How does one leader become such a laughing stock?
How does one leader become such a laughing stock?
You may be laughing now, but he's making sure Canada is filled with niggers, chinks, and arabs.
Was there ever a time when Canada wasn't the laughing stock of the world?
Why is your leader a pathetic embarrassment?
Because it's 2018.
Canada used to be highly respected as a fairly benevolent ally to the US.
Now look
>Gets snubbed by the very person he came to meet
>Invites PM's assassin to dinner (by mistake)
>Dresses like a meme
No reason you guys are dying
>>Invites PM's assassin to dinner (by mistake)
wait what?
>How does one leader become such a laughing stock?
It's because Canadians value mediocrity and demagoguery. Trudeau is a total demagogue with his openness and other gestures
Idk, that's pretty funny too. Everywhere else? Not so much. Leafistan? Down right hilarious. Day of the rake when?
he's such an embarrassment, jesus christ
guys, what did he mean by this?
Trudeau met a man who was charged with attempted murder of a politcal rival in a incident on Vancouver island bc
Chads can get away with anything. Even being gay and walking around in bollywood clothing baka
He clearly believes that women are inferior to men and needs to show modesty by covering themselves.
he is not chad.
whos that square jawed fag behind trudeau?
I wanna know what the Indian in the pic is thinking. The Indian is dressed fashionable while Trudeau and his family look like pandering retards.
how is this funny? you want a wall in the north as well? because you'll need one in the future
To the incels here? Anyone who can leave their house is a chad. This is just another /r9k/.
- Hello is this the Bangalore Office?
- Hi, my name is Justin Trudeau.
- The computer is not working.
- Reboot it and call us back. Thank you very nice.
trudeau is such a spineless pussy that even the leaf shills are too ashamed to reply to this thread.
I don't think the world has ever seen a bigger pussy leading a nation.
it's almost like he's the insensitive one for dressing over the top in "cultural" garms when he could've just worn a nice suit like every other leader.
He is the PM of a country, has a chad face, chad body, moderately hot wife.
He has achieved more than you ever will and he can pull off some gay bollywood attire.
Please help us.
Hey easily offended brigade, isn't this cultural appropriation? Or since it is one of yours it doesn't count?
Trudeau is like a school shooter but instead of an AR-15 he takes in 15 Arabs
Sven made a funny
>Takes in 15 Arabs
Which is infinitely worse.
Swedes always make the most autistic jokes, it's kind of cute.
Ask trump
Is there a Leaf version of Trump?
You are just salty because you are not man enough to compete with him.
Is this the best youi can come up with? Like, you have 10 minutes and i put a gun to your cuck head and the best insult you can come up with is this?
This is so pathetic, I just wanna fuck your wife in front of you to humiliate you. And I'm white.
They don't tell them like they used too
>>Gets snubbed by the very person he came to meet>Invites PM's assassin to dinner (by mistake)>Dresses like a memeNo reason you guys are dying
Unironically true.
Sadly no.
Who's kids are they, Sup Forums?
Cuckdeau is the living proof that leftists have become parodies of themselves.
>be leaf
His wife's boyfriend's.
when Barron was this kids age he was already 6'
weak genes all around
Looks like he forgot to have his elder's balls chopped off
>dresses like a meme
by wearing a hijab , he signals his daughter is ready for marriage... pretty fucked.
>when you virtue signal so hard the country your trying to suck up too laughs in your face
Oh Trudeau never change bud
>tfw this is Trudeau getting less cucked
he is just respecting other cultures stop with this nonsense?
Where are all the stop harper cuckolds & hags at now that are dollar is in the 70 cent range and declining?
He's pandering on a massive scale. When foreign leaders visit the U.S they dont show up wearing a cowboy outfit or shit like that
There are “stop Trudeau” stop signs all across the prairies
Even liberals hate this stupid asshole now, the liberals have always been incompetent but Trudeau then goes to Ottawa and says “oops lol guess I was wined and dined by Chinese billionaires lmao”, “oops lol I kinda support splitting up India and now the entire nation fucking hates me lmao sorry eh”
He’s a new level of incompetent, and it’s hilarious
shit i'd respect any foreign leader who shows up looking like John Wayne
hello my white friend
Fidel Castro's.
>goes to Japan
>dresses in a kimono with one arm hanging in the neckline
I would be amused, but I would be on guard against any patronizing shit.
This is why we need Swedes not to be replaced by Somalis and Muslims, they make good jokes sometimes.
Notice that not even Trump haters are saying that they are moving to Canada anymore. They would probably rather go to those "shithole" countries than take their chances in Canuckistan.
he can decide what he wants to wear nothing wrong with it
Mutts don't have logical thought processes
That and we aren’t border cucks and you need to do something useful to get into Canada
>sorry kid working at a California bong shop isn’t valuable enough WTF IM MOVING TO CANADAAAAA
> takes in 15 Arabs
So basicly, he's your average Swedish woman?
Dont worry.Better people have lost their mojo in India.
Starting with Alexander.We are like that.
She looks like a slice of pizza
he's just getting in the best position to sniff theresa may's farts
Thats not Indian dress.Why are those women wearing towels on heads?