>race mixing is not allow-...
Race mixing is not allow-
No amount of curves will compensate for that brown/purple snatch and skin. You latina obsessed degenerate are just as bad as the weebs who obsess over asians.
You're years late my dude, a large part of Sup Forums not only wants to racemix, they think it's the best thing they could do.
Though probably it's just beta americans making excuses as to why they end up with a gook instead of a normal girl,
faggot detected.
that is objectively top quality genes.
>muh IQ
IQ is literally not even that interesting to actual scientists it's completely overrated. It's much better to have lower IQ but more social skills. Just look at this high iq cespool that is pol
my ex's mum is blonde hair blue eyed and hr dad was is a native south american
god damned shes hot... lighter skinned than OPs pic but tans really easily.
I miss her.
Gross. I bet she was born with herpes.
dios mio, e-el ogro!
god damn, she's sexy as fuck
>IQ is literally not even that interesting to actual scientists it's completely overrated.
Low IQ detected lol
whites have no natural tendency to "mix", they prefer their own
Pew Research Data
>brings up iq when it wasnt even mentioned
>hh-h-high iq doesnt matterr reeeee
Fuck off Carlos. Your insecurities are leaking all over the place.
i unironically have a purple pussy fetish, but i think brown nipples and skin look gross. should i just end it all now?
she looks like this chick i tried to bang last year, any more pics?
Long Mint?
>brown pussy
My gf is latina and she has a tight pink pussy. Don’t know where this meme comes from.
>that is objectively top quality genes.
I'd fugg this bitch til my dick fell off but you're a retard if you think she has top quality genes.
Also you're a faggot and this thread is cancer.
pretty people often hide bad genes.
Good looks are often parasitic. Look at Angelina Jolie. Hot as fuck as a young woman but she is genetically predisposed to breast cancer.
Chicks with good genes are often plane Janes with child bearing hips and high fertility.
Look at George H.W Bush's wife.
She popped out 5-6 kids and is healthier than her husband. She's like 100 years old. And she wasn't considered super hot.
comes from virgins who only watch porn that features "latinas" more like half black half aztec street prostitutes.
>barelly any tit
>she has to pull up her ass to make it look big
Plenty of mutts in muttsland so im sure you'll eventually find yourself somthing that has a pale skin with a purple cunt.
> Survey happened in America where whites are majority and are more likely to be rich
> "American Indians" still live in reservations, isolated one from each other, and the only way for them to live normal life is to marry someone out of their group
La luz extinguido...
Something is clearly going on in Texas that conflicts with this research. I've been here less than a year and I've seen so many fucking mudsharks out here it's crazy.
I can see that. Some of those (((latinas))) are actually romanian or some kind of balkan or straight up mulatas.
that is not a way to "fight fallacies", my dude
Yeah, I really want a semi-attractive incubator for an 85-IQ child. Thanks, multi-culti!
Margaret Thatcher. Built like a tank. Big and brutish woman. Popped out 2 kids, had a career, Prime Minister. Built like a Russian babushka.
Hot girls are for fucking, mistresses. Tough looking women are for breeding.
>my mutt has white features
Because of race mixing degenerate like yourself.
Pink pussy on the inside, not outside, faggot
>triggered spic
I wouldn't breed with it but i would fuck the hell out of it.
Mexican and Central American woman are not latinas .
They are pure trash. Anybody who race mixes with them needs to kiss their European ancestry goodbye because the kid will always identify with “la Raza”
The best things to do is get a “white” Latina because they hold strong conservative and traditional values and you don’t have to worry about your daughter becoming a Nigger lover
isn't a white latina the child of someone who mixed with what you just described as "La raza"
what you said makes no sense
No such thing as a white latina. You are either white or a spic. Your pic related is definitely not white.
only tight cause you have a little dick.. a real man woulda busted that out by now.
>purposely contorting your body into a totally unnatural position to appear much curvier and symmetrical than you actually are
The absolute STATE of roasties.
Imagine being this faggot
When did your parents cross the border?
Gross af goblina
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Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
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My girlfriend is a 60/30 European/Native Mexican. I'm 98% European. On a scale of one to ten, how fucked are my prospective children?
all anglos should be fucking ip range banned from this board. you're the reason we're in this mess.
A white Latina is somebody whose ancestors came from Spain /Europe and they never race mixed.
See pic related
They don’t migrate to the United States because usually their very well off
That is just a slav though.
on instagram
Looks like my ex GF who was Sicilian
They will be ~80% European
>porn threads are not allow-...
>troll threads are not allow-...
you don't understand genetics.
those are jews you fucking idiot