White genocide red pills

Can someone give me the tl;dr on "white genocide"? Is it real or just a meme? How do I prove its real in a debate, what is the best way to do so? Don't just spam articles by Jewish authors, tell me which laws or organizations have worked to genocide whites.

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>Is it real or just a meme?
It's just a stormfag meme.

But it has some basis in reality right?

>just because some jews are leftist anti-whites it means jews are exterminating all whites
Try harder.

I mean or.... maybe its just because there are more births than deaths in Africa because the majority of countries are third world and the more developed a country is the less kids they have butt.....

Well one has to distinguish between Europe having immigrants and America, a land stolen from Indians and Mexicans being changed through immigration.

Birth control and condoms essential destroyed the West in terms of sexuality and birthing. Sex stopped being about children and it started being about pleasure. Homosexuality and another degenerate fetishes are the logical consequences of contraceptives. Our birth rates are low because of this. It is our own faults.

It's real

our birthrate is sub replacement levels

we will go extinct if nothing drastic happens

we would not be if we hadnt allowed jews to destroy our countries with immigration and or feminism

its that fucking simple

that wouldnt have had a terribly detrimental effect if we didnt pay women to shit out kids from niggers

>It's just a stormfag meme.
Is it really tho?

But who promoted the destruction of gender roles and promiscuity?

It’s less white genocide and more like white suicide. Yeah, Jews subvert shit but if whites are so easily coerced then that’s a fault of their own.

You simultaenously accuse Jews of promoting degeneracy while limiting sexual pleasure through circumcision.

>a land stolen from Indians and Mexicans
You can't "steal" land from nomadic hunter-gatherers with no concept of property, and conquering land from a conqueror (Mexico) isn't theft, its your reward for winning in war. Mexico started the wars where they lost land, it wasn't like they were a victim. Natives genocided and enslaved each other before Europeans arrived.


we just need to kill faggots like you then to solve it

it isnt necessarily even bad that our birthrates are declining, so long as we keep shitskin hordes from flooding in

fucking dumbass

Our weakness is being exploited by Jews, but it wasn't created by Jews. It was actually the Enlightment that destroyed us and the Enlightment comes from ancient Greek values. The same values that destroyed ancient Rome, in particular the Roman Republic. Cato the Elder warned us about the degenerate nature of ancient Greek values and culture, but we didn't listen. Jews are just exploiting us because they want survival of their people and they see our suppression as a good way to stay alive. Everywhere that ancient Greek values has manifested, degeneracy has followed. Hell, it completely destroyed the Jews after Alexander conquered them and Hellenization began.

>jews promote self-destruction for goyim while holding themselves to higher standards
Gee, its unthinkable really.

>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations

> Nathan Abrams on Jews in the Porn Industry
> The Jewish Masters of Porn
> Pornography, sex slaves, prostitution… Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?
> Jewish Porn Star James Deen–“The Jews know we’re better than everyone else. That’s all that matters. It’s true. We’re the Chosen People. It’s a fact.”
> Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable
>Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

>whites must toil in shit in medieval times otherwise they'll create a culture of love and technology which can be subverted by kikes

hello kike

no, we just need to kick you all the fuck out of our countries and maybe wipe israel off the face of the earth

my god the way you fags come full circle to some cuckold fucking psychotic nonsense is pathetic

you all should just fucking kill yourselves, fucking clueless newfags

You have zero understanding of history. Do you honestly think that by killing Jews our degenerate nature will quickly subside? It is a state of being that is magnified by enlightment values. Cato the Elder is right.

Mexico was independent in 1821. You broke all the treaties with Indians until you controlled all the land. And no, America began the 1845 War.

You say Jews enforce circumcision on gentiles, though.

>You say Jews enforce circumcision on gentiles
Nope, you're the one who brought that up. Whether that's true or not is irrelevant, considering all the evidence that jews push degeneracy on goyim while holding themselves to anti-degenerate laws. Just like their Talmud gives them permission to cheat the goyim financially, while restricting them from doing so to each other. Selling porn is the same, it doesn't violate their laws unless they sell it to other jews.

Guess they should have fought harder then.
They lost, get over it.

Well it's not a surprise. Families stick together, nations compete.

Did you know Germany wanted to give back Texas and California to Mexico in 1821? What do you think of that?


The whites are refusing to surrender their ill-gotten gains.

>Mexico was independent in 1821
So? They started the war with America where they lost land.
>You broke all the treaties with Indians
Me? You're the one with the Burgerfat flag, burger.
>And no, America began the 1845 War.
Burger education. Mexico attacked Texas after they voted to join the US, then they attacked US soldiers in the Thornton Affair and at the Battle of Palo Alto. The Mexicans started the war without even officially declaring war. Spend some time studying your own history, Amerifat.

Wrong. Mexico never recognized the Texan secession nor the American annexation. America started the war with the provocation by sending troops to the border of the Rio Grande.

Innaccurate. We're below 10% already. Amerimutts fuck up the accuracy.

>Wrong. Mexico never recognized the Texas secession
So? They sent troops to attack other troops, which they did. Mexico wanted a war, so they attacked.
>America started the war with the provocation
Is this like when an SJW shoots you in the face because being white means you're a nazi, and nazis are "provocative"?

Also, why do you complain only about the US treatment of natives, but not the Spanish/Mexican treatment of natives that was far more bloody and brutal? Spaniards didn't even bother making treaties with natives, they just exterminated them.

>650M in Europe
>200M in North America
>100M in South America
>50M in British Commonwealth & Africa
>1.0B Total
>1/8 is 12.5% of World Population

Those Mexicans revolted against Mexico because they realized Mexicans are corrupt assholes.

>Well it's not a surprise.
But you only admit to it when you're cornered by enough evidence.
>Families stick together, nations compete.
Then you admit jews desire to enslave and/or exterminate their competitor races.

Exterminate? Not really. "White genocide" must be the only genocide in history without a single casualty.

"Mexicans" you mean racist Anglo settlers.

Not speaking for Mexico here because I never looked into thier history.
Indians had diffrent tribes much like any other country with parts of the land they claimed for thier own. Lots of infighting and war -- like every other country.

When Whites/British came to America their numbers where few and they didn't know how to farm/work with the soil. They needed the help of the Natives in order to grow crops or they would have died the first year easily. They where even open to 'fair trade' inwhich the Europeans where cheating them out of value most of the time.

This was the natives MAJOR MAJOR mistake was to play the nice guy/Uncle Tom.

To be fair the story sounds some what like the story of immigration today. The numbers started low with the government being nice enough to welcome some in and help them along. Then over time the numbers grew and they gained enough resources and things just spilled.

Use their own words against them.

>"White genocide" must be the only genocide in history without a single casualty.

>without a single casualty

>How do I prove its real in a debate, what is the best way to do so?
Talk about how replacement migration is official UN policy. Then point out the UNs own definition of genocide, which includes population replacement.

If the same levels of immigration were happening to black countries, it would be decried as genocide.

Shall we add in all the goyim that died in wars for Israel too?

It's real. Our countries will be very mixed and then the gates will be open to all other countries. The gates are open now as it is. What do you think these countries will look like with even more 80 IQ niggers running around. You think 1/3rd of black males really go to prison just because we are mean to black men and not Asian men? 1/3rd of black males is just the ones we catch doing illegal shit multiple times.

>without a single casualty

America? Stolen from Indians and Mexicans. Not a white land. Also, blacks kill each other more then anyone else.


Those are white invaders though.

Notice how this was the first post? Any thread about "white genocide" is flagged and shills are immediately deployed.

Name me some.

How many have died or been raped at the hands of rapefugees brought to European lands by Jewish lobbyists?

Jewish lobbyists? Or lazy Europeans who wanted cheap Muslim labor in the 1970s.

>Those are white invaders
You realize bantus in South Africa arrived AFTER European settlers, right? The only indigenous were the Khoisan, who the Bantus regard as "game animals" and hunted for meat.

>Jewish lobbyists?

Blacks are still more related to other blacks.


America and Canada were stolen from natives. With regards to Syria, I hope the civil war ends.

America was stolen from Indians and Mexicans. Mexicans are the natives.

Khoisan aren't related to Bantu culturally or genetically.

Nonstop non-white immigration




More so then Dutchmen.

>America and Canada were stolen from natives.
Americans and Canadians didn't "recognize" native claims, so it wasn't theft, according to your logic about Mexico and Texas.

>Mexicans are the natives.

Yes they did. They signed treaties which they then broke.

It's a neo-nazi virgin meme. It's not like every race on the planet are physically stopping white people from fucking.

Whites aren't having have kids, it's not a problem that is too hard to fix.

Then vote in a nationalist party. Nationalism isn't necessarily anti-Jewish. Franco, Salazar and Mussolini didn't hate Jews.

Not according your logic, you just decide not to recognize them one day, then you can attack and its not aggression. Natives were being aggressors by living too close to white lands, by your own logic.

>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

What are you talking about?


> physically stopping white people from fucking.
spot the low iq moron
they import mostly arabs and niggers men and then give them financial aid, since european women are demoralized through mass media making them more materialistic they are more likely to choose a nigger as a breeding material because social conditions are being led that way
of course average male will have problem finding a mate

The problem whit the population reduction is actually complex, it ranges from economics, the relationship betwen the sexes, r/k reproduction strategys etc..

If people here actually put some honest attention about the problems of population you guys will notice that whites are not the only ones that are bot having enough children, even places like mexico are falling into these trends.

texas and california belonged to mexico in 1821 my educated amerimutt friend

I see what you did, very clever Fingol.

Why the drop do you think?

Whoops. I meant to say in World War 1.

It's only complicated because the mess of the system we have is complicated, it's not like it has to be this complex, in fact it's all a matter of you giving so much free shit to women that they only consider the top 20% to be suitable mates.

This is actually a bit of Sup Forums propaganda too. White women in the West, especially the united states, are actually more likely to mate with white men than white men are to mate with them. White men are more likely to race mix, so there's a little problem with Sup Forums's theory on these things.

"women that they only consider the top 20% to be suitable mates."

Those virgin tiers.

He's not even an American. Guaranteed he's some beaner anchor baby.

why do you think cucking is on the rise? it's because women have a choice and they're disgusted with what they have

Hi user,
the richer a society, the less children they produce, it has been true for every wealthy society. Thats why some minorities are not overreproducing in the US, they are "well enough".
On the other hand, the poorer a society, the more children have to be produced to help the "tribe" survive. That is why you see a lot of children in poor "white" countries, such as those in eastern europe.
Some see this trend and interpret some kind of conspiracy behind it, as Sup Forums is prone to do.

Answer me one simple question, is it because he doesn't want kids or is it because she doesn't want kids?

>why do you think cucking is on the rise?
White men race mix more than white women do, Sup Forums believes the opposite is true because it makes them feel better about fapping to asian porn and being ignored by white women. You also believe black men have bigger dicks than you, and that women are mindlessly throwing themselves at massive black cocks.

Sup Forums will basically believe whatever the last meme was it saw, they never look up legit number or data on anything

>Why the drop do you think?
My theory follows Mouse Utopia theory

>>>>insinuating people from europe couldnt farm....

really? so they came here and completely forgot about everything back home? Indians may have shown them a thing or two, but you act like they were totally helpless. Winters in Europe arent as bad as compared to winters in the USA?

Sounds totally like how it really happened.


Interesting. Depressing but interesting.


>Sup Forums propaganda too
if it didn't work, they wouldn't be imported en masses at such rate nice tardy/pol/ bullshit

>So instead of making yourself more attractive to a mate you try to shit up the government in an attempt to force the women to fuck you.

Seems like a losers excuse. And even if you say the women are going after darker skin men there's still plenty of them who did and didn't enjoy it. Also plenty of single mothers.

IF you actually gave a damn why don't you just fuck some of these women that are still searching for a man? Problem solved.

cucking isn't necessarily race mixing, and it's the MSM that is pushing the cuck shit, not Sup Forums

It's just a fact that white men marry outside their race more than white women do. Black men also marry outside their race more than their women do. Its a virgin incel myth to make you all feel better about having low sexual market value. You just tell yourselves that women are disloyal whores to protect your egos from feeling worthless.

I see where youre getting at, if I had to push a baby out of my dick I wouldnt really want it.
Though I think its mostly both, they prefer career and luxury over big families.
Or have you seen many men fawning over the prospect of having children?

use stats from wherever or however you like. in todays countries and world. Look at europe.

White = peaceful tolerance
Black = savage poverty
Hispanic/muslim = somehwere in between

we have literally all of our history and modern day shape of the world to see the difference. quit being coy and just be honest. the cognitive dissonance and the hoops jumped through to act like we are all the same is getting so tiring.

Total meme. There are more white people alive now than ever before. These retards just believe they have a right to only live among white people which is bullshit

> Also plenty of single mothers.
>IF you actually gave a damn why don't you just fuck some of these women that are still searching for a man? Problem solved.
only amerinigger would suggest something so degrading

>White = peaceful tolerance
Is that what you call the destructive exploitation of ressources all over the world? Kekerooni

thanks for the sourceless pictures, you sure made a worthless post

Women can't have both a career and kids, or at least they have to have kids first. Somehow they ended up with the belief that they can do whatever the fuck they want until they're 30 and then settle for someone that makes more money than her, well past here prime when no man worth his salt wants her anymore.

You can't run a society with the current model, nature itself won't allow it.

The coping is real

>There are more white people alive now than ever before.
There are more of all races alive now than ever before. The debate is over the ratio of birth in one race to another, and whether or not deliberate policies to limit birth rates in white Europeans has taken place.

I am talking about how America isn't an indigenous white land.