Le 56% memes

I honestly don’t know which is more ironic. The fact that in every “amerimutt” or “56% meme” all the flags posting about it also live next to Mohammad. Or the fact that every country posting in those threads is upset that we were able to elect the most based current leader with only 56%? Regardless, have fun living with Mohammad and your shit leaders while we enjoy watching your countries go to shit.

so you are saying you actually a nation of BASED mutts?


Case in point

the worst part of this meme is how brainlets get so easily confused and think that 56% means "all americans, every single one, is only 56% white" which makes no fucking sense whatsoever but it's what 90% of the memes consist of now.

on top of this, there are very few actually mixed race persons in the US, the vast majority fall into one clear category.

Exactly. And it’s funny bc they bitch about their shit leaders. But they claim we are all mutts then how were we able to elect a more based leader? Are they saying mutts are more based than their country?

>hides flag
Oh hey Mohammad

You ARE mutts. Americans are all mixed and look nothing like pure Europeans.

>puffy facial features

>Sharp features

Lmao then mutts are better at voting than white people is what you’re saying?

You’re a fucking retard. Have fun with your open borders, Mohammad

> Red-pilling you on the mutt meme

A ((())) psyop designed to scare "alt-righters" into questioning their own heritage thus quietly & secretly giving in to the 23andMe/AncesteryDNA services and sending samples. When the samples are returned back with (((results))) that the person finds horrifying, the hope is that the person will abandon their alt-right belief and (((embrace leir diverse background))). Or, the alt-righter, not knowing they have been lied to and they aren't actually this/that/whatever, will kill themselves. Either way, it's a win/win for (((them)))

I would say it's mostly Iberian/Sicilian Italian admixture in Americans that gives them a different frame than people in more Central/Northern Europe, doesn't mean they are mixed.

The mutt meme is hilarious because of how mad it makes American mutts and Europeans who rely on scraping for very transparent bait in order to make a joke.

My family is 100% German and named after hitler’s bergof mansion. Our family takes pride in staying 100% German, all the way back to our immigrants great grandparents. The whole Midwest of the US is really white.

I do find the outrage funny but the fact that we have the most based leader even though we “aren’t white”. Well that must mean that the “white” countries are fucking retards.

I'm worried about this because I've been seeing more Latinos and blacks in the SE Wisconsin countryside lately.

A lot of people realize this! My point was if our country “isn’t white” how do we have a better leader than “white” countries?


>pic related

> "how mad it makes American mutts and Europeans"
> "things that exist only in my head"

Want to explain what you mean smarty pants?

better open up another ptg shillthread for your redpilled le 4dchessman (pls die for israel)


>most based current leader
also stop acting butthurt over goblin memes. creaturas cant handle the bantz

Based Sweden does it again!

Honestamente, no sé cuál es más irónico. El hecho de que en cada "amerimutt" o "56% de meme" todas las banderas que publican al respecto también vivan junto a Mohammad. ¿O el hecho de que cada país que publique en esos hilos está molesto porque pudimos elegir al líder actual más basado con solo el 56%? A pesar de todo, diviértete viviendo con Mohammad y tus líderes de mierda mientras disfrutamos viendo como tus países se vuelven una mierda.

nah lol

>Literally a 'whiter than you muhammad' post

Amerimutt memes having taken off because they are basically the new D&C slide threads, they shit up every thread and makes it impossible to have any good topics going. This is perhaps one of the most brilliant moves they have orchestrated of late as they can get a lot of gullible right-wingers to peddle it alongside the shills.

I mean, the fingolian meme is funny every once in awhile, but that is EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE.

Nonstop Amerimutt posting is an obvious D&C psyop, the left can't meme for shit, what they can do however is adopt right-wing memes.

And a lot of you dumbfucks are falling for it.

Speak English. Anyone that doesn't, doesn't matter.

> they shit up every thread and makes it impossible to have any good topics going
ikr? literally every thread

>Americans laugh at every other country
>Americans get laughed at


lol retard its just copypasted OP translated into spanish
now please excuse me while I'm derailing this totally serious thread with my obvious psyop


oh god
I literally spilled coffee through my nose
now my nose hurts and the table is filthy

well the 56% meme is certainly real here in Los Angeles, might as well be le 20% face at this point, just got home from school, had 2 classes today.
1st Class had ~30 students, probably 10 white at most
2nd Class had ~50 Students, probably 8 white students.

I'm out of this brown shithole right after I graduate.

>the sound of a razor drowns out the constant screams of YOU ARENT YTTTTTTTTT in half Spanish and half fat English

it's bait you fucking retard. Unless you live in a city or California or the southern states, the population is about 85% white. The only reason it is so prevalent is because it's effective at riling up feathers.



what is "shareblue"?



So how’s your gf’s boyfriend, Mohammad, doing?

Lmao kys

So how is the Muslim immigration going over there? Looks good, Mohammad

You're right based MAGApede, just don't harvest our genes please

Literally paid shills

You “whites” voted for him. Nice one

dios mio..

Move the Midwest, spic

Speak a language that matters

el abominácion..

>Mohammad learns spic talk



UKhisimusi omuhle!

Varg is a racemixing fag

>try to warn europeans they're fucking themselves up with migration and their lack of freedom of speech and gun rights
>they respond with nothing but le 56% XDXDXDDDD

all the real european men left for america and then died in world war 2

all thats left is spineless cuckolds who cant do anything but scapegoat all of their problems onto americans with delusions which are honestly borderline psychotic

>"we wouldnt be fucked if it wasnt for YOUR AMERICAN LIBERALS"

well maybe you should stop sucking our fucking cocks 24/7 and then being mad when it comes back to bite you in the ass

literally how is it our fault that nearly your entire continent of white people have cucked themselves with the kinds of extreme liberal delusions mostly only held by our shitskins?

Wow wtf ur so right

Where the hell did that come from?

Just don't harvest my genes please Mr González...we all admit you are the w-whitest


23andme is jewed as far as I remember, they add some % of non-white to screw wit dem rassischsmuss

>blonde hairsissy eurocuck mad that americans have more dominant traits like black hair and an actual culture of racial pride instead of self hate

>blonde hairsissy
>american talking about blonde hair like it's a bad trait



>blonde hairsissy eurocuck
Fuck you, atleast I'm a cool fucking alien and not a nigger.


la abmoniacion de rusia...


Don't start an internet fight you can't win, creatura
simply not enough memes have been created for you to outpost me

el constitución de los estados unidos....

el goblino..

There's an endless supply of real life pics from Russian youtube

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Mutt thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Amerimutt agent guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a mutts in America. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Eurofag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "LE 56% LE 56% LE 56%." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.


usted pidio esto, creatura









reported to FBI



You actually believe we aren't going down the shitter too? Trump isn't going to save us.

And the land of the...


I love this meme so much

56%ers vs Mohammeds is the war for the soul of Sup Forums

>be murrican
>be completely unable to laugh at yourself
>get psychotic when someone else laughs at you
>wonder why people are still laughing at you
The success of Amerimutt in a nutshell.

I unironically like the Amerimutt meme because I am white with light hair and blue eyes. I don’t have to yell about muh white race because I live it every day. You mutts are disgusting LARPers who are insulting pure whites by pretending to be one of us. You’ll never be white lol

>I honestly don’t know which is more ironic. The fact that in every “amerimutt” or “56% meme” all the flags posting about it also live next to Mohammad. Or the fact that every country posting in those threads is upset that we were able to elect the most based current leader with only 56%? Regardless, have fun living with Mohammad and your shit leaders while we enjoy watching your countries go to shit.

It's because you are 56% white and your president can't do shit about it, even secure the border to stop making things worse with every minute.

It's a coping mechanism for Eurofags.
They know they don't have very long before the Mudslimes take over so they're lashing at a country that is still in the fight.
And other shithole countries are just piling on because it's a breather for when their little dust piles get made fun of.

Only amerimutts believe that America is 56% white, by now it's 47-44% and dropping
