features


>literally der Untermensch
I try to fight my inner Hitler, but god damn it, it can't be helped sometimes...
Bro, make you should consider re-reading what I wrote.

feel free to stop larping anytime

At least you are bleaching

Fuck off.

Why so backwards, Boyko? This is how the future is going to look like, get over it.


Read the table again
>Black male - White Female = 1.62
>White male - Black Female = 1.44
>White male - White Female = 1.00


The result is still a 56% White mutt. Maybe the child will have better personality traits when the guy is White, but they are still not at a Europeans level, on average.

>white people did a thing
>here is why that is racist
>t. barbara nosenstein

>everything white people do is racist

Vova pls, I can't take anymore...

ADid you know there are currently more white people alive than any other time in history? where is this white genocide?

Stay baited, fuckos


This. Who cares hiw many white people there are? Why is that important?

There is nothing white men can do right. They call us boys ffs.

>i-I'm an oldfag believe me
Anyone having to prove that they are an oldfag isn't one, they are just a faggot.


also, OP is a nigger

oh wait i havent read the op passed the first few words. it was 70% sure it was a bait but him mentioning he had blue hair and blond hair make it 99%

im out, choke on a dick retard

Goddam. Nazis were so stylish.

>Whiteman maried to a black woman here

you're a nigger, just admit it

Wow, like I don't even understand how can someone be such a bigoted asshole. People should be allowed to love whoever they want to, it's none of your business what partners they choose. This isn't Jim Crom anymore, get in touch with the times.

>white man dates black woman
>its cultural appropriation

Good, its like these faggots want segregation.

>I have baby blue eyes

"baby blue" as if we didn't already have enough evidence that you're an insufferable faggot.


>I have commonality with people who just have similar amountsof melanin
because the difference between europe and africa is just melanin right?

they look like aliens disguised as humans

>Claiming a nigger woman is cultural appropriation

Someone has been giving you incorrect messeges. The issue isn't about white men banging black women, it is the reverse. Patriarchy is built upon men owning their daughters, then giving ownership to the new husband. The death of this system is the death of Western civilisation. In that system, race mixing was easily prohibited as fathers selected white sons-in-law. You are a man, ergo free to sow your seed. Our issue should always have been about women.
Look at children of white men black women, they usually turn out well, as white men make good fatehrs - Andre Ward being a good example. Black men are idiots that can't raise children. Blacks are the only race where the women are smarter than the men, s white men black women isn't socially damaging like white women and niggers.

This guy gets it.