Survival in South Africa

Can any white South Africans tell me about what’s happening in South Africa, and what they plan to do about it?
How do you plan to keep yourself and family safe in the future, and not be oppressed by the government?

Also are there many whites in the military? Do they retain enough power to stop it from turning against the whites? And would the white soldiers lay down their arms and side with their people over the government?

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It's pretty obvious they need to leave. What are their children going to be left with? The only thing keeping them there is $$$


I don’t think the US will have a civil war anytime soon.

South Africa is fine
Everything is great here after apartheid
Nothing is wrong
Don't let the racists fool you

How could we want anything more
Everyone is happy
Living standards have improved for everyone
People are exaggerating the corruption and crime

If they come after the guns. Most certainly.
Boomer is old and ready to die..hes not gonna give up his guns. He was in nam and can snap a mother fucker like that.

You underestimate how retarded life is.

If you had the means wouldn't you just leave that dump.

It's turning into the next Zimbabwe. And anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot, it's happening right before our eyes.

You think SA is bad now? Fast forward 20 years. It'll be Congo tier

Okay fair enough. Do you think Zuma resigning will lower the corruption and the new economic plans of the government will help everyone?

Get out of that shithole my white brothers.

do what my (((white))) friend from college did. His family moved to the states in the in 91 or 92.

The ruling black elites are all communists. Hardline communism is going to happen, fast or slow I dont know. The navy and air force still have some whites, none in the army.

I wouldn’t leave the place if it was my home, but I would want a plan to secure my survival and my family’s safety.

Get to reading up about the thread and listen to the SA boys

Shut the fuck up you lying nigger, even Capetown is corrupt now.

May the drought and ensuing famine kill you

You can still carpet bomb the niggers. Aren't jews literally running your country?


Tell me user how much do you spend on private security to live safely in SA?

Never ceases to amaze me how dumb niggers actually are.

Even if they rid all whites from south africa, they'll still blame the whiteman after their communist dream fails.

How much do you spend on a maid and garden services?

Agreed. 90% of the time.. all of the time this is true.

kek, the eternal slave
>pic related

Primitivism and agrarianism is final redpill

Fight or flight mentality... most of the flighters have left over the years... All the people who have accepted as for what it is and what it can become have stayed. News vs reality.

>hiding from nerve gas on trees is a final redpill

Bless her heart :)

underrated post


Keep telling yourself that, boet.

There's a lot happening here, our new President has pretty much said that the ANC will take land owned by whites will be taken by force.


we will have destroyed nerve gas before it can be used against us

I still have a hard time understanding how you allowed nigs to take control so easily. Like, whites controlled the military, economy, intelligence, surely you could have found ways to prevent blacks from complete take-over. Yet, you just gave up on power and let nigs do whatever they want. What broke you guys? Was international pressure so bad?

Lol forgiveness to the level of violence and mistreatment the AWB government did to the non-whites... But in all fairness all white believe is we giving them a turn to 'return the favour for aparteid', let them take revenge but when they are tired of revenge... We will finally take over and move forward together and run the country properly (excluding the racistness and racism, race being neutral). This is the general belief..



Reminder that only South African kikes are pushing the "muh white South African genocide" conspiracy theory because they're still butthurt that their white liberal (((capitalist))) party lost to Nelson Mandela's ANC in the 1994 elections. Don't let them D&C just because they hate the blacks that want to help the people.

>In 86.8% of the murder cases the victims were African. Coloured: 9.6%. White: 1.8%. Asian 1%. Unknown: 0.7%. Since white people make up 8.85% of the population, this made them by far the safest demographic.

>80% of all whites were murdered by other whites

You must have a triple digit IQ to post here

I heard south african government is censoring even the news of how they're going to steal everything from their whites

so before they know it, they will have nothing left to their name, no money to leave

they will be fucking slaughtered if they dont slaughter the niggers

and we all know if they slaughter the niggers faggot leftist cuckolds all over the world will be up in arms about how niggers are being supposedly genocided

read the first letter of every line you bunch imbeciles

Why aren't the farmers bringing the whites who live in tin shacks onto their land for mutual protection? Most of the farm attacks are perpetrated by niggers they know or work for them?

you bunch of imbeciles*

>all those replies that didn't get the meme

Wont be supposedly, if whites get the upperhand the nigs will be genocided. They deserve it.


Everything was fine in St Dominique until the Haitian revolution came. Then they slaughtered the White men, raped their women and children and eventually killed them aswell.

The revolution is disturbing to read about.
How fucking naive the french were.

That's not what your mom said last night when she was picking up the soap...

Alot of them want to leave, Africa is a lost cause.

Petition the U.S. government to accept them as refugees.

They already can't stop the rapes and murders, when shit really hits the fan, it's full genocide and it will probably be supported by the U.N.


Contact your representatives, get SA the help they need.

>How do you plan to keep yourself and family safe in the future, and not be oppressed by the government?

By going back to your own country you white bastard.

My mother has gastro, did she not tell you?

She did mention it.

Any white person born outside of Europe should call Boers brothers. I'm literally an 89% (11% native American) face (I learned through ancestry DNA), but I'm waiting for the civil war. when they call for my help, I'm going to buy my plane ticket that day, bring all my money, bring as many other white people as I can, and also guns.
>inb4 "hurr durr why don't you leave?"
>inb4 "DUUUUURRRRRR you're getting what you deserve"
you should be executed.

So then what the hell were you doing there


The Boer has to go fucking back, it's that simple.
Stay and get slaughtered by black superiority.
Your choice.

Bending her over... Getting in there... Seems obvious at the time...

Africa is for Africans, you should not be there, you're a mutt so it's awkward but assuming you were actually white.
You should be home in Europa.
Europe for Europeans.
Asian for asians.
Nignogland for nogs.

My internet Afrikaner meisie hasn't been online for 24 hours, I'm sad.

Kek, anyone who didn't realize what is up with this post is a 100% retard

Actual Real life in South Africa.... It's different from what you see on the news...


>"hurr durr, you're only 90% white, thats not white enough"
You're a literal kike, and I would watch you hang and choke to death slowly if I could. The white people living in SA have been there since the 1600's, they have no reason to leave, land doesn't belong to a specific race, it belongs to the race that's strong enough to hold it.


Oh my

But revolutions are always fought by the young. Old people have too much to lose, their family, their house, their fat pension pot.

If I was living in SA with my family, I'd probably think of leaving for the sake of my family. Hell, sometimes I caught myself thinking of how I should leave Brazil for a brighter future for my children. But then I remember how my ancestors tainted this land, I remember this is my country, founded by white people and later jewed into chaos.
So I understand when some Boers say they dont want to leave, their families have been living there for generations. Also, the South African civilization was built by whites, I dont consider the mud huts that were there before a civilization. Plus, many settlements were actually built in unhabitated land.
So they have all the right in the world to stay, and I think we should support those with our prayers and, if necessary, blood.
But, its not for any autist on Sup Forums to judge if they choose to leave, for caring to your family is just as honorable as caring for your country.
I wish all you people in South Africa well, may God protect you guys.